
In this Factorio prequel, you're an android terraforming planets and seeding them with life. Replaces all recipes and technology. No life means no coal, oil, wood, biters, or free oxygen, requiring varied renewable energy sources. For reliability, you'll focus on abundant elements from the air, sea, or common minerals such as iron ore, bauxite, sandstone, and calcite. Advanced technology enables asteroid mining of rarer elements.

1 year, 1 month ago
Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power
MIT No Attribution
4 years ago
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1.9.1 (1 year, 1 month ago)
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In this Factorio prequel, you play an android sent to terraform barren planets and seed them with life. Eons later your efforts will result in a galaxy full of planets ready for engineers to crash land on. This is a full overhaul mod that replaces all recipes and technologies. No life means no coal, oil, wood, biters, or free oxygen in the atmosphere. Furthermore, since many planets are poor in rare heavier elements like copper or uranium, your technology will focus on the most abundant, lighter elements.

The fundamental natural resources are Iron Ore, Sandstone, Bauxite, Calcite, Air, Seawater, and Volcanic Gas. Advanced resources like copper and uranium become available later with asteroid mining technology. Bauxite is an ore for aluminum, a useful electrical conductor and structural material. Calcite is a source of calcium, useful in cement, glass, and metallurgy, and is also a source of trace amounts of sulfur. Sandstone provides silicon, essential for electronics and glass, plus trace quantities of titanium ore. Air consists mostly of nitrogen and carbon dioxide (a critical feedstock for organic chemistry products like plastic), but has traces of other important gases including noble gases like argon and helium. Seawater is a source of hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, sodium, and trace amounts of deuterium, tritium, lithium, and other minerals. Volcanic gas is a source of sulfur, carbon monoxide, and trace amounts of boron.

Without coal or free oxygen, there is no burner technology. You rely on a blend of renewable energy sources. The earliest is wind power, which is intermittent and requires spaced out turbines. Slightly more advanced alternatives are solar and geothermal. Obviously solar has the usual day night cycle. Geothermal is the first steady source of energy, but it may only be placed in limited volcanic locations. Finally, at higher technology levels there is nuclear power, including both deuterium-tritium fusion and eventually uranium fission (once asteroid mining is unlocked). Wind and solar require energy storage, but without heavy elements, batteries require moderately advanced technology. Prior to unlocking batteries you will need other energy storage strategies including stored hydrogen/oxygen to burn during periods of low energy production, and compressed gas energy storage.

You can build duplicates of yourself and control multiple android bodies to accomplish tasks more quickly. Once you've established a sufficient industrial base to launch rockets, your endgame goals are to seed this planet with life and to launch some of your duplicates to repeat this process on other planets throughout the galaxy. You will need to raise the atmosphere's oxygen level and seed a genetically diverse ecosystem of multiple plant and animal species each with their own survival requirements. You must reestablish communications with your progenitors to download genomes of these species, and assemble biological materials from scratch until you have a sufficient breeding stock to reproduce itself naturally. Many of these species produce useful materials more cheaply than you can manufacture them, so you may wish to integrate some of these organisms into your factory production lines.

Be sure to check the FAQ tab on this page, as it discussed a number of topics that may be useful to Nullius players. If you have questions, there's a good chance that others have had the same question, and it may already have been addressed by the FAQ.

Mods with their own technology or recipes must be ported to work with Nullius, but these are steadily being added. Already ported mods include: Fluid Must Flow, Advanced Fluid Handling, Safe Waterfill, AAI Loaders, Miniloader, Jetpack, Bob's Adjustable Inserters, Cheese's Concentrated Solar, Cargo Ships, Transport Drones, LTN - Logistic Train Network, LTN Combinator Modernized, Project Cybersyn, Renai Transportation, Teleporters, Warehousing, Milestones, Factorissimo2, Bulk Rail Loader, Inventory Sensor, Robot Replacer, Train Upgrader, Beautiful Bridge Railway, Mini Trains, Informatron, AAI Signal Transmission, Train Supply Manager (TSM), Automatic Train Fuel Stop, Companion Drones, Spidertron Patrols, Gizmos Car Keys, Railway Motor Car, Shuttle Train Continued, Boxing Button, Stack Combinator, Crafting Combinator, Text Plates, Display Plates, Holographic Signs, Nixie Tubes (UPS friendly fork), Recursive Blueprints+, Resource Spawner Overhaul (RSO), and I,Robot. Quality of Life mods without their own techs or recipes may just work automatically, such as Recipe Book, Factory Planner, Pipe Visualizer, or Factory Search.

Many of these supported mods are included in 2 official Nullius mod packs: Nullius Momenti and Nullius Maximus. The content mods Lambent Nil and Tricky Old Nick extend Nullius with new basic resources and modify recipes to use them.

Localization languages: English, Russian/Pусский, Polish/Polski, Korean/한국어, Ukrainian/Українська мова, Chinese/中文, Japanese/日本語, French/Français.

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