Mabik Youtube mod pack v 0.5.0

by mabik

This is the most comprehensive and balanced mod package you can find.

Mod packs
4 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage Blueprints
This mod 229 From other mods 1
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 17.2M
248k = 1.0.29 52.1K
aai-programmable-structures = 0.7.4 123K
aai-programmable-vehicles = 0.7.24 167K
aai-pv-crafting-group = 0.0.1 13.0K
aai-signal-transmission = 0.4.9 515K
aai-signals = 0.6.1 164K
aai-vehicles-chaingunner = 0.6.1 146K
aai-vehicles-flame-tank = 0.5.1 135K
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler = 0.6.1 130K
aai-vehicles-hauler = 0.6.1 144K
aai-vehicles-ironclad = 0.6.8 204K
aai-vehicles-laser-tank = 0.6.4 166K
aai-vehicles-miner = 0.6.4 172K
aai-vehicles-warden = 0.5.3 138K
aai-zones = 0.6.4 122K
AbandonedRuins = 1.1.6 62.0K
AdditionalPasteSettings = 1.6.4 18.3K
Advanced-Electric-Revamped-v16 = 0.6.11 75.8K
AdvancedSubstation = 1.10.0 11.5K
AFK_players = 1.0.3 510
AfraidOfTheDark = 1.1.1 177K
Aircraft = 1.8.6 170K
alternative-starts-updated = 0.6.3 1.11K
AngelBob_paper_for_phenolic_board = 1.0.0 755
angelsaddons-cab = 0.2.8 78.4K
angelsaddons-mobility = 0.0.11 90.3K
angelsaddons-newlocales = 0.3.19 25.5K
angelsaddons-storage = 0.0.10 171K
angelsbioprocessing = 0.7.24 180K
angelsindustries = 0.4.18 103K
AngelsPetroChemExtension = 0.0.5 12.2K
angelspetrochem = 0.9.24 201K
angelsrefining = 0.12.4 205K
AngelsSmeltingExtension = 0.0.5 13.4K
angelssmelting = 0.6.21 197K
AngelsWarehouseExtension = 0.0.3 12.7K
Arborium_Renewed = 0.19.1 3.08K
arborium_upgrade = 0.0.3 360
ArmouredBiters = 1.1.9 162K
assembler-pipe-passthrough = 2022.07.23 6.37K
AutoCircuit = 0.1.0 3.51K
AutoCircuit = 0.1.1 3.51K
AutoCircuit = 0.1.2 3.51K
auto_deconstruct_loot_reconstructed = 1.1.4 8.21K
baron-cattle-prod = 0.3.0 62
belt-balancer = 3.0.0 50.3K
beltSorter = 0.9.1 39.5K
belttracer = 0.3.0 7.50K
Big-Monsters = 1.4.0 29.6K
BigBags = 1.0.35 47.6K
BigFluidWagon = 0.0.7 2.71K
BigLabFork = 0.0.4 4.15K
BigPumpjack = 0.0.4 6.37K
BigSolarandAccumulator = 0.0.6 3.13K
Big_Brother = 0.5.4 88.8K
BiodomeIndustries = 1.0.2 1.74K
Bio_Industries = 1.1.18 54.4K
biter-power = 0.4.0 2.45K
biter-power = 0.5.0 2.45K
BlackMarket2 = 2.1.1 21.2K
blueprint-sandboxes = 1.16.5 64.6K
blueprint-sandboxes = 1.16.8 64.6K
bobassembly = 1.1.6 262K
bobclasses = 1.1.5 94.9K
bobelectronics = 1.1.6 245K
bobenemies = 1.1.6 248K
bobequipment = 1.1.6 228K
bobgreenhouse = 1.1.6 174K
boblibrary = 1.1.6 397K
boblocale = 1.1.6 77.9K
boblogistics = 1.1.6 294K
bobmining = 1.1.6 258K
bobmodules = 1.1.6 235K
bobores = 1.1.6 258K
bobplates = 1.1.6 256K
bobpower = 1.1.7 266K
bobrevamp = 1.1.6 219K
bobtech = 1.1.6 235K
bobvehicleequipment = 1.1.6 183K
bobwarfare = 1.1.6 263K
BottleneckLite = 1.2.8 158K
BPRS = 0.0.13 77
cargo-ships-graphics = 0.2.1 215K
cargo-ships = 0.2.4 219K
cargo-ships = 0.2.6 219K
CircuitFactory = 0.0.7 3.75K
circuitissimo = 0.1.4 1.98K
Coal-Expanded = 0.2.2 1.51K
Companion_Drones = 1.0.25 75.6K
CompressedFluids = 0.1.23 12.4K
CopyPasteModules = 0.1.1 30.6K
crafting-efficiency-2 = 0.1.5 6.15K
crafting-efficiency-2 = 0.1.6 6.15K
crafting_combinator = 0.16.3 21.1K
CursorEnhancements = 2.1.0 42.0K
dark-matter-replicators-18 = 1.1.10 12.5K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders = 2.4.2 104K
deadlock-integrations = 2.2.0 33.4K
DeadlockStackingForDMR = 0.0.1 322
DeathMarkers = 0.4.0 19.3K
DeepStacking = 1.0.1 588
DoubleCargoWagon = 0.0.7 2.73K
DragonIndustries = 1.152.1 101K
Early_fast_smelting = 0.1.0 1.33K
Electric-Weapons = 2.0.0 39.3K
Electric_Transformators = 2.3.0 2.98K
even-distribution = 1.0.10 412K
factorio-cooked-fish = 0.0.8 2.69K
Factorissimo2 = 2.5.3 222K
factoryplanner = 1.1.75 258K
FARL = 4.1.2 47.7K
fast_trans = 1.1.3 68.2K
Fill4Me-fixed = 0.10.1 39.1K
Filter_Combinator = 1.1.7 4.96K
fixLargeElectricPole = 1.3.0 4.39K
flib = 0.13.0 842K
FuelTrainStop = 1.1.0 53.5K
Geothermal = 1.152.1 28.3K
GUI_Unifyer = 1.12.0 51.6K
HelfimaLib = 0.2.8 7.68K
holographic_signs = 1.2.2 24.1K
homeworld_redux = 1.1.5 979
informatron = 0.3.4 590K
ironclad-gunboat-and-mortar-turret = 0.1.4 10.1K
item-network = 0.8.4 2.20K
Kux-CoreLib = 2.9.6 71.3K
Kux-CraftingTools = 2.2.0 2.58K
Kux-Deadlock-Stacking-Bio_Industries = 2.4.0 8.12K
LightedPolesPlus = 1.10.1 89.9K
LinkedChestAndPipe = 1.0.77 4.71K
LinkedChestAndPipe = 1.0.79 4.71K
Liquid_Ore_Conversion = 1.0.2 1.43K
Load-Furn-2 = 0.1.3 47.3K
Loader-Furnace = 6.1.1 4.90K
logicarts = 0.3.0 1.91K
LootChestUPS = 1.1.13 2.81K
LSlib = 2023.03.24 61.0K
m-rpg_items = 0.21.7 8.51K
m-spell-pack = 0.20.22 4.31K
map-tag-generator = 1.2.6 12.8K
Mega-Furnace = 1.0.1 14.3K
MF_Base = 0.5.0 10.8K
MicroFurnaceWipMod = 1.0.13 9.51K
MineLiquidOres = 0.0.6 1.01K
miniloader = 1.15.7 192K
Mining_Drones_Remastered = 2.0.15 16.2K
Mobile_Factory = 0.11.4 10.8K
Mobile_Factory_Graphics = 0.5.0 10.5K
ModuleInserter = 5.2.4 140K
more-circuits = 0.0.1 107
more-miniloaders = 1.0.9 11.8K
more-minimap-autohide-017 = 1.1.0 18.6K
morelabs = 0.1.0 4.23K
More_Ammo = 1.5.16 25.2K
move-with-mouse-updated = 0.3.1 2.37K
Munda_Big_Machine = 2.0.8 5.77K
nco-InserterCranes = 0.0.7 12.8K
Nihilistzsche_FishFarm = 0.0.6 1.83K
Noxys_Extra_Settings_Info = 0.4.3 4.24K
oilmine = 0.2.2 1.39K
Pheromones = 1.152.1 1.06K
PickerAtheneum = 1.2.5 30.3K
PickerPipeTools = 1.1.4 6.76K
PollutionSolutionsLiteWLearnedResearch = 1.0.22 483
Portable-Turret = 0.2.12 2.81K
prismatic-belts = 1.2.4 16.2K
railloader = 1.1.6 58.6K
RampantFixed = 1.7.5 31.2K
RecipeBook = 3.5.7 209K
refined-wells = 0.1.1 319
remote-switch = 2.0.5 809
RenaiTransportation = 1.2.7 38.6K
repair-fish = 0.0.4 469
Repair_Turret = 1.0.3 102K
RitnLib = 0.7.7 112K
RitnWaterfill = 1.4.3 81.9K
robot_attrition = 0.5.15 494K
RPGsystem = 1.3.5 121K
rp_artillery_turret_1_art = 1.0.1 11.0K
rp_art_util = 0.1.1 12.4K
rp_battle_tank_1_art = 1.0.1 6.39K
rp_blender_turret_1_art = 1.0.1 5.95K
rp_cannon_turret_2_art = 1.0.1 7.53K
rp_dual_wielding = 0.0.1 4.38K
rp_lawnmower_tank_1_art = 1.0.1 4.90K
rp_microwave_turret_1_art = 1.0.1 6.42K
rp_missile_turret_1_art = 1.0.1 7.77K
rp_mortar_turret_1_art = 1.0.1 7.92K
rp_organized_technology = 0.0.1 5.05K
rp_rocket_car_1_art = 1.0.1 6.30K
rp_silo_turret_1_art = 1.0.1 7.68K
rp_sniper_turret_1_art = 1.0.1 8.16K
rp_steam_intermediates = 0.0.3 5.13K
rp_tesla_turret_1_art = 1.0.1 9.37K
rp_tesla_turret_4_art = 1.0.1 3.87K
rp_wall_turret_1_art = 1.0.1 4.89K
rp_warfare = 0.9.5 5.68K
rusty-locale = 1.0.16 73.8K
SBS-Combinators = 0.0.5 277
scattergun_turret = 7.4.1 41.0K
SchallPickupTower = 1.1.0 16.7K
Searchlight = 1.1.2 47.3K
Shortcuts-ick = 1.1.28 49.7K
simhelper = 1.1.5 426K
Smart_Inserters = 1.2.9 7.68K
snouz-useful-icons = 1.0.1 3.32K
solar-walls = 0.0.16 21.3K
speaker-signals-expansion-reloaded = 1.1.0 748
stack-combinator = 1.3.3 17.5K
Stacked_Mining = 1.2.3 4.80K
stdlib = 1.4.8 406K
STIR3 = 1.8.3 206
StoneWaterWell = 1.20.1 38.1K
super-generous-recipes = 0.10.1 1.85K
Switch_Button-1_0 = 0.1.22 8.89K
Teleporters = 1.0.5 82.1K
TestRekiel = 1.1.1 1.67K
TheBigFurnace = 0.0.9 13.8K
TimeTools = 2.1.44 52.6K
TrainSchedule = 2.0.0 1.03K
underground-pipe-pack = 1.1.2 40.2K
Updated_Construction_Drones = 1.0.6 43.7K
ups-fps = 0.3.2 12.3K
UsefulCombinators = 0.5.0 8.11K
vehicle-corpses = 0.0.7 6.33K
VehicleSnap = 1.18.5 246K
Warehousing = 0.5.7 205K
water-consumes-pollution = 1.1.0 20.3K
xp-for-buildings = 0.0.41 1.99K
Last dependency data update: 16 hours ago (for v0.5.0)