Any Planet Start

Start on any of the first three planets: Vulcanus, Gleba, or Fulgora. Choose your planet in the startup mod settings before starting a new game. Now compatible with some modded planets!

a month ago
Transportation Environment
5 months ago
Latest Version:
1.1.12 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
11.3K users


This mod does not add any new recipes, items, or entities into the game (besides Nauvis discovery).
The only thing it does is restructure the tech tree in various ways depending on the planet you choose for the best experience possible.
It also makes it so the asteroids above each starting planet are safe, and Nauvis orbit asteroids are more dangerous.

I made this mod because I knew it was inevitable, and someone was going to do it.
In that case, why not me? I feared the mod could be worse off if it wasn't made by an experienced modder.
There are plenty of capable modders out there who would have done just as good of a job, don't get me wrong, but this way I can guarantee you'll have fun.
Thanks for playing my mod!

Aquilo is not currently directly supported, however Kubius has made a functioning Aquilo start with one of their mods using the Any Planet Start API.
See the topmost mod featured below for a "fun" time!



Any Planet Start now supports the ability for custom planet starts! This can either be done inside of the mod that adds the custom planet, or in a separate mod if you'd like. This means that it doesn't have to be the author of the custom planet mod making the compatibility patch for APS. You could also technically overwrite this mod's vanilla planet patches if you felt so inclined, due to the nature of this custom API.

There are two things that are required for a custom planet to be added:
The first thing is in any of the settings.lua files. Just call APS.add_choice("planet-name") to add a planet to the dropdown setting.
You can also use APS.set_fixed_choice("planet-name") to make it so the starting planet is forced to be the one in the argument.
There are one or two more functions for choices, have a look in this mod's settings.lua to see the others.

The second thing must be in data.lua, and it looks like this:
APS.add_planet{name = "planet-name", filename = "__your-mod__/path-to-file.lua", technology = "planet-discovery-planet-name"}

  • name: The name of the planet prototype.
  • filename: The path to a file that will be required by APS if that planet is selected in the dropdown.
  • technology (optional): The name of the technology prototype that unlocks the planet, if there is one.

There's also a one time event that gets fired at runtime called "aps-post-init" in case you want to do some scripting after APS has done it's init (crash site generation, player teleport, etc).

That's it!
If you are trying to make a custom start for a new planet, I have made a handy dandy file called "__any-planet-start__/utils".
This is a small library designed to make modifying technologies much easier in the various desired ways, such as adding/setting prerequisites, adding/removing recipe unlocks, etc. I'm happy to add more to it if you believe some functionality is missing as well.
I'd prefer to not have custom planet patches in this mod directly, that way whoever made it can easily update it if need be. This means whoever designed the custom planet start has complete control over the compatibility, without depending on another person (me) in the process.