AAI Loaders

Loaders designed by Wube's concept artist, Earendel. 2 gameplay styles: Cheap but requires lubricant to run, or expensive but no operating cost. Built-in compatibility with AAI Industries, Space Exploration, Krastorio 2, Pyanodons, and Industrial Revolution 2 and 3.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Limited Distribution Only Licence
2 years ago
Latest Version:
0.2.5 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
116K users

Discord: https://discord.gg/GDvxHgXjkk

Loaders designed by Wube's concept artist, Earendel.

Has 3 operation modes that can be changed in Mod Settings:

  • Lubricated—makes loaders require small amounts of fluid.
  • Expensive—makes loaders have a high upfront cost with no operating fluid consumption.
  • Graphics only—does not add loaders to the game but provides the loader graphics for other mods to reference.

Loaders will attempt to rotate to the correct direction if you place them near existing buildings, containers, belts, or wagons.

The mod uses actual "loader" entities. As of Factorio 1.1.75 or greater, they will work with wagons.

Built-in compatibility with AAI, Space Exploration, Krastorio 2, Pyanodons, and Industrial Revolution 2 and 3.

Add compatibility for your mod

AAI Loaders allows any mod to request creation of their own tier of loaders. Please refer to the comments at the top of data.lua for detailed instructions.


Fluid code by Earendel, other code by Earendel, InappropriatePenguin, Wiwiweb & Mernom.
Graphics concept by Earendel, base 3d model by FragJacker, final texturing, paintover & postprocessing by Earendel.