by Kaserik

Over 200 fully compatible and balanced mods in one regularly updated modpack! Space Exploration, Cargo Ships, Rampant, Cats and so much more - just click yourself through the dependencies; For a better overview divided into gameplay, combat, transport and quality of life improvements. Tested in multiplayer as well!

Mod packs
2 years ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage Cheats

b Error loading Bioluminescence

2 years ago

I disabled all my mods before installing the pack with the in game portal,
Tried the reset mod settings option the error gives and it happened again
game seemed to load fine with it disabled but i haven't started a new game yet
and an update of all mods and restart also didn't solve the issue,
seems odd for a mod that hasn't been updated in months

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Do you can give me the error message?

Because... at my PC it's working. Do you play with high or low resolution sprites?

2 years ago

Yeah sprite resolution is on high
and the error was something to do with a lua value being null, i will try it again when i have the chance,
and since i have been playing the pack now for a bit, am i missing the AAI vehicle path controller thing ? i was sure you used to be able to box select and give them basic orders but i cant find it at all and i dont have the stuff to make red/green wires yet so cant use the buildings.
the other thing is the factorio HD mods take forever and i assume i can turn those off and not cause a problem

2 years ago

So far I could not reproduce the error with Bioluminescence, but I also heard from friends that it existed for a short time. This confuses me a little. ^^'
If it occurs again; What additional mods to HMM do you use? What are your basic-Factorio-settings in graphics?

About AAI-Vehicles: You can either click on such a vehicle and then select the remote in the upper left corner (again for the other one) or use the corresponding hotkey ("Z" in my controlls so far despite multiple assignments). Because of these possibilities I deactivated the recipe and item by default, which also has other advantages, but if you deactivate "HMM: Settings - hidden" you can undo that.

HD-Mods: Yes, you can simply deactivate them if they are too annoying for you. I do that sometimes too. xD
I'm currently working on a lighter version of the modpack, which will work without the HD mods by default and will require some more resource-efficient settings. Bioluminescence for example would be dropped completely, due to it's huge impact on the UPS and only limited necessary features. ^^

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

well the only mod i have turned on since is FNEI because its been like 2 years since i have played any factorio, and this is 'a bit different' lol
https://i.imgur.com/JHYqaEz.png here is the error i get, just tried it again and still happening.

also yeah i got that thing up in the corner, i tried using the buttons next to the hot bar for it too but they are greyed out for some reason, maybe i am missing a tech ? but couldn't see anything that might do it in the tree. and yeah turning off the HD mods looks the same to me and loads a good min faster,
the only other one i would add is the one that hides the minimap while in map view so you can see the info of the stuff you hover over better, but it hasn't been updated in 2 years

Edit~ its More Minimap Autohide and it seems to be working fine, lets you hide the research progress bar too

1 year, 11 months ago

Not related to FNEI. I've been trying to reproduce this error as well, but didn't include it in my thread because I haven't had a chance to play factorio again since the weekend, but just had time to post during my lunch break.

The error generally happens after other mods are updated or changed in any way. It seems almost completely random, however.

New response