Assist train organizations and dispatches.
Adds a GUI listing idling and stalled trains (or other customizable filters). Displays train status, for easy and quick schedule inspection and assignment.
The GUI provided by this mod will display trains that requires your attention. This will save you a lot of time to determine and locate trains that get stuck for whatever reasons.
You can choose to display all trains, or save up part of the screen by narrowing down the list. Applicable filter conditions includes:
- Status
- Surface located
- Name of (leading) locomotive
- Type of carriages
- Item contents
- Fluid contents
- Name of (next) station
- Name of line
- Any combinations of above
The buttons and filters can be re-hidden again, to save screen space.
This mod also allows editing train (leading locomotive) names, colours and lines, in an easy and quick fashion. You can name them and save as template for later uses and batch apply to other trains.
For more details (like status code, layout notations), please read the FAQ section! The user guide is also included.
This mod adds GUI into the save game, but should be automatically removed upon disable/uninstallation.
Planned Features
- More train layout notations: The three notations (plus all the locomotive direction and connection sign combinations) provided by this mod are sufficient for my own use, but various users (like you) can prefer to use your own set of notations. Feel free to provide the name of your favourite notation, and all the rules and needed details to make it work in Discussion section!
- Extra style set of train status sprites: For colour-weak, colour-blind users, or users who prefers meaningful logos instead of simple colours. Suggestions or even directly sprites are welcomed. Please post them in Discussion section!
- View train details in a new GUI.
Mods Related
- Schall Overseas Railway allows construction of rails over water tiles. Nice and easy way to explore overseas!
- Schall Armoured Train provides some stronger locomotives and cargo wagons with upgrades.
- Schall Oil Fuel provides alternate fuel sources. The otherwise useless (in 0.17) heavy oil and light oil become fuel when barreled, usable on locomotives.
- Schall Perpetual Machine provides some infinite energy source (though expensive) that can be installed on locomotives, no longer consumes any fuel to operate!
- Schall Satellite Controller displays information of rocket launches.
- Schall Endgame Evolution displays information of alien evolution progress.
Mods Compatibility
This mod uses entity types to distinguish locomotives, cargo wagons, fluid wagons, and artillery wagons. Even different variants of them should be of these types, so in principle they should all be compatible.
Mods Supported
- Vehicle Wagon 2 is supported. The vehicle wagons uses a special symbol "V" in the train layouts.
Locale Supported
- English (en)
- German / Deutsch (de)
- Traditional Chinese / 正體中文 (zh-TW)
- Simplified Chinese / 简体中文 (zh-CN)
- Brazilian Portuguese / Português Brasileiro (pt-BR) by NickFury23
Non-English locale are provided by Schall Language Pack.
If you like this mod, and would like to provide other translations, please do not hesitate to send me a message.
My Other Mods
- Schall Language Pack Non-Game-Changing
- Schall Transport Group Helper Mods
- Schall Circuit Group Helper Mods
- Schall Minor Tweaks General / Balancing
- Schall Starting Inventory Cheats (Start)
- Schall Starting Tech Cheats (Start)
- Schall Chunk Alignment Helper Mods
- Schall Radar Alignment Helper Mods
- Schall Map Tag Helper Mods
- Schall Ore Conversion Mining
- Schall Factorio Gear Manufacture / Non-Game-Changing
- Schall Belt Configuration Logistics
- Schall Belt Configuration × Krastorio Logistics
- Schall Belt Configuration × Bob's Logistics Logistics
- Schall Inserters Logistics
- Schall Autolinked Chest Logistics
- Schall Railway Controller Trains / Info
- Schall Overseas Railway Trains
- Schall Entity Inspector Info / Manufacture
- Schall Machine Scaling Manufacture / Power Production
- Schall Pipe Scaling Logistics / Power Production
- Schall Recipe Scaling Manufacture
- Schall Machine Modification Manufacture / Power Production
- Schall Modules Manufacture / Balancing
- Schall Module Placement Helper Mods / Manufacture
- Schall Satellite Controller Info / Manufacture
- Schall Oil Fuel Oil / Power Production
- Schall Perpetual Machine Power Production
- Schall Uncraft Manufacture
- Schall Uranium Processing Manufacture / Power Production
- Schall Radioactive Waste Storage / Environment / Weapons
- Schall Virtual Signal Circuit Network / Blueprints
- Schall Lamp Contrast Circuit Network
- Schall Circuit Scaling Circuit Network
- Schall Primary Battery Armour
- Schall Suit Armour
- Schall Tank Platoon Weapons (Vehicles)
- Schall Arachnid Platoon Weapons (Vehicles)
- Schall Ammo Turrets Defense
- Schall Gun Pod Weapons (Equipment)
- Schall Recharging Weapon Weapons (Guns)
- Schall Land Mine Weapons (Mines)
- Schall Combat Robotics Weapons (Robots)
- Schall Armoured Train Trains / Weapons
- Schall Armoured Train: Nostalgia Trains / Non-Game-Changing
- Schall Alien Tech Weapons / Big Mods
- Schall Artillery Weapons (Artillery)
- Schall Missile Command Weapons (Missiles)
- Schall Geowarfare Weapons (Missiles)
- Schall Geowarfare: Nokia Phone Weapons (Grenades)
- Schall Tank Woodcutting Mining (Vehicles)
- Schall Alien Mutation Enemies / Balancing
- Schall Endgame Evolution Enemies / Info
- Schall Alien Loot Enemies / Mining / Manufacture
- Schall Remains & Pickup Enemies / Helper Mods
- Schall Pickup Tower Logistics / Helper Mods