Long Warehouses

Adds rotatable very long warehouses (chests) aimed at train stations to the game.

1 year, 11 months ago
3 years ago
Latest Version:
0.2.6 (1 year, 11 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
2.82K users

Long Warehouses

When playing Factorio with Logistic Train Network enabled, I never liked the micro management of balancing the individual chests with the exact amount of resources for each cargo waggon. Especially with a large base and a mod-heavy game the required circuits and entities introduced a UPS sink that felt unnecessary.

This mod adds larger warehouses (with configurable sizes) to simplify building better, simpler train stations.

Distinguishing Features
The main issue that distinguishes this mod from similar mods can be summarized with a specific requirement:
free rotation in 90° increments while preserving circuit connectivity in blueprints

While some other mods also allow you to create non-square chests , their rotation/height/width becomes locked after the initial merge, or they loose their circuit connections after being rotated. Especially with more complex LTN Stations it becomes annoying to manage an additional blueprint for each direction instead of rotating your default blueprint. (and lets not talk about LTN stations with disappearing circuit wires...)

Feel free to check Xterminator's mod spotlight on Youtube with some gameplay footage:
Factorio Mod Spotlight - Long Warehouses


Known Issues

  • Fast replace, Ctrl-Z, and chest-upgrade is broken
  • To include wire connections in a blueprint you need to hit/cover the center pole with the blueprint planner
  • I tried to work around the limitations of the factorio api, it should work like 95% of the time, I appreciate help for the remaining 5%
  • Customized warehouses are capped at 540 slots and a length of 32 wagons (performance issues)


  • Feel free to review and improve my code.
  • https://github.com/nicolas-lang/Factorio.LongWarehouses/
  • Please use github for feature requests and error reporting.
  • If you want to help improve the mod reach out to me or provide a pull-request
  • It is planned to cover non-english locales with crowdin, for now this means I will not be manually adding locales to this mod.


  • Images are based on medium containers from Krastorio 2, please check the related sub-licence
  • Logistic Train Network is a mod by Optera
  • A huge thanks to Mernom and Test447 from Earendel’s discord for their help with modding related issues