A small mod allowing module placement into multiple machines with just a single selection.
How repetitive and boring is it to place the CORRECT set of modules into multiple machines of your factory?
Even more annoying having to switch modules? (Say, when upgrades are avaliable...)
Even way more annoying to keep modules in OCD order on bots building? (When multiple module types used.)
This mod will greatly simplify the workload in above situations!
The module placement feature can be activated by either hotkey (default: Alt + M) or shortcut. The "Module Placement" GUI will then be popped up (or hidden on second click).
On the "Module Placement" GUI, users can choose and setup types of machines, and desired sets of modules to be placed in them.
"Primary" is the first set of modules being attempted to be placed in. This should be the module set that you primarily want.
"Secondary" is the second set of modules being attempted to be placed in, and is used only if it has failed to place the Primary set (e.g., productivity modules on non-intermediate recipes).
Tips 1: If only vanilla speed modules and efficiency modules are desired, put them in Primary set. The Secondary set would then be irrelevant.
Tips 2: Vanilla productivity modules should only be in Primary set; then apply only speed modules and efficiency modules in the Secondary set as "backup" (as above screenshot.) This will allow quick and smart placement to recipes that may support productivity modules.
Module Placement
When activated by the same hotkey or shortcut, or by clicking the fourth and green button on "Module Placement" GUI, the cursor stack will change to the selection tool. Use the selection tool on entity machines (similar to vanilla upgrade planner) will then attempt to place the modules into those selected, as what you have set in the above step.
Machine types NOT set in the GUI will be skipped from any changes.
Introduced from 0.18.2 / 1.0.2 / 1.1.2 onwards, newly built machines can also be automatically placed with modules, according to what you have set on the GUI. This works even if the GUI is closed! So you simply have to tune the settings ONCE and then forget. The module settings will work like the default for the rest of your game.
Note that this will not apply on ghost building (e.g., from blueprints, copy-and-paste), as users would want the copies to be identical to their source instead.
Module Removal
Similar to module placement BUT holding shift key at the same time, will remove any modules from the selected entity machines.
Dismiss Selection
Like any other items, the selection tool can be dismissed with the clear cursor hotkey (default: Q).
This mod do not modify the existing content in the save game. This mod should be safe to be disabled/uninstalled at any time.
Mods Related
- Schall Modules introduces a few tweaks on modules, together with a powerful set of mutlicomponent modules.
- Schall Entity Inspector has a direct and clean ingame GUI, to display production rates of various machines (including most machines of this mod). Speed and productivity effects from modules and beacons are also supported.
Mods Compatibility
This mod should be compatible with any modded modules.
This mod should, in principle, be compatible with any modded machines, unless they are compound entities and relying on script to apply module effects.
Locale Supported
- English (en)
- German / Deutsch (de)
- Traditional Chinese / 正體中文 (zh-TW)
- Brazilian Portuguese / Português Brasileiro (pt-BR) by NickFury23
Non-English locale are provided by Schall Language Pack.
If you like this mod, and would like to provide other translations, please do not hesitate to send me a message. (Corrections on spelling and grammatical mistakes are welcomed as well.)
- Inspired by Module Inserter. Yet this mod is written from scratch. Please see FAQ for mod differences.
My Other Mods
- Schall Language Pack Non-Game-Changing
- Schall Transport Group Helper Mods
- Schall Circuit Group Helper Mods
- Schall Minor Tweaks General / Balancing
- Schall Starting Inventory Cheats (Start)
- Schall Starting Tech Cheats (Start)
- Schall Chunk Alignment Helper Mods
- Schall Radar Alignment Helper Mods
- Schall Map Tag Helper Mods
- Schall Ore Conversion Mining
- Schall Factorio Gear Manufacture / Non-Game-Changing
- Schall Belt Configuration Logistics
- Schall Belt Configuration × Krastorio Logistics
- Schall Belt Configuration × Bob's Logistics Logistics
- Schall Inserters Logistics
- Schall Autolinked Chest Logistics
- Schall Railway Controller Trains / Info
- Schall Overseas Railway Trains
- Schall Entity Inspector Info / Manufacture
- Schall Machine Scaling Manufacture / Power Production
- Schall Pipe Scaling Logistics / Power Production
- Schall Recipe Scaling Manufacture
- Schall Machine Modification Manufacture / Power Production
- Schall Modules Manufacture / Balancing
- Schall Module Placement Helper Mods / Manufacture
- Schall Satellite Controller Info / Manufacture
- Schall Oil Fuel Oil / Power Production
- Schall Perpetual Machine Power Production
- Schall Uncraft Manufacture
- Schall Uranium Processing Manufacture / Power Production
- Schall Radioactive Waste Storage / Environment / Weapons
- Schall Virtual Signal Circuit Network / Blueprints
- Schall Lamp Contrast Circuit Network
- Schall Circuit Scaling Circuit Network
- Schall Primary Battery Armour
- Schall Suit Armour
- Schall Tank Platoon Weapons (Vehicles)
- Schall Arachnid Platoon Weapons (Vehicles)
- Schall Ammo Turrets Defense
- Schall Gun Pod Weapons (Equipment)
- Schall Recharging Weapon Weapons (Guns)
- Schall Land Mine Weapons (Mines)
- Schall Combat Robotics Weapons (Robots)
- Schall Armoured Train Trains / Weapons
- Schall Armoured Train: Nostalgia Trains / Non-Game-Changing
- Schall Alien Tech Weapons / Big Mods
- Schall Artillery Weapons (Artillery)
- Schall Missile Command Weapons (Missiles)
- Schall Geowarfare Weapons (Missiles)
- Schall Geowarfare: Nokia Phone Weapons (Grenades)
- Schall Tank Woodcutting Mining (Vehicles)
- Schall Alien Mutation Enemies / Balancing
- Schall Endgame Evolution Enemies / Info
- Schall Alien Loot Enemies / Mining / Manufacture
- Schall Remains & Pickup Enemies / Helper Mods
- Schall Pickup Tower Logistics / Helper Mods