Score Extended (new rocket score window)

Extension to original rocket score window. Display number of rockets and averages. Autohide the window after a delay. Autolaunch option. Rocket combinators.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16
Unnamed license
8 years ago
Latest Version:
1.0.26 (6 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.13 - 0.16
Downloaded by:
44 users

More details and complete screenshots on the dedicated thread on the forum (link above).


1.0.26 - correct autolauch click bug
1.0.25 - factorio 0.16 compatible
1.0.23 - factorio 0.15 compatible
1.0.22 - add an interface call to display number of rockets for every forces.
/c "score", "all" )
1.0.21 - correct update_gui problem in MP.
1.0.20 - adapt time unit change
- add a "total" checkbox, that allows to display averages for the total number of rockets since the beginning of the game.
1.0.19 - factorio 0.14 compatible
1.0.18 - correct a problem of rocket-combinator not available when techno researched.
1.0.17 - add rocket-combinators that can send some numbers on a circuit network :
* Number of rockets sent (total)
* Number of rockets sent (since counter reset)
* Number of rockets sent per hour
* Number of rockets sent per minute
* Average delay in minutes between two rockets
* Average delay in seconds between two rockets
1.0.16 - now reset button resets the counter to the last detected launch.
- add a delay field, showing delay since last reset.
- add two arrows to change precision
- add some tooltips
1.0.14 - automatic time unit change if rocket production is getting high (for Qon !)
1.0.13 - missing utils in data -> extract_monolith problem in styles
1.0.12 - adapt to new find_entities_filtered working on whole surface.
1.0.11 - fix in german locale
1.0.10 - german locale by luma88, new sprite main button.
1.0.9 - minor fixes. Destory vanilla rocket window at startup on existing map.
1.0.8 - correction of an API change concerning rocket inventory empty test.
1.0.7 - 0.13 compatible. rework of initialisation routines. Custom license.
1.0.6 - correct a refresh problem when loading MP map in solo (factorio bug that will be corrected in 0.13)
1.0.5 - optimize refresh. Change license.
1.0.4 - correct a problem of refresh if window opened manually, and autoshow off.
1.0.3 - autolaunch if anything present in the satellite slot (original satellite or something else).
1.0.2 - make the window smaller, using smaller fonts and abbreviations.
1.0.1 - Adds another average : "1 rocket every XX minutes". Adds an autoshow option.
1.0.0 - Initial release!