Vanilla-friendly extension of weaponry. Not overhaul. Adds alternate weaponry choices from mid-game, which is based on the alien science pack from “Schall Alien Loot” mod. Balanced with vanilla weaponry, and extends end-game with MK3 weaponry (including powered armor and tanks). Also adds two featured weapons from “Doom”: Plasma rifle, BFG 9000. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Transportation of the player, be it vehicles or teleporters.
New ways to deal with enemies, be it attack or defense.
Armors or armor equipment.
Map generation and terrain modification.
New Ores and resources as well as machines.
Furnaces, assembling machines, production chains.
Changes to power production and distribution.
2.0.2 has a redesigned and much expanded new tech tree.
There are many new non-weaponry tech, with the existing military tech integrated into it.
Existing save will mostly work, except for particle clip recipes which have been redesigned in favour of the recipe productivity system to work.