Tarantulator deprecated

Spidertron not enough for you? Try the nuclear powered Tarantulator instead! It's bigger, badder, and has a giant laser.

6 months ago
1.0 - 1.1
4 years ago
Latest Version:
1.4.0 (6 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.0 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
24.8K users

Adds an upgrade to the Spidertron, the Tarantulator!

Tarantulator runs on nuclear fuel cells and has a powerful laser cannon

This was an attempt to make higher tiers of Spidertron while still being balanced around vanilla


You cannot use fusion reactors, solar panels, or any other modded generator in the equipment grid.
Instead, all grid energy is produced by the reactor

The reactor always appears in every Tarantulator, and cannot be removed


The Tarantulator has 2 different types of legs.
One is maneuverable but short
The other is slow and lengthy

The result of these leg types is that the Tarantulator is more maneuverable, but also slower.
This is offset by the fact that the larger equipment grid allows you to use more exo legs

Laser cannon

The Tarantulator's laser cannon has a massive 200 tile range and deals 4000 damage
That is enough to oneshot every biter in the game!

It also has a pierce effect if you can manage to line the enemies up, but be careful:
You can also damage your own factory with this

After you fire the laser your Tarantulator must recharge for a few seconds


Spidertron Tarantulator
Health 3000 5000
Fuel source None Nuclear
Equipment grid energy Fusion Reactor Nuclear
Grid size 10x6 10x8
Inventory space 80 100
Attack speed 200% 250%
Movement speed ~40 km/h ~32 km/h
Light intensity 0.4 0.6 and green
Can be colored Yes Yes
Explosion resistance 75% 95%
Radar range 3 chunks 4 chunks
Weapons 4 5

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