This mod adds a "logistic-train-stop" acting as anchor points for building a fully automated, train logistic network.
It can handle all possible train configuration. Just send all trains to depots and LTN will pick the best suitable train for a job.
LTN cuts the amount of rolling stock required to run a megabase down to 30% or less.
Factorio 2.0 Updates
LTN has been ported to Factorio 2.0. It will get minimal updates (only
really glaring bugs). The current plan is to provide a successor that
takes advantage of the improved 2.0 trains while maintaining the ease
of scheduling and dispatching with LTN.
Forum: (changed from pre-2.0!)
Bug Reports:
Source Code:
How you can help
If you maintain an LTN mod and stopped working on it, consider porting it to 2.0!
Complete Manual and Demos can be found on the LTN subforum.
The manual would be longer than the allowed 1000 characters for descriptions.