SLP - Dyson Sphere Reworked

by SLywnow

Who needs a fusion reactor when you have the whole sun? Steer the starship directly into its orbit and channel an incredible amount of energy where you need it with new technologies. The main thing is not to forget to leave the ship before departure! Make dyson sphere near star and forget about other energy sources in planets and in space!

2 months ago
Environment Mining Power
4 months ago
Latest Version:
1.0.2 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
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3.77K users

Who needs a fusion reactor when you have the whole sun? Steer the starship directly into its orbit and channel an incredible amount of energy where you need it with new technologies. The main thing is not to forget to leave the ship before departure! Make dyson sphere near star and forget about other energy sources in planets and in space!

What is Dyson Sphere(Kurzgesagt)

News and just chatting - ru - en

How it works

Stage 1 - Sun

Vulcanus? Not bad, not bad. But how about go right into sun orbit? Sounds good? Here you'll open new type of fuel - plasma fuel. And new type of science pack. Also, if you have SLP - High-capacity batteries, then you'll open new battery type here.
Beware, if you try to fly as player here you'll kill yourself and platform (can be disabled in settings)
You need 2 planets here: Vulcanus and Fulgora

Stage 2 - Closer to sun

You need tons of plasma, but here you can't get enough. Time to look more closer to sun. More plasma and plasma clot, that can easily destroy your platform! Destroy it by rockets or laser and get even more plasma! Also, no iron and ice here, so you also open how to duplicate fuel and oxidizer
You need planets: Vulcanus, Gleba and Fulgora

Stage 3 - Dyson sphere

Finally, you ready to open dyson sphere. Make your first small connector and first satellites
You need planets: Vulcanus, Gleba and Fulgora

Stage 4 - Energy repeaters

Now you can open technology to connect Dyson sphere with surfaces, but you need another megastructure, now around planet you want - Energy repeater. Launch new type of satellites to orbit to build it
Nauvis - 500
Vulcanus - 300
Gleba - 500
Fulgora - 1000
Aquilo - 100
Customs (from other mods) - 100
You need planets: all of them

Stage 5 - Final steps

You already open even MK2 connector, but you want more, isn't it? Time to get promethium asteroid and make MK3 that can provide you 800MW energy at once but require 1000 dyson sphere satellites!

Difference from original mod in mechanics

In original mod you have 1 energy connector that can get infinite energy from Dyson sphere, now you have 4 enegy connectors that can connect only to few parts of Dyson sphere (max 800MW), but you still need to increase amount of satellites to place more enegy connectors. Also, with that you can control how to distribute energy more flexibly. More info in How it works.
Also, infinite night was removed because it breaks planets

Editor (from ver 1.0.1)

/dysonmod dyson set/add number - change amount of dyson sphere satellites
/dysonmod planet planet_name set/add number - change amount of energy repeater satellites
To get how much satellites type "get" instead "set" or "add"

To do

  • Add menu simulations
  • Add more Energy Connectors
  • More superstructures
  • Update the mod to last versions
  • Fix bugs
  • Add new bugs



  • Fixed bugs


  • Fixed bugs
  • Added recipe of dyson sphere part with stable plasma fuel

This mod required for many SLP Mods