For details, complete screenshots, discussion, suggestions, questions or bug reports, please use the dedicated thread on the forum (link above), because there is no email notifications on this portal for the moment.
1.0.12 - change to freeze_daytime function becomes a boolean in 0.15.13
1.0.11 - factorio 0.15 compatible
1.0.10 - better reading of accu buffer capacity (when floating point number...)
1.0.9 - increase accumulators buffer size to support longer nights (multiply by day_length_multiplier)
1.0.8 - add an interface to enable/disable mod :
/c "daynight", "on" )
/c "daynight", "off" )
- add an interface to change multiplier :
/c "daynight", "multi", 4 )
1.0.7 - factorio 0.14 compatible
1.1.6 - check all surfaces, and then unify day and night multipliers to simplify calculations and differences between surfaces. INtroduce config.lua. Default with x4 - 28 mins cycle.
1.1.4 - relaxes frequency, adds always_day checking
1.1.3 - update by Binbinhfr for factorio 0.13.x, published on portal
1.1.2 - update by Mikenlott
1.1.0 - update by Vizzy
1.0.0 - original release by Dark