Multiplayer Extreme Modpack

by Sadawys

This modpack is created to extend/modify existing modpacks specially for multiplayer purposes. It tries to add all stuff that works perfectly together to create complex multiplayer maps together with many known mods and biter stuff. If you search something for singleplayer have a look to

Mod packs
1 year, 3 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage

g [Solved] cant down load

4 years ago

Cant down load pack say incompatibility with bio industry mod? not on portal how do i fix?

4 years ago

The pack does not define an incompatibility with Bio Industries. So simply:
- download the mod pack
- update all mods in your game
- deactivate all mods (checkbox on top)
- activate the mod pack (checkbox behind the mod pack)
- play and have fun

4 years ago

I believe what he means is when you go to download the modpack ingame it cant find Bio Industries since its not updated to 1.0 yet, and so it will only let you skip downloading the dependencies, meaning you need to manually download every mod in the pack.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

--stupid double posts--

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

kaseyawolf2 yes thank you that was what I ment, I had to down load every mod for hours. So I was frustrated when i wrote this.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Ah ok, so it means you have to install "Bio Industries" manually before downloading the modpack?
Hm didn't notice such problems, because we upgraded from 0.18 and there was no problem... :(
But then that is something new, because before the ingame downloader of factorio recognizes the 0.18 also with th 1.0 because the version are similar...
Yes I understand you, I don't want to frustrate you :)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Factorio FAQ statet "Mods with the factorio_version "0.18" can also be loaded in 1.0 and the mod portal will return them when queried for factorio_version 1.0 mods."
So my expectation is that there is no download problem for the "submods", but I will check it if I can do here something for it

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I changed the "base" mod to 1.0 in the hope that that was the problem :?

4 years ago

it working fine thank you.

New response