Schall Arachnid Platoon

Adds different classes and tiers of Spidertrons in-par with power armors and tanks from “Schall Tank Platoon”. Allows the first Spidertron to be crafted much earlier (basic tier is available just after vanilla tank); while tier MK2 roughly corresponds to vanilla Spidertron. Currently provides 13 weapon choices, ranging from machine guns, cannons, particle beams to BFG. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro, Русский)

3 months ago
1.0 - 2.0
Transportation Combat
Bob's mods Copyright
4 years ago
Latest Version:
2.0.0 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.0 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
5.35K users


Adds different classes and tiers of Spidertrons in-par with power armors and tanks from “Schall Tank Platoon”.
Allows the first Spidertron to be crafted much earlier (basic tier is available just after vanilla tank); while tier MK2 roughly corresponds to vanilla Spidertron.
Currently provides 13 weapon choices, ranging from machine guns, cannons, particle beams to BFG.


Earlier & More Spidertrons

Vanilla 1.0.0 has introduced the brand new Spidertron. Combining mobility, auto-targeting with remote controlling, it is an exemplary piece of war machine!
However, it is available in very late-game only. By the time you can obtain one, probably you already have everything (e.g., level 3 modules, atomic bomb, artillery) except rocket launch. Spidertron comes too late to be of any use...
Even if you continue playing after rocket launch (or postpone the launch) and ride the vanilla Spidertron to wreck some aliens, its weapons are not particularly interesting. The quad set of rocket launchers is not particularly effective, but you have no other choices. Also their ammo are relative expensive.

Want earlier access to the Spidertrons?
Want more weapon choices on the Spidertrons?
Want a small & agile Spidertron for fast movement as recon or transportation?
Want a durable & strong firepower Spidertron for frontal assault?
This mod fulfills such wishes, and is especially suited for multiplayer servers.


3 (4) Tiers

This mod provides multiple tiers of Spidertrons, in-par with power armors and tanks from Schall Tank Platoon.
The first Spidertron (basic tier) is available just after vanilla tank. It refers to the modular armor, with similar grid size.
The upper tiers (MK1 & MK2) correspond to power armor and power armor MK2 respectively, with larger grid sizes together with other improvements (more health, higher resistances, better mobility).

If Schall Alien Tech and its power armor MK3 enabled, the fourth tier (MK3) will also become available.

Note: The vanilla Spidertron roughly corresponds to MK2 under this system. (Though MK2 Spidertrons are slightly better than vanilla one.)

4 Classes

This mod provides four classes of Spidertrons: light Spidertron, medium Spidertron, heavy Spidertron, super-heavy Spidertron. They correspond to the four core classes of tanks in Schall Tank Platoon.
The light Spidertron is smaller, faster, and consumes less fuel. Due to its small size, it can only be fitted with the lightest armaments. It is better for the recon role, or as cross-country transportation.
On the other hand, the heavier Spidertrons have larger sizes, slower, and consumes fuel less efficiently and more quickly. However, they can use more deadly armaments like the equivalent tank cannons.

7 (13) Weapon Choices

The Spidertrons use a modular system, so chassis of different classes are just the beginning!
With the chassis, there are a total of 13 weapon choices to be installed with!

The 7 core weapon choices are: single machine gun, double machine gun, autocannon (20 mm), cannon (75 mm), cannon (88 mm), cannon (128 mm), multiple rocket launcher.

The other 6 weapon choices are: particle beam, plasma gun, particle cannon, BFG 6000, BFG 9000, mega particle beam. They are available when Schall Alien Tech is enabled.

Vehicle Equipment Support

Vehicle equipment from Schall Tank Platoon are automatically usable on all Spidertrons of vanilla and this mod.
Say, vehicle energy shield can be used on any Spidertrons here.

Defense Equipment Support

Defense equipment (Gun pods) from Schall Gun Pod are automatically supported on all Spidertrons of vanilla and this mod.
Yet the class restrictions still apply, and are acting similarly like on the tank classes.
Say, autocannon pod can be put on Medium Spidertron, to enhance the combat firepower.

For more details of new Spidertrons, please see the FAQ section.


Game 1.0.0 has a bug loading save game, if the prototype of any placed (built) Spidertron is not present. So before disabling/uninstalling this mod, be sure to remove (mine) the Spidertrons first! (Not only this mod, but applicable to Spidertrons of any mods as well.)

Mods Dependencies

  • Schall Tank Platoon is strictly required, since the vehicle grid system is provided by it.
  • Schall Alien Tech is optional but highly recommended. The MK3 upgrades of Spidertrons and extra weapon choices will only appear if this mod is installed.
  • Schall Transport Group is optional but highly recommended, since it puts vehicle-related items into a new group tab, making the crafting menu more tidy.

Mods Related

  • Schall Gun Pod is an extension mod, introducing several ammo-consuming turret equipment, could work with Spidertrons of this mod. It provides alternatives to the personal laser defense, and do not need any power/battery to work.
  • Schall Uncraft is helpful with Spidertron series, allowing you to get back the chassis for weapon switching or upgrading.
  • Schall Oil Fuel provides alternate fuel sources. The otherwise useless (in 0.17) heavy oil and light oil become fuel when barreled, usable on Spidertrons.
  • Schall Perpetual Machine provides some infinite energy source (though expensive) that can be installed on modded Spidertrons of this mod, no longer consumes any fuel to operate!
  • Schall Starting Inventory is optional but useful, since it allows adjusting starting invenotry, like a light Spidertron as initial item.

Locale Supported

  • English (en)
  • German / Deutsch (de)
  • Traditional Chinese / 正體中文 (zh-TW)
  • Brazilian Portuguese / Português Brasileiro (pt-BR) by NickFury23
  • Russian / Русский (ru) by JohnTheCoolingFan

Non-English locale are provided by Schall Language Pack.
If you like this mod, and would like to provide other translations, please do not hesitate to send me a message. (Corrections on spelling and grammatical mistakes are welcomed as well.)

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