Night is too dark for you ? Enforced flashlight and personal lights, powerful balloon lights or a pair of natural tinted night glasses could be the solution !
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
A water well pump, to pump water from the groundwater table.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Time tools : clock, daylight, game speed tweaks and clock combinators!
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Big bags everywhere ! More space in inventory, toolbelt, logistic and trash slots, robots cargo size and speed, bigger stacks & pickstick to increase your picking distance...
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Directly handcraft items from your inventory or toolbelt by hotkey, without even browsing the recipes list: just grab a stack in your hand and use ALT-1, ALT-2 or ALT-3 to queue 1,5 or 10 more items for handcrafting.
Increase the length of day and night cycle. Vanilla length is around 7 mins. The extender multiplies this by x4 to 28 mins. This multiplier is customizable in config.lua.
Optimise your factory efficiency ! Check your production rates per items and recipes, hunting for under or over production, and display underemployed, blocked or starved machines on the map: useful to see where are the weak links in your production chain.
Extension to original rocket score window. Display number of rockets and averages. Autohide the window after a delay. Autolaunch option. Rocket combinators.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Tools to speed up your mining (pneumatic drills & fast mining drills), provide new resources (with dynamite or massive water injection) and even erase resources (with dynamite).
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Just 2 buttons to zoom extra wide or close, further than actual gui limits ! And a ALT-Z hotkey to direct zoom out.
Manager for multiplayer gaming : manage forces/teams/stances, players/rights/login/guests/bans, prepare map with spawning zones and resources.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Automatic PvP mod to help you setting up multiplayer maps, with automatic force creation and settings, random player placement proposals, starting resources allocation and a special Rebirth Technology to spice up the game ! Can work in PvP fighting mode, but also now in peace mode if you do not want to fight your neighbours...
Adds catastrophic events and other disasters to the game! (underground alien invasion, Biterzilla, frenzy, etc...)
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Eyes in the sky ! Monitor and pilot your factory with your smartphone. (or a way to have several cameras all around the map to give you alternate views and control on your factory)
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Adds 3 objects, to test the capacity of your electrical network : a huge consumer, a huge producer and an equalizer.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
A boosted customisable version of the original tank, with boosted ammos and a nice red color !
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Changes the color of any wagon, whether it's empty (green) or partially filled (yellow) or full (red).
A new technology with diffusers that continuously spray a modified solid insecticide that slowly kills aliens approaching it at long distance. Nice to have some of them close to your walls : it saves some laser energy...
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Use your rockets as a cargo to quickly send a payload to a distant outpost.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Grow your own Alien eggs, to spawn Aliens where you want.
Mods introducing new content into the game.