Improved Sniper Rifle and Carbine

by AivanF

Rifles for long-range killing. The mod provides 2 guns, 3 tiers of ammo and nice balance :)

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
1 year, 9 months ago
Latest Version:
2.0.0 (4 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
2.92K users

I tried out several similar mods and finally decided to make my own with blackjack and better balance :D Features:
- 2 guns: early Carbine and later advanced Sniper Rifle
- 3 tiers of ammo: basic, piercing and uranium magazines.
- Nice balance to make it strong enough for modded monsters but not recklessly cheap or expensive


  • Recipes for Carbine and basic Rifle Magazine (5 copper plates, 5 steel plates) with damage 80 get unlocked with Military 2 technology research.
  • Recipe for Piercing Rifle Magazine (1 basic magazine, 0.2 explosives) with damage 120 gets unlocked with Military 3.
  • Recipe for Uranium Rifle Magazine (1 piercing magazine, 1 uranium-238) with damage 240 gets unlocked with Uranium Ammo.
  • Recipe for Sniper Rifle (provides higher range and damage) get unlocked with Military 4 technology research.
  • Both rifles gain increased damage and shooting speed by vanilla researches Physical Projectile Damage and Weapon Shooting Speed.

Math, rates

Carbine with basic rifle ammo vs Submachine Gun with piercing rounds magazine, both available at Military 2 research:

Param Submachine Gun Carbine
Range 18 45
Speed 10 1
Damage 8 80
Shots 10 5

So, essentially Carbine rifle is 10 times stronger yet 10 times slower than Submachine Gun. Shooting distance is 2-3 times higher, but recipes are several times more costly:

1 shot of vanilla ammo = (5 copper + 4 iron + 1 steel) / 10 ~= 0.5 copper + 1 iron
1 shot of rifle ammo = (5 copper + 5 steel) / 5 ~= 1 copper + 5 iron

Sniper rifle provides a bit higher shooting range than Carbine, 25% damage bonus, but 25% slower shooting rate (this debuff can be disabled with settings).


  • Based on mod by Porkchop13, I added sounds and new graphics, different guns, ammo, rebalance, well, everything :D
  • There are startup settings to adjust rifles damage gain by the research and shooting range in accordance to your preferences and difficulty level.
  • Supports Warptorio2 additional damage research
  • You can write your requests and suggestions here in Discussions or in Discord.
  • I wish you happy hunting! 😈
