Thank you for the translations for this mod and Alien Loot, must be a lot of effort!
I have a few question though:
I see the turret names have hyphen "-" in the middle. For example, "particle beam turret" is displayed as "Частичный луч - турель". Is the hyphen necessary? (Since I do not know much about the Russian nouns.)
For the [modifier-description] part (damage bonus, shooting speed bonus under technology effects), I noticed the order of words are different in English and Russian, in former translation from Schall Tank Platoon. For example:
In English "Cannon shell damage +50%"
cannon-shell-damage-bonus=--ITEM--cannon-shell-type----ITEM--Schall-mod-damage--: +--1--
In Russian you used "Урон пушечного снаряда (75 мм): +50%". So I reformed the text as:
Schall-mod-damage=Урон (<- an extra space " " at the end.)
autocannon-shell-damage-bonus=--ITEM--Schall-mod-damage--пушечного снаряда (75 мм): +--1--
So is there a need to rewrite this part? (Note underscores cannot be displayed here, so I replaced them with hyphens "-".)
PS: I am adding new features to the next version. For example:
Schall-particle-turret-damage=Particle turret damage
Schall-particle-beam-turret-damage-bonus=--ITEM--Schall-particle-beam-turret----ITEM--Schall-mod-damage--: +--1--
I will paste the full list of new text later. So will bother you again soon. :D