Schall Recipe Scaling

Adds scaled up version of recipes, in order to get around the game limitation (60 crafting per second) faced by very high speed machines. This allows for true mass production under healthy UPS. Designed for supporting scaled up machines from “Schall Machine Scaling” mod. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1
Bob's mods Copyright
4 years ago
Latest Version:
1.1.0 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.17 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
10.7K users


Adds scaled up version of recipes, in order to get around the game limitation (60 crafting per second) faced by very high speed machines. This allows for true mass production under healthy UPS.
Designed for supporting scaled up machines from “Schall Machine Scaling” mod.


To achieve healthy UPS by using less entities for production, mods like Schall Machine Scaling provided machines over various speed range. As the machine crafting speed goes up, however, each of them will meet the barrier of 60 crafting per second, which is due to the game engine limitation. (Please see the following "Note" section.)

This mod helps to get around this limitation, by introducing an extra set of recipes. These scaled-up recipes are multiplied by a common factor (named as "Recipe multiplier" in this mod, can be set in mod options), which have the crafting time, ingredients, products all multiplied by the same scale. These recipes have much higher crafting time (called "RT" in the above-mentioned article), so can be used in the higher speed machines.
Note that the machine output slots are capped by the item stack size, exactly as one stack max. (For example, 100 iron gear wheel, 200 electronic circuit, 1 car.) This mod is smart enough to adjust to lower multiplier values to fit with each item stack size.

With “Schall Machine Scaling” and this mod working together, you can process items at very high rate, yet with minimal number of entities. This will help you to achieve true mass production, while maintaing healthy UPS in your megabases.
FAQ section shows some use cases, demonstrating how these mods will benefit your megabases!


Upon enabling this mod, an extra set of recipes would be added to your game. They are designed as machine-only recipes, so will not appear in player handcrafting menu. You will only see them in the specified machines, which are set in options "Machines using scaled recipes", under "Options" → "Mod settings" → "Startup" tab.
Default value is "*-MS-[3456789]$", which supports all overtier machines of +3 or above, from Schall Machine Scaling mod. This field can be modified or added. Just be sure all entries are separated by comma and space. Supports most Lua patterns, can use * as wildcard.

In the technology interface, you will see the recipe unlocks in "Effects" section are duplicated for all recipes: one as vanilla, a new one as the scaled recipe. In the "Made in" section, lists of machines using the scaled recipe are listed. So this tooltip can help you to see if the settings are as what you wanted, if you choose to change the mod options.


Very high tier machines may NOT work at theoretical rate. This is due to limitation by game engine, only 1 crafting per tick for each machine, or equivalently 60 crafting per second.
This limit is not visible for recipes with longer time. For example, this does not come into effect for rocket fuel (30 s) made by assembling machine 3 up to overtier +5 (without modules). Recipes of very short time, like iron gear wheel (0.5 s) would have limited crafting speed from overtier +3.
Any high tiers would still have the same output rate, but wasting unneeded power.

For a quick reference of what overtiers to be used, or an in-depth analysis of production rate limitation, please see the Schall Machine Scaling FAQ section.

Schall Entity Inspector has a direct and clean ingame GUI, to display production rates of various recipes Speed and productivity effects from modules and beacons are also supported. This is particularly useful, so no longer need to calculate production rates or limitations, by yourself outside the game now.


This mod does not modify any existing content to the save files. This mod should be safe to be disabled/uninstalled at any time.

Mods Dependencies

  • Schall Machine Scaling is optional but highly recommended, since this mod is created to support the overtier machines in them. They are fully supported by the default value "*-MS-[3456789]$" in option "Machines using scaled recipes".

Mods Related

  • Schall Pipe Scaling is optional but highly recommended, since the high flow rates pipes and pumps are extremely useful for the heat exchangers and steam turbines. Use together to improve UPS of your megabase even further!
  • Schall Belt Configuration allows adjusting properties like belt speed and underground belt distance. Also option to "unhide" vanilla loaders.
  • Schall Entity Inspector has a direct and clean ingame GUI, to display production rates of various recipes. Speed and productivity effects from modules and beacons are also supported.

Mods Compatibility

This mod can potentially support any machines from any mods. All you need to do, is to set the correct pattern strings in option "Machines using scaled recipes". Just be sure all entries are separated by comma and space. Supports most Lua patterns, such as using * as wildcard.
If it is difficult to figure out which of those modded machines are fast ones, you may just apply a single wildcard * to the option. Note that by doing so, however, the scaled recipes are going to bloat the recipe menu of the slow machines (such as vanilla assembling machine 1), which would not be helpful there.

Locale Supported

  • English (en)
  • German / Deutsch (de)
  • Traditional Chinese / 正體中文 (zh-TW)
  • Brazilian Portuguese / Português Brasileiro (pt-BR) by NickFury23

Non-English locale are provided by Schall Language Pack.
If you like this mod, and would like to provide other translations, please do not hesitate to send me a message. Corrections on spelling and grammatical mistakes are welcomed as well.

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