
by fishbus

A mod that builds upon and tweaks the vanilla experience with a little bit of everything: crafting, resources, vehicles, enemies and weapons. Allows players to find the builds they like and have more things to play with inside that domain.

7 days ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage
4 years ago
Latest Version:
2.0.08 (7 days ago)
Factorio version:
0.18 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
15.3K users


v.2.0.02 - Space Age support

(Leave feedback in discussion for Space Age bugs/balance/settings etc, cheers!)

A native vanilla addition mod that tweaks and adds content on top of the vanilla game experience.
Recommended - Factorio 2.0 base game (with Quality and Elevated Rails full support)

All using new and original art!

Notable Gameplay Additions (TLDR...)

  • Crash site quick start - Crash sites now have a basic power generator, lab and assemblers.
  • Turret veterancy - Turrets upgrade all stats with the more kills they get (without being moved).
  • Abandoned Bases - These old bases seem to be filled with old turrets and potential loot.
  • New resources - Options to get the usual materials, through different means
  • New Weapons and Enemies - The combat is slowed down, to make fights easier to react, especially with new stuff to shoot and be shot by!
  • Just loadsa new stuff! - Vehicles, crafting machines, logistics, power, you name it - we got it!

New Stuff in Detail:


  • Mini Roboport - A small roboport to help connect bases together cheaply.
  • Robo Superport - A massive robot hub serving a very large area, with many more charging points.
  • Loaders - Direct belt based inserters, which match the input of the belt and doesn't require power. But they are a bit space inefficient.

All belts rebalanced to move at 'frame happy' rates and divisible by 2, and their costs scale a little less:

  • Basic belts (8/s)
  • Belts (16/s)
  • Fast belts (32/s)
  • Express belts (48/s)
  • Turbo belts (54/s)
  • Sonic belts (70/s)


Storage is a little more sparse, but new options make it scale larger

  • Storage Huts - 2x2 medium storage.
  • Storage Warehouses - 5x5 large storage.
  • Strongbox - Tough small 1 stack storage to keep something valuable safe.
  • Larger Logistics Storage - Logistics versions of Huts and Warehouses (buffer, provider etc.)

Additional Buildings

Crafting Machines

  • Mini Assembling Machine - A small efficient assembler that can only craft with 2 ingredients.
  • Basic Electric Furnace - A crude and inefficient electric furnace to get started with.
  • High Powered Machine Press - Get 2 for 1 on basic single ingredient components!
  • Mini Electric Smelter - A small electric smelter, useful for fast replacing steel furnaces.
  • Large Stone Furnace - A bigger version of a stone furnace
  • Steel Forge - An even bigger version of a steel furnace, the fastest you'll get without electricity.
  • Electric Foundry - A large , slightly productive version of an electric furnace
  • Heatpipe Interchange Smelter - Use your nuclear plants to fuel these high tech forges
  • Factory - It wouldn't be Factorio without a factory! A huge productive assembling machine, no drinks allowed.
  • Compressor - Force certain materials back together with this fella.


  • Water Wells - Use pumpjacks to bring up water from aquifers
  • Natural Gas - Simple fuel, ready to be used as is or processed into petroleum and sulphuric acid.
  • Geothermal Steam - Free steam, just lying around, waiting to power your generators!
  • Sand - Required for glass, landfill, and late game electronics.
  • Bauxite (Aluminium) Ore - Late game ore for more complex items.
  • Deadwood (Wood) Fields - Mine trees... using a sawmill!
  • Goblin Ore - A tough rich mixed ore containing random amounts of Copper, Iron, Stone and Coal which you'll need to sort through.

Resource Extraction

  • Large burner miner - A large and fast miner for the electricity-shy engineer.
  • Electric Grinder - A slow, large and very efficient miner capable of getting much more ore out of what is available.
  • Steam Powered Turbine Miner - Use steam to power these incredible miners, the hotter it gets, the faster it mines!
  • Sawmill - Forget punching trees, mine trees instead.
  • Gas Extractor - To extract pressurized gas wells like natural gas and steam.
  • Large Water Pump - Sometimes you just need a lot of water very fast.


  • Listening Post - Small radars that are better to keep track of your base, than to scan the mysteries beyond.
  • Large Radar - Very slow radar that can uncover the black shroud much further than regular radars.


  • Large Solar Panel - Like a solar panel, but large.
  • Solar Array - Like a large solar panel, but even largerer.
  • Medium Wooden Electric Pole - Early electric pole that is a bit more coverage than a medium pole, but takes up a little more space.
  • Huge Metal Electric Pole - These massive OWLs span great distances with ease.
  • Electrical Grid Distributor - Large substation facilities that can create a very large coverage, but don't have a good connection range.


  • ATV - Early game golf cart to putter around in, with fragility to match!
  • Speeder - A Late game dune buggy meets indy car to blaze between outposts.
  • Transporter - A big truck to haul lots of stuff to your building projects.
  • Dozer - A huge unstoppable force capable of felling trees, rocks and structures with ease.
  • Half-Track - A mid game vehicle with multiple different configurations of mid tier weaponry.
  • Flame Tank - A small tank that spits out fire.
  • Tank - The tank is now a tank, as in it's much larger and has a bigger presence.


  • Pistol Turret - At the start of the game, defend your base with what is essentially a pistol on a stick while you gallivant.
  • Shotgun Turret - Its a shotgun on a turret.
  • Rocket Turret - Its a rocket launcher with electronics inside.
  • Cannon Turret - Use your tank cannons as base defence
  • Mortar Turret - Mid game artillery option, good for harassing static enemies.
  • Sniper Turret - Shoot things far away in a thin arc to create deadly corridors.
  • Chaingun Turret - Spray and pray in turret form.
  • Gauss Cannon - A Laser turrets more powerful, and explosive cousin.


Fuel has distinct efficiencies, some are good for powering smelting, others have longevity or high density, others are better for vehicles and/or trains.
- Jet fuel (old rocket fuel)
- Rocket Fuel
- Petroleum
- Natural Gas
- Charcoal


  • Hand Cannon
  • Mortar
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Minigun
  • Plasma Blaster
  • HE Grenades
  • FLAK grenades - Fill a grenade full of piercing ammo and blast it out in a big radius
  • SPAM grenades - A cluster grenade filled with cluster grenades.
  • Molotov cocktails


  • Explosive Shotgun/Magazine
  • Nuke Shotgun/Magazine/Cannon Shells
  • Depleted Uranium Shotgun Shells/Cannon shells
  • Piercing Shotgun Shells/ Cannon Rounds
  • Micro Missiles
  • Explosive rounds have larger explosive radii
  • Sticky Napalm


  • Advanced tools - Multiple stages of tech that help increase your reach size, pickup size, crafting and mining speed.
  • Inventory Capacity - Multiple stages of tech that increases your default inventory size.
  • Advanced Repair Packs - Upgraded repair pack repairs faster, and more hitpoints.

Terrain Tiles

  • Landfill - Only fills in shallow water (but it's cheaper)
  • Deepwater Fill - Fills in deep water
  • Placeable Shallow Water
  • Tarmac - Speed bonuses for vehicles!


  • Boss Biters - Very rare and mega sized biters to help encourage you into building that rocket sooner.
  • Enemies reworked to be bigger and are coloured to their archetype.
  • Swarmers - They're small and there's lots of them, getting all up in your everywhere.
  • Tankers - Built to last and draw fire away from turrets using physical and piercing damage.
  • Blasters - These biters will explode if they get close enough to trigger themselves. Killing them reduces their radius and damage on death.
  • Webbers - Their spit will stop you dead in your tracks.
  • Flamers - Ranged fire spreading menaces.
  • Alien Chunks - Dropped from evolved enemies and spawners: Allowing you to research new bio tech.
  • Acid worms - Scale larger and stronger than before, but they do have a minimum firing range.

Bio Tech

  • Use meaty-chunks, wood and water to create bio science packs.
  • Upgrade your player's health and speed through research.
  • Bio Fuel - Questionable and eco-friendly (depending on who you ask).
  • Air purifier - Work against your pollution spewing ways with these powered filters
  • Health packs
  • Healing Grenades

New Intermediate Items

  • Vehicle Chassis
    All vehicles now use this as a base
  • Laser
    All recipes using lasers now use this
  • Turret Base
    All turrets use this as a base


  • Day length
    Set the length of day to 6, 12 or 24 minutes long to change the difficulty of using Solar and Accumulators.
  • Enemy health
    Scale enemies hitpoints to make dealing with biters and abandoned bases easier or harder (0.5x, 1.x, 1.5x, 2x and 3x).
  • Science pack recipe difficulty
    Changes the science pack ingredients to be simpler or more complex depending on the setting (East, Normal, Hard, Extreme)
  • Rocket Goal
    Change the amount of ingredients and/or time cost to create the rocket to complete the base game (Hidden when playing Space Age)
  • Crashsite Quickstart bonuses
    Toggle the crash site on/off and add more resources and equipment to the space ship to give a quick boost to your early game.

Other Base Game Changes

  • Changed and added recipes to be more intuitive (like cars) and generic (like turret bases).
    For example, a gun turret recipe is a turret-base and a submachine-gun.
  • Enemies and weapons rebalanced so player tech doesn't exponentially run away in combat power.
    (The base vanilla game gives players many new tech and weapon advantages over time (such as +damage) that the power creeps exponentially compared to biters. So to balance this, weapon upgrades only increase it by around 10-20% each research.)
  • Explosives now have falloff damage radii, doing more damage in the epicenter compared to the edge, most explosives now have a larger radius.
  • Shallow water can be walked and driven on and allow you to get to other islands easily. This slows down movement and vehicles.
  • Rocks are bigger (but give more resources).
  • Combat robots last for 8 hours (but cost more).
  • Smaller inventory, but each armor gives progressively more inventory space. (And even more inventory space via research).
  • Slower grenade cooldowns.
  • Slower Healing cooldowns. (5s instead of 1s - but there are more ways to heal, with health upgrades)
  • Cook that fish (mmm tasty!)
  • Tank is 2x larger.
  • All equipment grids and equipment have had their sizes changed (all equipment has viability, even old stuff!)
  • Hitscan bullets have trails (pistol, smg, defenders, gun-turrets etc.)