🌐 Enable All Planet Mods

by Kryzeth

Simply has every currently available standalone planet mod on the mod portal as a forced requirement. Glorified shortcut to quickly enable all planets, moons, space locations, and exoplanetary systems (mainly used for compatibility testing). 🌐

Mod packs
19 days ago
BY-NC 4.0
3 months ago
Latest Version:
1.0.10 (19 days ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
2.43K users


Primarily for internal use; force-downloads and enables all standalone planet, moon, space location, and exoplanetary system mods (that are currently on the mod portal, as of Feb 26, 2025).

This pack excludes any overhaul mods that modify the positions of existing planets (such as Realistic Celestial Universe in addition to adding their own planets.

Makes changes for compatibility only when required for errors on startup, and to fix some relatively minor issues.

Currently Implemented Compatibility Patches

  • [Cosmetic] Muluna and Cubium: Changes the planet discovery requirement from Space Science Pack to Asteroid Collector (to align with the rest of the planet discovery technologies)
  • [Cosmetic] Lignumis/Astroponics: Removes Astroponics from the critical tech path, so it is no longer required between space science and asteroid collectors (which then leads to each of the planet discovery techs). Astroponics is now only required for Gleba Astroponics.


This mod was never intended to be a playable or balanced modpack, it exists simply to resolve conflicts between all planets to test compatibility with my other planetary related mods: Safer Asteroids (which limits the maximum size of asteroids on a per-planet basis) and Asteroid Frequency Multiplier (increases or reduces the spawn rate of harmless/dangerous asteroids on a per-planet basis).

In terms of actual playability, the inclusions of Lignumis and Muluna drastically change the early game and early space-age experience.

Lignumis changes the player starting location to itself (a moon in the orbit of Nauvis, which likely renders it incompatible with Any Planet Start and Planet Picker) and adds two pre-automation science packs, which are required to launch you back to Nauvis (one-way trip), where you start for real to unlock the rest of the tech tree as normal, before eventually returning to Lignumis for its unique gold resources. (it also adds several early game versions of late game tech, like bots, equipment, and modular armor)

Upon completing the rocket silo and launching a space platform, your first destination must be Muluna (another moon in the orbit of Nauvis), due to its modifications of space science, requiring them to be crafted on the surface of Muluna before they can be independently crafted on space platforms. Rocket silos on Muluna only require half the resources to launch a rocket, making it an excellent resource hub.

Oddly enough, both Lignumis and Muluna are moons of Nauvis, which also means there are no hazardous asteroids on either of their routes, and thus, no weapons required between them. All of the other planet mods are basically standalone experiences with their own unique planetary rewards.

Current Inclusions

  • Lignumis: Starting location, moon of Nauvis, adds early game recipes and 2 early game science packs based around wood and steam, as well as early game versions of bots, equipment, and modular armor.
  • Muluna: First space location, moon of Nauvis, required to visit to craft space science pack, adds rocket part productivity tech, with 4 stages researchable with just space science, and 2 additional stages being unlocked per subsequent vanilla planet, each requiring their planetary science pack.
  • Maraxsis: One of the coolest, most unique, and most fleshed out planet mods on the mod portal. Adds an oceanic planet which requires equipment and/or submarines to fully explore to the depths of the lowest trenches, where lava is located. Requires dome technology to craft and build to the fullest potential. Unlocks advanced beacon with quality module compatibility, advanced chemical plant optimal for use in space or deep sea, salting of fish and science (for long-term preservation), and stone centrifuging (allows uranium production on any space location with stone)
  • Tiberian Dawn: Contains hazardous tiberian ore which causes damage on contact, but can be used to create high tech military weaponry (includes compatibility with the always-awesome Ion Cannon)
  • Corrundum: Sulfur-focused chemistry planet with platinum ore for advanced chemical plant, advanced lab that requires higher quality science packs for optimal usage, and advanced thruster for increased maximum thrust.
  • Cerys - Moon of Fulgora, adds a nuclear scrap recycling loop for production of plutonium and nitrogen chemistry, used for the planetary rewards of the venting/flare towers, neutron and hydrogen bombs, plutonium ammo and fuel, plutonium portable reactor, and infinite holmium plate productivity tech. A very helpful mid-step between the 3 basic planets and Aquilo.
  • Castra: Another military science planet, focusing on gunpowder and chemical processes, using the Forge (planetary unlock building) with built-in productivity bonus for ammo and weapon production, along with higher tier military equipment. However, it also siphons away the vanilla flamethrower tech from Nauvis, reducing player combat potential pre-Castra.
  • Terra Palus: Moon of Gleba, a max of the swamps and spiders from Gleba, and the resources and biters from Nauvis, in addition to a unique Palusian ore, important for UV/light-based weaponry for use in the night.
  • Tenebris: Another perpetually dark celestial body, this one post-Aquilo, featuring roaming wild centipedes instead of biters or spiders, and bioluminescent crystals to infuse into certain machines in place of general power production.
  • Cubium: The sequel to the 1.0 Ultracube mod, which relied on the eponymous Ultracube to craft everything. By contrast, the planetary resources are plentiful, potentially infinite, but spoilable. They combine into various standard materials, providing alternative (possibly more efficient) recipe paths for various resources.
  • Janus: A really weird planet full of shiftite ore, which spoils in a loop into several variants defined by their greek symbol, used to craft base game resources, and can be be used to duplicate science packs when combined.
  • Moshine: A post-Vulcanus, neodymium and silicon processing planet, used for advanced/futuristic electronic techs, including space trains, and massive yet hyperefficient accumulators/solar panels.
  • Secretas/Frozeta: A post-Aquilo gas giant planet you cannot land on, but can harvest plentiful asteroids from; along with its planet-sized moon, which you can land on, with a mix of Aquilo's cold mechanics and Fulgora's scrap recycling mechanics. Adds a uranium powered inserter that does not require heat, a steam recycler with more module slots, and an additional tier of module slots requiring its planetary resource.
  • Naufulglebunusilo: A mashup planet containing the enemies, resources, and terrain generation from every vanilla planet.
  • Dyson Sphere Reworked: Space age update for the Dyson Sphere mod, which adds two new space locations near the orbit of the sun, with "plasma" asteroids that must be farmed to create plasma fuel, as well as to construct the titular Dyson Sphere, which can provide power directly to other planets (requiring multiple rocket launches). Also requires visiting multiple planets beforehand; very mid-to-endgame level tech.

WIP/ Pre-Alpha Level

  • Arrakis: Currently just adds a sandworm enemy, and the spice melange ore, but has no other recipes, rewards, or technologies. Mod author has indicated that they will eventually add actual content to the planet in a future update.
  • Aiur, from the ERM Protoss mod: Currently just adds a planet containing Protoss enemies from Starcraft, with no new resources or technology. Mod author has indicated that additional content should be added in a future update.
  • Char, from the ERM Zerg mod: Currently just adds a planet containing Zerg enemies from Starcraft, with no new resources or technology. Mod author has indicated that additional content should be added in a future update.

Notable Exclusions

  • Likely all of rjdunlap's planet mods, including Gerkizia, Akularis, Froodara, Qaudromire, Mickora and Nekohaven, etc. as they are not intended to be standalone planet mods, either replacing Nauvis or another base game planet, with no unique technologies, resources, or planetary rewards, acting as more of a glorified map preset, according to the mod author in the discussion tab of their first release
  • Terminus: Because they said so in the description itself. It appears to be intended for ease of sharing with primarily personal use in mind.