
Software/bigdata engineer, science researcher. As a hobby, a game designer/developer, modder.

The factory must grow! The trees mustn't grow!

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Mods by AivanF

Mining Drones 2.0 Remastered

by AivanF

Adds mining drones and depots providing great yet cusomizable balance: - robust drones recipe ingredients instead of pure iron - normal pollution rate - electric energy usage - editable stack sizes - many compatible mods And so much more! Everything is configurable, many supported mods. Locales: 🇬🇧 English 🇩🇪 Deutsch 🇪🇸 Español 🇫🇷 Français 🇹🇷 Türkçe 🇺🇦 Український 🇷🇺 Русский 🇨🇳 中文

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

Bridge Technologies

by AivanF

When requested by other mods, the Bridge provides ingredients that will get replaced or adjusted if compatible big mods are presented. It's NOT a compatibility of overhaul mods with each other! Instead, it's a utility for developers to integrate their smaller mods with any big modpack. See Home Page for more details. Integrated: Space Age, AAI, SE, K2, IR3, 248k, Py, ExInd, Yuoki, 5Dim, Angel, Bob, BZ, etc.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

Total Productivity for belts, landfill & everything

by AivanF

Would you like to be a diligent engineer who uses their resources efficiently? The mod allows to enable productivity modules for everything! By default, it's enabled for: logistic items (belts, inserters, chests, rails, robots, pipes), solar panels, accumulators, satellites, personal equipment, ammunition. Optionally for other buildings, vehicles, even modules!

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

Reverse Engineering Lab

by AivanF

Now you can uncraft & recycle items into science packs! Provides a lab that performs reverse-engineering research converting items into science packs considering their worth. Sometimes it can unlock related technology research! Useful with mods where you can find, loot advanced items, or just in case you wanna get rid of old stuff. Recipes and science packs from any other mods are supported.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

Recipes Reload

by AivanF

This mod does one simple thing: it reloads researched recipes when new mods get added or updated. Unfortunately, Factorio doesn't do this by default. Some mods forget doing this and you get missing recipes, other ones add the same script, but duplication leads to performance degradation. So this mods intended to be a dependency for single recalculation of researched technologies results. It works automatically, but you can also call it manually with /recipes-reload command.

1 year, 7 months ago

Legio Titanicus (media)

by AivanF

Just graphics and sounds for the WH40k: Titans mod

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

WH40k: Legio Titanicus

by AivanF

The mod provides large and extremely strong battle vehicles from WarHammer 40,000 universe. Make a custom pattern choosing from 8 body types and 15 weapons. Special production and logistic problems and opportunities included! Most of overhaul mods are supported. TechPriest, are you seeking Omnissiah blessing to protect and expand your Forge World? Collegia Titanica is here for you!

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Combat Armor Mining Manufacturing

Extended Laser Turrets

by AivanF

In case you are upset with other las turrets mods due to total imbalance, have a look at this one! ELT provides new grades and variants of laser turrets with smooth grow of distance, damage, health, energy consumption, recipe cost. In addition, there are startup settings to adjust! So, it will perfectly fit your gameplay experience, no matter what modded enemies you have ⚙️

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

Improved Sniper Rifle and Carbine

by AivanF

Rifles for long-range killing. The mod provides 2 guns, 3 tiers of ammo and nice balance :)

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

Car Teleportator: Quantum Carburetor

by AivanF

Equip your vehicle with a Quantum Carburetor, select destination position, put bunch of fuel, then accelerate to 88 km/h – and teleport wherever you want! Even on other planets ;)

3 months ago
Transportation Armor

ALC: Active Looter Chest

by AivanF

A chest that's able to collect or pickup items on the ground as well as to loot corpses, which is especially useful with mods like Powered by Biters. Search area can be configured with circuit signals, Blueprints included! Supports Warptorio2 teleporations.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Enemies Storage

MD2R reskin: C&C, Red Alert, Tiberium Dawn

by AivanF

Reskins mining drones with ore harvesters from CnC, Red Alert, Tiberium Dawn for MD2R. You can freely enable or disable this mod as it's only a cosmetic change, everything will work the same anyway. Graphics from C&C Harvesters mod by Daikael, but I also reworked it.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

Mining Drones improved Tech

by AivanF

I love Mining Drones mod, but the original recipe looks too imbalanced: it requires nothing but raw iron! No need to place miners & belts almost for free, with even no electricity usage! This mod fixes the balance by: 1. Adding a technology needed to be researched before you can create mining drones and depot. 2. Making the recipe harder yet customizable with startup settings. DEPRECATED: Consider updating to Mining Drones 2.0 Remastered

1 year, 9 months ago

Rick’s Space Cruiser – a flying car

by AivanF

Wanna be the coolest engineer owning a fancy Car Spaceship of Rick Sanches? Now you got it! The mod provides a pretty, fast, steady, spacious, yet robust flying aircraft vehicle (not an airplane).

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

MD2R reskin: AAI Mining Vehicle

by AivanF

Makes mining drones look like a small version of the miner from AAI vehicles. You can freely enable or disable this mod as it's only a cosmetic change, everything will work the same anyway. Based on original skin patch mod by dromedar17, I refactored the code, added compatibility with MD2R and a setting to disable original AAI miners.

1 year, 9 months ago

ThunderStorm: Lightning energy

by AivanF

Thunderstorm is coming! Build lightning rods to protect yourself or to tame this mighty element of nature by capturing divine amount of electricity or attacking biter beasts. Supports SE planets. WIP, even more fun will be added!

1 year, 5 months ago
Combat Environment Power

Warptorio2 Extandable

by AivanF

Warptorio that allows addons with planets from other mods like Space Exploration, check out WSEK.

8 months ago
Transportation Logistics Combat Environment

Mining Drones Rescan

by AivanF

In case your mods configuration leads to weird problems requiring you to periodically call Mining Drones rescan manually – this tiny mod will work for you calling resources rescan automatically. By default it activates each 5 seconds, see startup settings to adjust, also there is a runtime/map setting to enable printing so that you can verify that it works as intended.

1 year, 3 months ago

WSEK: Warptorio + Space Exploration + Krastorio

by AivanF

Merges W2 with SE + K2: sometimes you will get teleported onto planets from Space Exploration universe! And many balance fixes to make it playable :) See optional dependencies for a list of recommended mods. By the way, Factorissimo buildings are cheaper here! WARNING: it's really early draft version, balance is not fully corrected yet, errors can be met – in case of problems or suggestions, reach me on Discord.

7 months ago
Transportation Logistics Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing

PBB: Powered by Biters

by AivanF

Take revenge on them! Bite biters back, eat 🥩 transform to crude oil 🛢 to power the factory ⚡️ and charge your flamethrowers 🔥 to turn their blood against themselves! 😈 Inspired by a Reddit comment :D

1 year, 8 months ago
Enemies Manufacturing