Schall Ammo Turrets

Adds turrets covering most existing ammo. Currently includes: minigun turret, sniper turret, rocket turret, autocannon turret, cannon turrets, flamethrower turret - propane gas. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0
Bob's mods Copyright
6 years ago
Latest Version:
2.0.1 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.16 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
15.0K users


Adds turrets covering most existing ammo.
Currently includes: minigun turret, sniper turret, rocket turret, autocannon turret, cannon turrets, flamethrower turret - propane gas.


Many types of ammo (e.g., rockets, cannon shells) do not have turrets to fire them. Now new turrets are added by this mod to fire most of them, including the newly added autocannon shells and high caliber cannon shells. Vanilla gun turret has a quite short range, so sniper turret is added to cover the range at the sacrifice of fire rate.

This mod provides the following turrets:

  • Minigun turret: using bullets as ammo. (Shared by pistol, SMG, tank machine gun, etc.)
  • Sniper turret: using bullets as ammo. (Shared by pistol, SMG, tank machine gun, etc.)
  • Rocket turret: using rockets as ammo. (Shared by rocket launcher, rocket artillery.)
  • Autocannon turret (20 mm): using autocannon shells as ammo. (Shared by light tank autocannon.)
  • Cannon turret (75 mm): using cannon shells (75 mm) as ammo. (Shared by medium tank cannon.)
  • Cannon turret (88 mm): using cannon shells (88 mm) as ammo. (Shared by heavy tank cannon.)
  • Cannon turret (128 mm): using cannon shells (128 mm) as ammo. (Shared by super-heavy tank cannon.)
  • Flamethrower turret - Propane gas: using petroleum gas, light oil, heavy oil, crude oil as ammo.

For more details and stats of new turrets, please see the FAQ section.


This mod do not modify the existing content in the save game. This mod should be safe to be disabled/uninstalled at any time.

Needed Helps

  • Sniper turret needs a sprite sheet on turret part. (Can share the base of vanilla gun turret.)
  • Flamethrower turret - Propane gas needs some changes in sprite sheet, to distinguish itself better from flammable liquid form.
  • Any suggestions or help are welcomed! Please leave me a message in Discussion section.

Mods Dependencies

  • Schall Tank Platoon is strictly required, since this mod corresponds to the ammo introduced there.
  • Schall Gun Pod is an extension mod, introducing several ammo-consuming turret equipment, allowing your tanks to act as moving turrets or fire platform. It provides alternatives to the personal laser defense, and do not need any power/battery to work.

Mods Related

  • Schall Inserters has introduced a more durable inserter series, together with longer reach variants. If you lost a lot of inserters (which are feeding ammo to turrets) to spitter AoE acid splash, you will find these armoured inserters much more suitable for the role!

Locale Supported

  • English (en)
  • German / Deutsch (de)
  • Traditional Chinese / 正體中文 (zh-TW)
  • Simplified Chinese / 简体中文 (zh-CN)
  • Russian / Русский (ru) by John_TheCF
  • Brazilian Portuguese / Português Brasileiro (pt-BR) by NickFury23

Non-English locale are provided by Schall Language Pack.
If you like this mod, and would like to provide other translations, please do not hesitate to send me a message. (Corrections on spelling and grammatical mistakes are welcomed as well.)


  • Special thanks to YuokiTani for the sprite sheets of various turrets.

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