Multiplayer Extreme Modpack

by Sadawys

This modpack is created to extend/modify existing modpacks specially for multiplayer purposes. It tries to add all stuff that works perfectly together to create complex multiplayer maps together with many known mods and biter stuff. If you search something for singleplayer have a look to

Mod packs
1 year, 5 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage


Version: 1.2.1
Date: 2023-09-15
    - updated "aai-signal-transmission" to 0.4.8
    - updated "ArmouredBiters" to 1.1.9
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 1.1.18
    - updated "cargo-ships" to 0.2.4
    - updated "far-reach" to 1.1.3
    - updated "Cold_biters" to 1.2.1
    - updated "Inventory Sensor" to 1.10.7
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.18.5
    - updated "Clowns-*" to 1.1.21
    - updated "WideChests" to 4.2.0
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 3.2.3
    - updated "YARM" to 0.10.13
    - added "Rampant" again in version 3.3.3
    - added "Natural_Evolution_Buildings" again in version 1.1.19
    - added "Natural_Evolution_Enemies" again in version 1.1.28
    - added "Natural_Evolution_Graphics" again in version 1.1.2
    - deleted "RampantFixed" because of better compatibility of Rampant
    - deleted "Nova-Natural_Evolution_Enemies" because of NE Evolution original again
    - deleted "Natural_Evolution_Buildings2" because of NE Buildings original again
    - deleted "Natural_Evolution_Enemies_Redux" because of NE Enemies original again
Version: 1.1.48
Date: 2023-07-09
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.5.20
    - updated "Advanced-Electric-Revamped-v16" to 0.6.11
    - updated "Aircraft" to 1.8.6
    - updated "ArmouredBiters" to 1.1.8
    - updated "AutoDeconstruct" to 0.3.8
    - updated "Automatic_Train_Painter" to 1.2.0
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 1.1.17
    - updated "cargo-ships" to 0.2.2
    - updated "Cold_biters" to 1.1.4
    - updated "Explosive_biters" to 2.0.5
    - updated "flib" to 0.12.9
    - updated "informatron" to 0.3.4
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.3.13
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.18.3
    - updated "RampantFixed" to 1.7.1
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 3.2.2
    - updated "robot_attrition" to 0.5.15
    - updated "YARM" to 0.9.13
    - deleted "Natural-Evolution-Enemies-Research-Fix" because of deprecation
Version: 1.1.47
Date: 2023-03-18
    - updated "aai-programmable-vehicles" to 0.7.24
    - updated "Angel's" to actual versions
    - updated "AutoDeconstruct" to 0.3.7
    - updated "cargo-ships" to 0.1.22
    - updated "Companion_Drones" to 1.0.25
    - updated "Explosive_biters" to 2.0.4
    - updated "flib" to 0.12.5
    - updated "qol_research" to 3.3.3
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 2.4.8
Version: 1.1.46
Date: 2023-02-19
    - updated "HallOfFame" to 1.15.0
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 1.0.14
    - updated "qol_research" to 3.3.2
    - updated "RampantFixed" to 1.6.2
Version: 1.1.45
Date: 2023-02-04
    - updated "cargo-ships" to 0.1.21
    - updated "DeadlockStackingForBobs" to 1.2.3
    - updated "factorissimo-2-notnotmelon" to 1.2.3
    - updated "Flow Control" to 3.1.4
    - updated "grappling-gun" to 0.3.3
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.3.11
    - updated "WideChests" to 4.1.0
    - updated "Todo-List" to 19.3.0
Version: 1.1.44
Date: 2023-01-07
    - updated "cargo-ships" to 0.1.20
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.18.2
    - updated "WideChests" to 4.0.3
    - use ""RampantFixed" now instead of Rampant
Version: 1.1.43
Date: 2023-01-02
    - updated "Angel's*"-mods to actual version
    - updated "Artisanal Reskins: Angel's Mods" to 2.1.6
    - updated "Artisanal Reskins: Bob's Mods" to 2.1.5
    - updated "Artisanal Reskins: Compatibility" to 2.1.6
    - updated "AutoDeconstruct" to 0.3.5
    - updated "Bob's*"-mods to actual version
    - updated "Cargo Ships" to 0.1.19
    - updated "Explosive_biters" to 2.0.1
    - updated "flib" to 0.12.4
    - removed "py*"-mods because of incompabilities
Version: 1.1.42
Date: 2022-12-26
    - updated "AircraftRealism" to 1.5.2
Version: 1.1.41
Date: 2022-12-21
    - changed "FNEI" again to active because of better UI
Version: 1.1.40
Date: 2022-12-19
    - major bugfixes
	- changed "py-industry" to optional because of breaking stuff
Version: 1.1.39
Date: 2021-08-16
    - updated "Angel's Addons Mass Transit" to 0.0.9
    - updated "Angel's AddOns Storage Options" to 0.0.7
    - updated "Angel's Biopropcessing" to 0.7.20
    - updated "Angel's Exploration (BETA)" to 0.3.11
    - updated "Angel's Indutries" to 0.4.14
    - updated "Angel's Petrochemical Processing" to 0.9.20
    - updated "Angel's Refining" to 0.12.0
    - updated "Angel's Smelting" to 0.6.17
    - updated "Factorio Library" to 0.8.2
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 1.0.6
    - changed "FNEI" to optional
    - added "RecipeBook" as optional
Version: 1.1.38
Date: 2021-07-14
    - updated "aai-programmable-vehicles" to 0.7.12
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.16.3
    - updated "Artisanal Reskins: Angel's Mods" to 1.1.8
    - updated "Artisanal Reskins: Bob's Mods" to 1.1.11
    - updated "Artisanal Reskins: Library" to 1.1.7
    - updated "LTN_Content_Reader" to 1.0.1
    - updated "AutoDeconstruct" to 
    - updated "Kux-Deadlock-Stacking-Bio_Industries" to 2.2.1
    - updated "robot_attrition" to 0.5.11
Version: 1.1.36
Date: 2021-06-14
    - added "Bottleneck Lite" as an optional lightweight alternative to Bottleneck
    - changed "Bottleneck" to optional, due to performance considerations
    - updated "AutoDeconstruct" to 0.2.0
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 1.0.5
    - updated "Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear" to 1.1.18
    - updated "Clowns-Nuclear" to 1.3.15
Version: 1.1.35
Date: 2021-06-02
    - updated "Angel's Petrochem Processing" to 0.9.19
    - updated "Angel's Exploration" to 0.3.10
    - updated "Angel's Industries" to 0.4.13
    - updated "Angel's Refining" to 0.11.21
    - updated "Angel's Smelting" to 0.6.16
    - updated "Angel's Addons - Storage Options" to 0.0.6
    - updated "Angel's Bioprocessing" to 0.7.19
    - updated "Angel's Smelting" to 0.6.16
    - updated "Angel's Mass Trans" to 0.0.8
    - updated "Artisanal Reskin: Angel'S Mods" to 1.1.7
    - updated "MadClown01's AngelBob Nuclear Extension" to 1.1.17
    - updated "MadClown01's Extended AngelBob Minerals" to 1.1.23
    - updated "MadClown01's Processing" to 1.3.15
    - updated "MadClown01's Science" to 1.0.28
Version: 1.1.34
Date: 2021-05-26
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 1.0.4
    - updated "SchallMachineScaling" to 1.1.1
    - updated "SchallPipeScaling" to 1.1.1
Version: 1.1.33
Date: 2021-05-19
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.5.9
    - updated "aai-signal-transmission" to 0.4.4
    - updated "alien-biomes" to 0.6.5
    - updated "informatron" to 0.2.2
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.2.9
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 1.0.3
    - updated "robot_attrition" to 0.5.10
Version: 1.1.32
Date: 2021-05-12
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.5.8
    - updated "aai-signal-transmission" to 0.4.2
    - updated "autoDeconstruct" to 0.1.22
    - updated "Bob's fuctions Library mod" to 1.1.4
    - updated "deadlock stacking beltboxes & loaders" to 2.4.2
    - updated "explosive biters" to 1.1.35
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.2.7
Version: 1.1.31
Date: 2021-05-05
    - updated "Artisanal Reskin Angels's" to 1.1.6
    - updated "Artisanal Reskin Bob's" to 1.1.8
    - updated "Artisanal Reskin Bob's" to 1.1.6
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 2.2.0
Version: 1.1.30
Date: 2021-04-28
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 1.0.1
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 2.1.4
Version: 1.1.29
Date: 2021-04-20
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 1.1.10
    - updated Bob's mods to actual version
    - updated "Cold_biter" to 1.1.1
    - updated "Explosive_biters" to 1.1.34
    - updated "FARL" to 4.1.2
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 1.0.0
    - updated "spidertron-logistics" to 2.0.2
    - updated "Todo-List" to 19.2.0
Version: 1.1.28
Date: 2021-04-06
    - updated "aai-zones" to 0.6.4
    - updated "Factorissimo2" to 2.5.2
Version: 1.1.27
Date: 2021-03-31
    - updated "FNEI" to 0.4.1
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.16.1
Version: 1.1.26
Date: 2021-03-24
    - updated "reskins*"-mods to actual versions
    - updated "Cold_biters" to 1.1.0
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.15.7
Version: 1.1.25
Date: 2021-03-24
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.5.7
    - updated "ArmouredBiters" to 1.1.3
Version: 1.1.24
Date: 2021-03-11
    - updated "ArmouredBiters" to 1.1.3
    - updated "Cold_biters" to 1.0.15
    - updated "Explosive_biters" to 1.0.33
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.15.5
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 0.9.9
    - updated "Mining_Drones" to 1.1.10
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 2.1.3
    - updated "reskins*"-mods to actual version
Version: 1.1.23
Date: 2021-03-03
    - changed "Robot_Battery_Research" again to available (now Factorio 1.1 compatible)
    - updated "even-distribution" to 1.0.8
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.15.4
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 2.1.2
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.5.5
Version: 1.1.22
Date: 2021-02-24
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.5.4
    - updated "aai-zones" to 0.6.3
    - updated "Companion_Drones" to 1.0.21
    - updated "Enhanced_Map_Colors" to 1.5.5
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.15.3
    - updated "Mining_Drones" to 1.1.9
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 2.1.0
    - updated "Squeak Through" to 1.8.2
Version: 1.1.21
Date: 2021-02-14
    - changed "pyhightech" to optional (with remark in FAQ, thx to Blykam)
    - updated "aai-vehicles-warden" to 0.5.3
    - updated "Mining_Drones" to 1.1.7
    - updated "yi_engines" to 1.1.1
    - updated "Companion_Drones" to 1.0.19
    - updated "flib" to 0.7.0
Version: 1.1.20
Date: 2021-02-06
    - added "Updated_Construction_Drones" as replacement for "Construction_Drones" (thx to Blykam for information)
    - set old not compatible mods which are replaced to conflict
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 1.1.9
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.15.2
Version: 1.1.19
Date: 2021-02-03
    - updated "ArmouredBiters" to 1.1.1
    - updated "reskins*" to 1.1.2
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 1.1.7
    - updated "cargo-ships" to 0.0.59
    - updated "Inventory Sensor" to 1.10.4
    - updated "LTN_Content_Reader" to 0.3.8
    - updated "nixie-tubes" to 1.1.2
Version: 1.1.18
Date: 2021-01-31
    - set "pyhightech" to conflict (because incompability in PyCoalTBaA, thx to Blykam)
Version: 1.1.17
Date: 2021-01-31
    - added "angelsexploration" in version 0.3.9
    - added "WideChests" in version 3.3.0
    - added "ArmouredBiters" in version 1.1.0
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 1.1.6
    - updated "pipelayer" to 0.5.1
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 0.9.8
Version: 1.1.16
Date: 2021-01-30
    - reverted "Bio_Industries" to 1.1.4
Version: 1.1.15
Date: 2021-01-30
    - added "simhelper" (dependency from nixie-tubes)
    - changed thumbnail
    - updated "nixie-tubes" to 1.1.1
    - updated "robot_attrition" to 0.5.9
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 1.1.5
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 0.9.7
Version: 1.1.14
Date: 2021-01-26
    - updated "alien-biomes" to 0.6.4
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 1.1.4
    - updated "Clowns-Extended-Minerals" to 1.1.21
    - updated "aai-zones" to 0.6.2
    - updated "bobelectronics" to 1.1.3
    - updated "Inventory Sensor" to 1.10.3
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 0.9.5
    - updated "LTN_Content_Reader" to 0.3.7
Version: 1.1.13
Date: 2021-01-20
    - added "pyalienlife" as optional dependency (not used per default because of complexity)
    - added "rusty-locale" in version 1.0.16 (is dependency of the Deadlock* mods)
    - updated "angelsaddons-mobility" to 0.0.6
    - moved "DeadlocksStackingForPyanadon" to optional because dependency to "pycoalprocessing" which is breaking actual map if not activated
Version: 1.1.12
Date: 2021-01-19
    - added "DeadlockStackingForAngels" in version 1.1.4
    - added "DeadlockStackingForBobs" in version 1.1.9
    - added "DeadlocksStackingForPyanadon" in version 0.4.7
    - added "Kux-Deadlock-Stacking-Bio_Industries" in version 2.2.0
    - deleted "deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs" (was replaced by the actual added DeadlockStacking* mods)
    - updated "deadlock-beltboxes-loaders" to 2.4.1
    - updated "Mining_Drones" to 1.1.6
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 0.9.4
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.2.6
    - updated "Companion_Drones" to 1.0.18
    - updated "robot_attrition" to 0.5.8
Version: 1.1.11
Date: 2021-01-13
    - updated "angelsindustries" to 0.4.11
    - updated "even-distribution" to 1.0.7
    - updated "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" to 0.9.2
Version: 1.1.10
Date: 2021-01-08
    - added "LTN_Combinator_Modernized" as replacement for "LTN_Combinator_Fix"
    - changed "LTN_Combinator_Fix" to conflict (because game exploding if clicking on a combinator)
Version: 1.1.9
Date: 2021-01-06
    - changed "py*"-mods to optional (because of complexity of yet saved games without py. A clean start can be done with)
Version: 1.1.8
Date: 2021-01-06
    - added "Natural_Evolution_Buildings2" in version 1.1.0 (as replacement for NE Buildings old)
Version: 1.1.7
Date: 2021-01-06
    - added "beltlayer" again in version 2.0.3 (thx Therax for fixing the problem)
    - updated "Companion_Drones" to 1.0.17
    - updated "even-distribution" to 1.0.6
    - updated "pyhightech" to 1.7.4
    - updated "pypetroleumhandling" to 2.0.3
    - updated "YARM" to 0.8.203
Version: 1.1.6
Date: 2021-01-03
    - added pyanodon mods in current versions (now fully compatible again with Factorio 1.1)
      - "pycoalprocessing" in version 1.9.1
      - "pycoalprocessinggraphics" in version 1.0.9
      - "pyfusionenergy" in version 1.6.6
      - "pyfusionenergygraphics" in version 1.0.7
      - "pyhightech" in version 1.7.3
      - "pyhightechgraphics" in version 1.1.2
      - "pypetroleumhandling" in version 2.0.1
      - "pypetroleumhandlinggraphics" in version 1.0.9
      - "pyrawores" in version 2.2.5
      - "pyraworesgraphics" in version 1.0.9
      - "PyCoalTBaA" in version 1.1.0
Version: 1.1.5
Date: 2021-01-03
    - added "LTN_Combinator_Fix" in version 1.1.1 (now compatible again with Factorio 1.1)
    - updated "alien-biomes" to 0.6.3
    - deleted "LTN_Combinator_redux" because not compatible with Factorio 1.1 again (replaced by "LTN_Combinator_Fix")
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 2020-12-20
    - added "Construction_Drones" as optional (because Companion_Drones does not fully replace it)
    - added "Nova-Natural_Evolution_Enemies" in version 1.1.01 (until NE Enemies is updated)
    - changed "Bio_Industries" to active in version 1.1.0
    - updated "alien-biomes" to 0.6.3
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 2020-12-14
    - added "LTN_Combinator_redux" in version 0.7.0 (replaces "LTN_Combinator_Fix")
    - changed "BetterBots" to optional (not supported in 1.1 yet)
    - changed "Bio_Industries" to optional (not supported in 1.1 yet)
    - deleted "LTN_Combinator_Fix" because not compatible with Factorio 1.1 (replaced by "LTN_Combinator_redux")
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 2020-12-14
    - added "deadlock-integrations" in version 2.2.0
    - updated "Todo-List" to 18.0.6
    - updated "aai*"-mods to actual versionss
    - updated "Aircraft" to 1.7.2
    - updated "angels*"-mods to actual versions
    - updated "reskins*"-mods to actual versions
    - updated "AutoDeconstruct" to 0.1.21
    - updated "Big_Brother" to 0.5.4
    - updated "bob*"-mods to actual versions
    - updated "Bottleneck" to 0.11.7
    - updated "car-finder" to 1.5.2
    - updated "cargo-ships" to 0.0.57
    - updated "Cold_biters" to 1.0.14
    - updated "deadlock-beltboxes-loaders" to 2.4.0
    - updated "Dectorio" to 0.12.2
    - updated "Enhanced_Map_Colors" to 1.5.4
    - updated "even-distribution" to 1.0.1
    - updated "EvoGUI" to 0.4.601
    - updated "Explosive_biters" to 1.0.31
    - updated "flib" to 0.6.0
    - updated "stdlib" to 1.4.6
    - updated "Factorissimo2" to 2.5.1
    - updated "far-reach" to 1.1.0
    - updated "Flow Control" to 3.0.8
    - updated "FNEI" to 0.4.0
    - updated "FARL" to 4.1.0
    - updated "grappling-gun" to 0.3.1
    - updated "informatron" to 0.2.1
    - updated "Inventory Sensor" to 1.10.0
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.2.5
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 0.15.0
    - updated "LTN_Content_Reader" to 0.3.6
    - updated "Clowns*"-mods to actual versions
    - updated "Mining_Drones" to 1.0.0
    - updated "more-minimap-autohide-017" to 1.1.0
    - updated "Nightfall" to 1.1.0
    - updated "nixie-tubes" to 1.1.0
    - updated "PCPRedux" to 1.0.3
    - updated "pipelayer" to 0.5.0
    - updated "pyindustry" to 1.5.2
    - updated "qol_research" to 3.3.0
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 2.0.2
    - updated "robot_attrition" to 0.5.6
    - updated "spidertron-logistics" to 1.2.5
    - updated "Squeak Through" to 1.8.1
    - updated "Todo-List" to 19.0.6
    - updated "tree_collision" to 1.1.0
    - updated "VehicleGrid" to 1.4.0
    - updated "WaterWell" to 1.1.2
    - updated "YARM" to 0.8.201
    - updated "Yuoki*"-mods to actual versions
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 2020-12-09
    - added "Companion_Drones" to 1.0.14 (replaces Construction_Drones)
    - updated "Todo-List" to 18.0.6
    - updated "TheFatController" to 5.1.2    
    - updated "multi-product-recipe-details" to 1.1.1
    - updated "SchallMachineScaling" to 1.1.0
    - updated "SchallRecipeScaling" to 1.1.0
    - updated "SchallPipeScaling" to 1.1.0
    - changed following to optional because not supported in 1.1. yet (thanks to nagamer for information)
    - changed "deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs" to optional (not supported in 1.1 yet)
    - changed "deadlock-integrations" to optional (not supported in 1.1 yet)
    - changed "Natural_Evolution_Buildings" to optional (not supported in 1.1 yet)
    - changed "Natural_Evolution_Enemies" to optional (not supported in 1.1 yet)
    - changed "Robot_Battery_Research" to optional (not supported in 1.1 yet)
    - changed "ShinyAngelGFX" to optional (not supported in 1.1 yet)
    - changed "ShinyBobGFX" to optional (not supported in 1.1 yet)
    - changed "ShinyIcons" to optional (not supported in 1.1 yet)
    - deleted "Construction_Drones" (developer replaced this mod with Companion_Drones")
    - deleted "ConstructionTower" (too old)
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 2020-11-30
    - updated "base" to 1.1.0
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 0.18.29
    - updated "Todo-List" to 18.0.4
    - updated "car-finder" to 1.4.2
Version: 1.0.28
Date: 2020-11-25
    - updated "reskins-bobs" to 1.0.7
    - updated "reskins-library" to 1.0.9
    - updated "Clowns-Extended-Minerals" to 1.1.19
    - updated "Clowns-Processing" to 1.3.13
    - updated "robot_attrition" to 0.4.5
    - updated "SchallRecipeScaling" to 1.0.0
    - updated "Dectorio" to 0.11.1
    - updated "Factorissimo2" to 2.4.5
    - updated "pyindustry" to 1.5.0
Version: 1.0.27
Date: 2020-11-18
    - updated "angelsbioprocessing" to 0.7.16
    - updated "angelsindustries" to 0.4.8
    - updated "angelspetrochem" to 0.9.16
    - updated "angelsrefining" to 0.11.18
    - updated "angelssmelting" to 0.6.13
    - updated "cargo-ships" to 0.0.56
    - updated "Dectorio" to 0.11.0
    - updated "Nightfall" to 1.0.0
Version: 1.0.26
Date: 2020-11-10
    - updated "SchallMachineScaling" to 1.0.0
    - updated "SchallPipeScaling" to 1.0.1
    - updated "TheFatController" to 5.0.7
    - updated "reskins-angels" to 1.0.2
    - updated "reskins-bobs" to 1.0.6
    - updated "reskins-library" to 1.0.8
    - updated "qol_research" to 3.2.1
    - changed "base" to 1.0.0 instead of 1.0 (does not really help)
Version: 1.0.25
Date: 2020-11-05
    - changed "belt-balancer" to optional (because of perfomance problems in multiplayer)
    - deleted "BeltRouter" (because of not optimal routes and lag spikes in multiplayer)
Version: 1.0.24
Date: 2020-11-04
    - updated "BeltRouter" to 1.1.7
    - deleted "OpteraLib" (because of deprecated - not used anymore from any mod)
Version: 1.0.23
Date: 2020-11-01
    - FAQ for "BeltRouter" mod that there is a setting for changing the key bindings
    - changed "base" to 1.0 instead of 1.0.0
Version: 1.0.22
Date: 2020-11-01
    - added "belt-balancer" in version 2.1.3
    - added "BeltRouter" in version 1.1.6
Version: 1.0.21
Date: 2020-10-30
    - updated "aai-signal-transmission" to 0.3.22
    - updated "Explosive_biters" to 1.0.28
    - updated "flib" to 0.5.0
    - updated "angelsaddons-mobility" to 0.0.3
    - updated "angelsaddons-storage" to 0.0.2
    - updated "angelsbioprocessing" to 0.7.15
    - updated "angelsindustries" to 0.4.7
    - updated "angelspetrochem" to 0.9.15
    - updated "angelsrefining" to 0.11.17
    - updated "angelssmelting" to 0.6.12
    - updated "Bottleneck" to 0.11.5
    - updated "Cold_biters" to 1.0.13
    - updated "deadlock-beltboxes-loaders" to 2.3.7
    - updated "Explosive_biters" to 1.0.29
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 1.1.7
    - updated "TheFatController" to 5.0.6
Version: 1.0.20
Date: 2020-10-18
    - added "spidertron-logistics" in version 1.2.4
    - updated "reskins-bobs" to 1.0.5
    - updated "bobinserters" to 1.0.1
    - updated "aai-signal-transmission" to 0.3.21
Version: 1.0.19
Date: 2020-10-13
    - updated "aai-signal-transmission" to 0.3.20
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.1.25
Version: 1.0.18
Date: 2020-10-07
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.4.23
    - updated "reskins-angels" to 1.0.1
    - updated "reskins-bobs" to 1.0.4
    - updated "reskins-library" to 1.0.6
    - updated "FARL" to 4.0.7
Version: 1.0.17
Date: 2020-10-04
    - checked that the limit of Factorio sprites (255) are not violated with mod combination, so:
      - changed "AsphaltRoads" to optional (does not work properly)
      - for further information look at FAQ of AsphaltRoads (
      - changed FAQ that the dectorio setting for painted concrete should be disabled
    - updated "bobvehicleequipment" to 1.0.1
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.14.6
    - updated "pyindustry" to 1.4.9
    - updated "RateCalculator" to 1.1.5
Version: 1.0.16
Date: 2020-09-30
    - added "RateCalculator" in version 1.1.4 (see deletion of MaxRateCalculator)
    - deleted "MaxRateCalculator" (because RateCalculator have additional to that an electricity calculation) 
    - deleted "Noxys_Waterfill" (because Dectorio already has a waterfill recipe)
    - changed "Rampant" to optional because of UPS/FPS problems
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.4.20
Version: 1.0.15
Date: 2020-09-27
    - added Reskins mods in current versions (check settings if you want to change colour styles):
      - "reskins-library" in version 1.0.5
      - "reskins-bobs" in version 1.0.3
      - "reskins-angels" in version 1.0.0
    - updated "flib" to 0.4.1
    - updated "PCPRedux" to 1.0.1
    - updated "aai-signal-transmission" to 0.3.18
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.1.24
    - updated "qol_research" to 3.2.0
Version: 1.0.14
Date: 2020-09-22
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 4.0.5
    - updated "stdlib" to 1.4.5
    - updated "informatron" to 0.1.14
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.1.22
Version: 1.0.13
Date: 2020-09-16
    - updated "FARL" to 4.0.5
Version: 1.0.12
Date: 2020-09-14
    - package structure
Version: 1.0.11
Date: 2020-09-14
    - updated "aai-signal-transmission" to 0.3.15
    - updated "flib" to 0.4.0
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.14.4
    - updated "LTN_Content_Reader" to 0.3.5
Version: 1.0.10
Date: 2020-09-09
    - updated "MaxRateCalculator" to 3.4.45
    - updated "Big_Brother" to 0.5.3
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.14.3
    - updated "angelsaddons-mobility" to 0.0.2
    - updated "Factorissimo2" to 2.4.3
    - updated "MaxRateCalculator" to 3.4.46
    - updated "Noxys_Waterfill" to 0.3.0
Version: 1.0.9
Date: 2020-09-02
    - updated "car-finder" to 1.4.1
    - updated "flib" to 0.3.3
    - updated "MaxRateCalculator" to 3.4.44
Version: 1.0.8
Date: 2020-08-31
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.4.19
    - updated "aai-programmable-vehicles" to 0.6.14
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.1.20
    - updated "MaxRateCalculator" to 3.4.43
    - updated "flib" to 0.3.2
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.14.2
    - removed enemy information from FAQ because setting is not there anymore (thx to Wirin)
Version: 1.0.7
Date: 2020-08-28
    - updated "cargo-ships" to 0.0.55
    - updated "car-finder" to 1.4.0
    - updated "FARL" to 4.0.4
    - updated "LogisticTrainNetwork" to 1.14.1
    - changed some Py mods from conflict to optional (because they are not conflicting anymore, but not really matching until the compatibility is solved)
Version: 1.0.6
Date: 2020-08-25
    - added "pipelayer" in version 0.4.4 (beltlayer still on waiting)
    - added "angelsaddons-storage" in version 0.0.1
    - added "angelsaddons-mobility" in version 0.0.1
    - updated "car-finder" to 1.3.0
    - updated "flib" to 0.3.1
    - updated "FARL" to 4.0.3
    - updated "informatron" to 0.1.13
    - deleted Angel addons which are merged into the new Angel's addon packs:
      - Angels pressure-tanks v0.5.2
      - Angels warehouses v0.5.2
      - Angels oresilos v0.6.2
      - Angels Crawler train v0.1.6
      - Angels Petro train v0.5.10
      - Angels Smelting train v0.3.9
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 2020-08-24
    - added some optional dependencies for UPS-friendly mods which are interesting but not tested yet
    - added Schall scaling mods in current versions
    - added "car-finder" in version 1.2.0
    - added "beltlayer" and "pipelayer" as wanted but conflicted (wait for a working version)
    - deleted "FluidMustFlow" (because Shall pipe scaling much more UPS efficient and more flexible)
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 2020-08-23
    - added "LTN_Combinator_Fix" in version 0.6.2 (now working again)
    - added "LTN_Content_Reader" in version 0.3.4 (now working again)
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2020-08-22
    - updated "Yuoki" to 1.0.2
    - updated "yi_engines" to 1.0.45
    - updated "Construction_Drones" to 0.6.11
    - updated "stdlib" to 1.4.4
    - updated "jetpack" to 0.1.20
    - updated "Clowns-Nuclear" to 1.3.11
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2020-08-21
    - ATTENTION: There are changes in gas->liquid recipes from Bob/Angel's, so some recipes will be changed (phenol, ethylbenzene, styrene, glycerol, bisphenol a, polyethylene)!
    - updated "far-reach" to 1.0.1
    - updated "angelsbioprocessing" to 0.7.14
    - updated "angelsindustries" to 0.4.6
    - updated "angelspetrochem" to 0.9.14
    - updated "angelsrefining" to 0.11.16
    - updated "angelssmelting" to 0.6.11
    - updated "bobplates" to 1.0.2
    - updated "informatron" to 0.1.12
    - updated "PCPRedux" to 0.18.6
    - Youki mods are conflicting in actual version
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2020-08-19
    - updated "Bob libraries" to 1.0.0
    - updated "Clowns-Extended-Minerals" to 1.1.18
    - updated "Yi_Tech_Tree" to 1.0.0
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.4.18
    - updated "aai-programmable-structures" to 0.6.6
    - updated "aai-programmable-vehicles" to 0.6.13
    - updated "aai-vehicles-miner" to 0.5.9
    - updated "alien-biomes" to 0.5.8
    - updated "AutoDeconstruct" to 0.1.20
    - updated "Cold_biters" to 1.0.12
    - updated "far-reach" to 1.0.0
    - updated "FluidMustFlow" to 1.2.9
    - updated "informatron" to 0.1.10
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2020-08-15
    - updated "Base" to 1.0.0
    - updated "aai-programmable-structures" to 0.6.5
    - updated "aai-programmable-vehicles" to 0.6.12
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 0.18.28
    - updated "flib" to 0.3.0
    - updated "MaxRateCalculator" to 3.4.42
    - updated "TheFatController" to 5.0.5
    - updated "tree_collision" to 1.0.0
    - updated "VehicleGrid" to 1.3.0
    - updated "YARM" to 0.8.102
    - updated "Yuoki" to 0.8.98
    - updated "yi_engines" to 0.8.43
Version: 0.18.7
Date: 2020-08-09
    - updated "Base" to 0.18.45
    - updated "Nixie Tubes"  to 0.18.5
    - updated "Rampant" to 0.18.17
    - updated "PCPRedux" to 0.18.5
    - updated "Mining_Drones" to 0.3.24
    - updated "Clowns-Science" to 1.0.25
    - updated "Clowns-Extended-Minerals" to 1.1.17
    - updated "deadlock-integrations" to 2.1.3
    - updated "Construction_Drones" to 0.6.10
    - updated "Bio_Industries" to 0.18.25
    - updated "aai-signal-transmission" to 0.3.13
    - updated "aai-industry" to 0.4.16
Version: 0.18.6
Date: 2020-08-01
    - updated "TheFatController"  to 5.0.4
    - updated "LTN" to 1.13.10
    - updated "Natural Evolution Enemies" to 0.18.5
    - added "FluidMustFlow" in version 1.2.8
    - added "flib" in version 0.2.0 (requirement for LTN)
Version: 0.18.5
Date: 2020-07-27
    - updated "Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes" to 2.3.6
Version: 0.18.4
Date: 2020-07-26
    - found incompability between AAI Industry & Component overhaul setting in Angel's Industries, so ->
    - changed FAQ with remark to disable this setting (instead of deleting AAI industry)
    - updated "Robot Attrition" to 0.4.4
Version: 0.18.3
Date: 2020-07-23
    - updated "Explosive Biters" to 0.18.27
Version: 0.18.2
Date: 2020-07-17
    - updated Angel's mods to new version
Version: 0.18.1
Date: 2020-07-17
    - Initial release