Multiplayer Extreme Modpack

by Sadawys

This modpack is created to extend/modify existing modpacks specially for multiplayer purposes. It tries to add all stuff that works perfectly together to create complex multiplayer maps together with many known mods and biter stuff. If you search something for singleplayer have a look to

Mod packs
1 year, 1 day ago
0.18 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage
This mod 144 From other mods 12
Dependency types:
Default 144 Required 135 Conflict 3 Optional 6 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 18.9M
base >= 1.1.0 -
aai-industry >= 0.5.20 507K
aai-containers >= 0.2.11 498K
aai-programmable-structures >= 0.7.4 121K
aai-programmable-vehicles >= 0.7.24 164K
aai-signal-transmission >= 0.4.8 498K
aai-signals >= 0.6.1 159K
aai-vehicles-chaingunner >= 0.6.1 137K
aai-vehicles-flame-tank >= 0.5.1 126K
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler >= 0.6.1 123K
aai-vehicles-hauler >= 0.6.1 134K
aai-vehicles-laser-tank >= 0.6.4 158K
aai-vehicles-miner >= 0.6.4 166K
aai-vehicles-warden >= 0.5.3 129K
aai-zones >= 0.6.4 120K
Advanced-Electric-Revamped-v16 >= 0.6.11 66.0K
Aircraft >= 1.8.6 167K
AircraftRealism >= 1.5.5 51.3K
alien-biomes >= 0.6.8 590K
alien-biomes-hr-terrain >= 0.6.1 200K
angelsaddons-mobility >= 0.0.11 88.7K
angelsaddons-storage >= 0.0.10 167K
angelsbioprocessing >= 0.7.24 176K
angelsexploration >= 0.3.14 51.7K
angelsindustries >= 0.4.18 102K
angelspetrochem >= 0.9.24 197K
angelsrefining >= 0.12.4 201K
angelssmelting >= 0.6.21 193K
AngelsPetroChemExtension >= 0.0.5 12.1K
AngelsSmeltingExtension >= 0.0.5 13.2K
ArmouredBiters >= 1.1.9 154K
Asteroid_Mining >= 0.9.14 16.6K
AutoDeconstruct >= 0.3.8 266K
Automatic_Train_Painter >= 1.2.0 88.7K
beltlayer >= 2.0.5 16.0K
BetterBotsWLK >= 1.3.11 10.4K
Big_Brother >= 0.5.4 86.9K
Bio_Industries >= 1.1.18 52.8K
bobinserters >= 1.1.7 328K
bobassembly >= 1.1.6 257K
bobelectronics >= 1.1.6 240K
bobenemies >= 1.1.6 244K
boblibrary >= 1.1.6 389K
boblogistics >= 1.1.6 288K
bobplates >= 1.1.6 251K
bobmining >= 1.1.6 253K
bobores >= 1.1.6 253K
bobequipment >= 1.1.6 223K
bobpower >= 1.1.7 262K
bobrevamp >= 1.1.6 215K
bobtech >= 1.1.6 230K
bobvehicleequipment >= 1.1.6 180K
bobwarfare >= 1.1.6 258K
car-finder >= 1.5.2 32.9K
cargo-ships >= 0.2.4 207K
cargo-ships-graphics >= 0.2.1 202K
Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear >= 1.1.21 19.2K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals >= 1.1.25 17.9K
Clowns-Nuclear >= 1.3.18 23.9K
Clowns-Processing >= 1.3.21 21.7K
Clowns-Science >= 1.1.6 14.6K
Cold_biters >= 1.2.1 55.2K
Companion_Drones >= 1.0.25 73.9K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders >= 2.4.2 97.5K
deadlock-integrations >= 2.2.0 33.1K
DeadlockCrating >= 1.7.0 16.5K
DeadlockStackingForAngels >= 1.2.1 10.0K
DeadlockStackingForBobs >= 1.2.3 12.1K
DeadlockStackingForVanilla >= 1.1.3 16.7K
Kux-Deadlock-Stacking-Bio_Industries >= 2.4.0 8.08K
DeathMarkers >= 0.4.0 18.9K
Dectorio >= 0.12.6 70.5K
Enhanced_Map_Colors >= 1.5.5 102K
even-distribution >= 1.0.10 369K
EvoGUI >= 0.4.601 107K
Explosive_biters >= 2.0.5 59.3K
flib >= 0.12.9 783K
stdlib >= 1.4.8 397K
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon >= 1.2.3 60.5K
far-reach >= 1.1.3 172K
FARL >= 4.1.2 47.0K
Flow Control >= 3.1.4 181K
FNEI >= 0.4.1 297K
grappling-gun >= 0.3.3 281K
HallOfFame >= 1.15.0 13.4K
ick-automatic-train-repair >= 1.1.4 13.6K
ImprovedCombinator >= 1.0.14 13.9K
informatron >= 0.3.4 565K
Inventory Sensor >= 1.10.7 31.4K
jetpack >= 0.3.13 558K
LogisticTrainNetwork >= 1.18.5 248K
LTN_Combinator_Modernized >= 2.1.1 87.1K
LTN_Content_Reader >= 1.0.3 45.8K
ltn-cleanup >= 1.0.17 33.5K
map-tag-generator >= 1.2.5 11.7K
Mining_Drones >= 1.1.10 93.1K
more-minimap-autohide-017 >= 1.1.0 14.3K
multi-product-recipe-details >= 1.1.1 12.8K
Natural_Evolution_Buildings >= 1.1.19 5.11K
Natural_Evolution_Enemies >= 1.1.28 14.9K
Natural_Evolution_Graphics >= 1.1.2 13.6K
Nightfall >= 1.1.1 59.4K
nixie-tubes >= 1.1.3 65.2K
PCPRedux >= 1.0.3 9.61K
pipelayer >= 0.5.1 10.5K
qol_research >= 3.3.3 169K
Rampant >= 3.3.3 121K
RateCalculator >= 3.2.3 225K
reskins-angels >= 2.1.6 98.4K
reskins-bobs >= 2.1.5 107K
reskins-compatibility >= 2.1.9 95.2K
reskins-library >= 2.1.5 112K
robot_attrition >= 0.5.15 482K
Robot_Battery_Research >= 0.2.1 85.7K
rusty-locale >= 1.0.16 70.4K
SchallMachineScaling >= 1.1.1 10.6K
SchallRecipeScaling >= 1.1.0 10.6K
SchallPipeScaling >= 1.1.1 8.93K
Schall_BobMachines >= 1.1.1 2.73K
simhelper >= 1.1.4 425K
simple-air-cleaner >= 1.1.0 23.6K
spidertron-logistics >= 2.0.2 16.1K
Squeak Through >= 1.8.2 463K
TheFatController >= 5.1.2 18.6K
Todo-List >= 19.3.0 213K
tree_collision >= 1.1.0 80.4K
Updated_Construction_Drones >= 1.0.6 41.0K
VehicleGrid >= 1.4.0 16.4K
WaterWell >= 1.1.2 67.8K
WideChests >= 4.2.0 108K
YARM >= 0.10.13 132K
Yuoki >= 1.1.03 26.8K
yi_engines >= 1.1.02 19.7K
Yi_Tech_Tree_ExtraVanilla >= 1.1.5 4.13K
zJatmnYiFixes >= 0.2.21 8.18K
Last dependency data update: 8 hours ago (for v1.2.1)