Future Technology: SE+K2

by Eldrinn

Mod pack based on Space Exploration and Krastorio 2 with the addition of several additional mods.

Mod packs
11 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage Blueprints
This mod 126 From other mods 1
Dependency types:
Default 126 Required 119 Conflict 0 Optional 7 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 16.5M
base >= 1.0.0 -
aai-containers 459K
aai-industry 471K
aai-signal-transmission 462K
aai-vehicles-flame-tank 118K
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler 115K
aai-vehicles-laser-tank 149K
aai-vehicles-warden 120K
AAI_Language_Pack 15.2K
Actual_Craft_Time 15.8K
AdditionalPasteSettings 11.7K
advanced-centrifuge 7.03K
AdvancedArtilleryRemotesContinued 11.6K
alien-biomes 547K
auto-barrel 2.06K
AutoDeconstruct 244K
automatic-station-painter-continued 10.5K
Automatic_Train_Painter 79.8K
AutoTrash 37.6K
beautiful_bridge_railway 45.2K
belt-balancer-performance 27.5K
belt-visualizer 42.6K
BetterAlertArrows 13.8K
blueprint_reader 4.45K
bobenemies 228K
bobinserters 306K
boblibrary 364K
boblocale 72.0K
BottleneckLite 113K
chest-auto-sort 17.6K
combat-mechanics-overhaul 268K
compaktcircuit 6.18K
Constructron-Continued 23.1K
CopyPasteModules 26.0K
cybersyn 15.4K
cybersyn-combinator 6.38K
DragonIndustries 93.7K
dynamic-robot-queues 5.33K
early_construction 20.6K
ElectricTrain 69.3K
Enhanced_Map_Colors 95.2K
equipment-gantry 235K
EquipmentGridLogisticModule 4.79K
even-distribution 337K
EvoGUI 99.7K
FactorySearch 58.3K
Fill4Me-fixed 30.8K
FilterChests 16.4K
Filter_Combinator 4.15K
flib 725K
Flow Control 166K
FluidWagonColorMask 54.8K
Geothermal 25.6K
ghost-counter 11.2K
GhostOnWater 12.6K
GhostScanner2 4.39K
GhostWarnings 11.2K
glutenfree-se-rocket-launch-pad-label 12.5K
grappling-gun 262K
GUI_Unifyer 43.8K
HelfimaLib 5.64K
helmod 370K
informatron 522K
inserter-throughput 19.7K
inventory-repair 57.9K
jetpack 518K
Krastorio2 305K
Krastorio2Assets 304K
map-tag-generator 10.9K
Milestones 215K
mining-patch-planner 62.2K
ModuleInserterEx 18.4K
ModuleInserterSimplified 107K
MouseOverConstruction 9.70K
multi-product-recipe-details 12.2K
nco-AdvancedAirPurification 8.71K
ore-manager-fixed 2.46K
Orphan Finder 15.8K
PickerDollies 42.2K
PipeVisualizer 68.3K
pollution-scaling 3.35K
pump 38.9K
qol_research_jatmn 10.9K
QuickItemSearch 52.0K
RateCalculator 199K
Reactor_Interface_Tweaked 3.69K
RealisticDecorationCleanup 19.3K
rec-blue-plus 12.1K
RecipeBook 182K
Repair_Turrets 3.75K
ResourcesScanner 5.03K
robot_attrition 448K
rocket-log 41.4K
rusty-locale 63.5K
scootys-armor-swap 3.36K
se-core-miner-output-helper 9.20K
se-flow-control-bridge 11.7K
se-recycling-extras 46.3K
shield-projector 465K
show-max-underground-distance 60.2K
simhelper 420K
simple_landfill_mining 7.35K
solar-calc 59.2K
some-autoresearch 16.4K
space-exploration 440K
space-exploration-graphics 436K
space-exploration-graphics-2 430K
space-exploration-graphics-3 426K
space-exploration-graphics-4 426K
space-exploration-graphics-5 425K
space-exploration-menu-simulations 385K
space-exploration-postprocess 435K
space-spidertron 19.6K
Squeak Through 428K
stack-combinator 14.9K
stack-size-tooltip 8.19K
stack4cc 3.08K
stdlib 368K
TaskList 47.1K
textplates 237K
train-log 24.1K
train-scaling 5.06K
train-upgrader 28.7K
VehicleSnap 211K
water-consumes-pollution 16.4K
wret-map-colors-fix 2.86K
Last dependency data update: 23 hours ago (for v0.0.3)