Multiplayer Extreme Modpack

by Sadawys

This modpack is created to extend/modify existing modpacks specially for multiplayer purposes. It tries to add all stuff that works perfectly together to create complex multiplayer maps together with many known mods and biter stuff. If you search something for singleplayer have a look to

Mod packs
7 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage

b [Solved] Basic circuit board

3 years ago

I dunno if its a bug or an issue on my side.
But there does not seem to be a recipe enabled for Basic Circuit Boards ("basic-circuit-board") which you need to craft the Flotation cell 1 ("ore-floatation-cell"). I have tried enabling it but i must be doing something wrong cause i can't see it in the recipes. I also do not know what mod is responsible nor how to find out. Any help/input regarding this is greatly appreciated!

Friendly regards,

3 years ago

Hello AnimeDev, I'm having the same problem. It's a conflict between Bob's and Angel's and I don't know if there's any patch out there that resolves it, but I took the route of cheating them in since the flotation cell is the only recipe that needs them and this conflict was seriously blocking me getting Aluminum.

Anyway, the console command is /c game.player.insert{name="basic-circuit-board", count=100}

I threw out a few stacks of wood and copper just to make it feel less cheaty in the end. Hope this helps until the issue is officially resolved!

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Do you have added some optional mods additionally, or do you play with the "available" mods? With the standard modpack I have 1 recipe to get "basic-circuit-board" so there must be an additional mod whichs disables this recipe.

Do you have set the "Components overhaul" setting of angel mod correctly as stated in the FAQ?

3 years ago

Hello :)
I play with all normal and optional mods compatible with 1.1, no additional mods added.
Component overhaul is as default off.
Like StaticLando i just cheated the boards in so it isn't a big issue, but might be worth noting.

Thanks for your replies both :)

3 years ago

Yes, sure. Can you upload my a savegame? So then we can check perhaps where the problem is?

3 years ago

@kingarthur worked on that a long time ago, because it was caused by a change in item naming of Angels Refining and PyCoalTBAA couldn't change it anymore. Sadly there are some bugs just like this one, which I already listed on the PyCoalTBAA Github page. You may add new ones there.

3 years ago

ah yes, I missunderstood the "and optional mods", so you have py-mods installed. Yes than thats an known problem and added to FAQ for py

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