Unfortunately, I do not understand what is the matter. I am not a programmer and have not changed anything in the files.
I just dejectified the mods in the game and only activated the ones we are talking about. And then all the same, when starting the game, this error appeared
After your last post, I decided to double-check everything from scratch:
1.Deleted all archives with mods from the \ AppData \ Roaming \ Factorio \ mods directory
2.Download Krastorio 2 Compat again
3. I put only Krastorio 2 Compat, Cargo Ships and the required dependencies into the directory - everything started fine.
4. Then I threw Space Exploration with the required dependencies - everything is fine.
5. After that - in parts I began to throw other mods - and .... mysticism - the error was not confirmed.
What it was is not clear. Hopefully it won't happen again.
Sorry if offended. Thanks!
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