Spidertron Weapon Switcher

Allows the Spidertron to fire any type of weapon by cycling through different loadouts with Control + Tab.

1 year, 7 months ago
1.0 - 1.1
4 years ago
Latest Version:
1.2.12 (1 year, 7 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.0 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
5.61K users

Spidertron Weapon Switcher

If you've been wanting your spidertrons to fire more than just rockets, this is the mod for you! They now contain machine guns, shotguns, flamethrowers, cannons and rocket launchers.


  • Press Control + Tab (or \ ) whilst in a spidertron or whilst hovering over one with the mouse to rotate through 5 different weapon options
  • Machine gun, shotgun, cannon and flamethrower have all been given their own 'spidertron version' with increased range and damage compared to normal
  • Supports MK2 & MK3 spidertrons from Spidertron Extended and spiderling from Spidertron Patrols


  • When you switch a spidertron's weapons, any remotes connected to it that are stored in an inventory more than 30 tiles from a player will become disconnected
  • Compatibility with Spidertron Enhancements is limited. Specifically, any ammo in inactive weapon slots is lost when using that mod's enter/exit vehicles feature


You can help by translating this mod into your language using CrowdIn. Any translations made will be included in the next release.

Mod Compatibility

When a spidertron is switched, the entity is destroyed and replaced with a new one that has different weapons. If your mod stores references to spidertrons, then these references will become invalid after a switch. This mod adds the event on_spidertron_switched containing old_spidertron :: LuaEntity and new_spidertron :: LuaEntity that will allow you to transfer information associated with the old spidertron's unit number to the new spidertron.

if game.active_mods["SpidertronWeaponSwitcher"] then
    local event_ids = remote.call("SpidertronWeaponSwitcher", "get_events")
    local on_spidertron_switched = event_ids.on_spidertron_switched
    script.on_event(on_spidertron_switched, function(event)
        -- Do stuff here

Let me know if you plan on using this and I can help you with debugging or adding new features if you need them.

If you have specific weapons from other mods that you'd like added into the weapon rotation, let me know!
Check out my other mods: Spidertron Patrols and Spidertron Enhancements