Schall Alien Tech

Vanilla-friendly extension of weaponry. Not overhaul. Adds alternate weaponry choices from mid-game, which is based on the alien science pack from “Schall Alien Loot” mod. Balanced with vanilla weaponry, and extends end-game with MK3 weaponry (including powered armor and tanks). Also adds two featured weapons from “Doom”: Plasma rifle, BFG 9000. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)

20 days ago
0.16 - 2.0
Transportation Combat Armor Mining Power

i Russian localisation

Hello! It took me much time, but I translated this mod:

5 years ago

Thank you for the translations for this mod and Alien Loot, must be a lot of effort!

I have a few question though:
I see the turret names have hyphen "-" in the middle. For example, "particle beam turret" is displayed as "Частичный луч - турель". Is the hyphen necessary? (Since I do not know much about the Russian nouns.)

For the [modifier-description] part (damage bonus, shooting speed bonus under technology effects), I noticed the order of words are different in English and Russian, in former translation from Schall Tank Platoon. For example:
In English "Cannon shell damage +50%"
cannon-shell-damage-bonus=--ITEM--cannon-shell-type----ITEM--Schall-mod-damage--: +--1--
In Russian you used "Урон пушечного снаряда (75 мм): +50%". So I reformed the text as:
Schall-mod-damage=Урон (<- an extra space " " at the end.)
autocannon-shell-damage-bonus=--ITEM--Schall-mod-damage--пушечного снаряда (75 мм): +--1--
So is there a need to rewrite this part? (Note underscores cannot be displayed here, so I replaced them with hyphens "-".)

PS: I am adding new features to the next version. For example:
Schall-particle-turret-damage=Particle turret damage
Schall-particle-beam-turret-damage-bonus=--ITEM--Schall-particle-beam-turret----ITEM--Schall-mod-damage--: +--1--
I will paste the full list of new text later. So will bother you again soon. :D

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I think that translation without hyphen in turret names is not right. This is caused by differencies of declension in Russian and English. I've seen a lot of poor translations and tried to make it as good as possible. Of course, I can simply write plain text instead of using the item names. But in original (English) locale item names is used, so I used them too.

So is there a need to rewrite this part?

I think not.

And the translation:

Schall-particle-turret-damage=Урон частичной турели
Schall-particle-beam-turret-damage-bonus=__ITEM__Schall-mod-damage__ - __ITEM__Schall-particle-beam-turret__: +__1__

P.S. I'm using backslashes ("\") to avoid markdown syntax detection.

5 years ago

It's okay to make changes, if they are better than original ones. In Schall Tank Platoon I also made total changes to cannon shells names in German and Chinese because the "official" translations were bad at that moment. (Actually those English names are also bad, but I left them untouched...) Just curious because I did not see that for turrets of vanilla and Schall Ammo Turrets.

I was asking for if there is the need to rewrite [modifier-description] part, because the "damage" word is in the middle of text in English ("Cannon shell damage +50%"), while "Урон" word is at front of text in Russian ("Урон пушечного снаряда (75 мм): +50%"). But in the file alientech.cfg you sent me still have the "English" order, that's why I asked that.

I can do the rest of new text in [modifier-description] by myself, since what translated by you is using parameters only.
PS: Good to learn about the backslash trick. :-)

I didn't changed the order of words in translation because I didn't noticed that. My mistake...
I think I'll rewrite the Russian locale with minimal use of the locale references.

5 years ago

Just included Russian locale to this mod and Schall Alien Loot.
When you have time, you may take a look of how things displayed, especially for the [modifier-description] part.
Thanks again for your translations.

5 years ago

Thank you. It will be in next update.

5 years ago

I have noticed a lot of changes made. The word endings in Russian can be different because of the following noun, where it cannot be applied by references like in English and German. Thanks for the hard work.

BTW, Schall Gun Pod has added some new items derived from this mod. Those items do not have proper Russian translations. Please help when you have time.

Okay, I'll do it when I can.

5 years ago

The new items are similar to those in Tank Platoon:

alientech-mega-particle-beam-force-condition=Force condition __ITEM__Schall-mega-particle-beam__
alientech-particle-cannon-force-condition=Force condition __ITEM__Schall-particle-cannon__
alientech-BFG-force-condition=Force condition __ITEM__Schall-BFG__
alientech-plasma-force-condition=Force condition __ITEM__Schall-plasma__
alientech-mega-particle-beam-force-condition="all": (Default) Damage everything including friendlies.\n"not-same": Safe to fire over own force.\n"not-friend": Safe to fire over friendlies.
alientech-particle-cannon-force-condition="all": (Default) Can hit everything including friendlies.\n"not-same": Can fire over own force.\n"not-friend": Can fire over friendlies.

For those items in [mod-setting-name], can I simply use the ITEM parameters in Russian?
For those items in [mod-setting-description], they look similar but are slightly different. I skipped those of BFG and plasma because they are the same as particle cannon.

Thanks in advance.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

alientech-mega-particle-beam-force-condition=Условие стороны мега частичного луча
alientech-particle-cannon-force-condition=Условие стороны частичной пушки
alientech-BFG-force-condition=Условие стороны __ITEM__Schall-BFG__
alientech-plasma-force-condition=Условие стороны плазмогана
alientech-mega-particle-beam-force-condition="all": (По умолчанию) Наносит урон всему, в том числе и союзникам.\n"not-same": Можно стрелять через свои постройки.\n"not-friend": Можно стрелять через дружественные постройки.
alientech-particle-cannon-force-condition="all": (По умолчанию) Наносит урон всему, в том числе и союзникам.\n"not-same": Можно стрелять через свои постройки.\n"not-friend": Можно стрелять через дружественные постройки.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hello, I am having an update. Can you help with the following text?
These are new satellites which can be inserted to rockets.

Schall-satellite-astro=Astronomical satellite __1__
Schall-satellite-bio=Biosatellite __1__
Schall-satellite=Improved satellite designs allowing more advanced scientific experiments to be conducted in space.
alientech-satellite-enable=Enable satellite series
alientech-satellite-enable=Also rename vanilla satellite to fit to the series.\nIncreased stack sizes of __ITEM__space-science-pack__ and __ITEM__alien-science-pack__.

Thanks in advance.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Schall-satellite-astro=Астрономический спутник __1__
Schall-satellite-bio=Биоспутник __1__
Schall-satellite=Улучшенные спутники позволяют проводить продвинутые научные опыты в космосе.
alientech-satellite-enable=Включить серию спутников
alientech-satellite-enable=Также переименовать стандартные спутники.\nУвеличивает размер стака __ITEM__space-science-pack__ и __ITEM__alien-science-pack__.

5 years ago

Hi, again. Please help with update of the week. Thanks in advance.

Schall-uranium-wall=Uranium wall
Schall-uranium-gate=Uranium gate
Schall-uranium-mining-drill=Uranium mining drill
Schall-uranium-walls=Uranium walls
Schall-uranium-mining-drill=Drill head strengthened with depleted uranium for higher mining efficiency. Consumes less deposit, and improves overall production.
alientech-uranium-walls-enable=Enable Uranium walls
alientech-uranium-mining-drill-enable=Enable __ENTITY__Schall-uranium-mining-drill__
alientech-uranium-walls-enable=Requires Concrete walls enabled in “Schall Tank Platoon”.

Schall-uranium-wall=Урановая стена
Schall-uranium-gate=Урановые ворота
Schall-uranium-mining-drill=Урановый бур
Schall-uranium-walls=Урановые стены
Schall-uranium-mining-drill=Буровая головка усилена ураном для большей эффективности. Требует меньше энергии и улучшает выработку в целом.
alientech-uranium-walls-enable=Включить урановые стены
alientech-uranium-mining-drill-enable=Включить __ENTITY__Schall-uranium-mining-drill__
alientech-uranium-walls-enable=Требуется, чтобы были включены бетонные стены в “Schall Tank Platoon”.

New response