All The Overhauls Modpack | SE + K2 + 248k + BZ + 5Dim + More

This modpack is meant for those players who are looking for a real challenge. Lots of intermediates and resources to find and process. Big logistics problems that you will need to solve to tame the beast that is this modpack. This modpack will take a while to complete, so be ready for the long haul.

Mod packs
2 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage

g Can't make PCB solder

1 year, 16 days ago
(updated 1 year, 16 days ago)

Not quite sure in what version did it happen but I can't seem to make PCB solder any more. The recipe generates just regular solder. The green tech card still needs it.

Also, the discord link here is broken and there doesn't seem to be a way to open bug reports on the github link. Could be a bit confusing when you suggest these two as the main way of reporting issues :)

1 year, 15 days ago

I fixed the discord link, thanks for catching that.

What version are you running? I just loaded my most recent save, and it seems to only show the regular solder as a requirement.

1 year, 15 days ago

I had the error with 1.5.13 but updated to 1.5.14 now and all seems to work fine again. I guess some mod forgot to reload recipes on update or something. I guess the problem can be considered as fixed.

1 year, 14 days ago

Glad things are working again!

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