-- Doesn't affect vanilla recipes, techs or balance, addable at any stage and any save --
A very hot desert planet with almost no magnetic field (propice to precise computations). Rich in metals (neodymium, silicon...). You'll find some scientific probes here that you can harvest data from.
Custom terrain generation, music/sfx, 26 techs, some original challenges... Unlocks after Vulcanus and Fulgora, there's everything to not get stranded.
Discord channel - Any sort of feedback is immensely welcome, (corrections, balance, ideas, criticism, contributions...)
Main mod
Base resources
- The soundtrack is these two albums by Anemoia: Forever, >>>>, found on Free Music Archive under license CC-BY-NC-SA
- Neural computer, Data extractor, Indexer, AI trainer and sand graphics include or are modified versions of Krastorio 1 and 2 (GNU LGPLv3 license)
- The Data extractor, Data processor and AI trainer contain some graphics from Hurricane046's buildings (CC BY license)
- AI trainer sound by Euphrosyyn -- -- License: Creative Commons 0
- Processor sound by LOVEBURD -- -- License: Creative Commons 0
- 0.2 translations: Chinese by rlcyyg1108, Russian by GafarovMaxim, French by Fr_Dae
- Compatibility to Silica and Silicon by Dh4mpyr
- Starmap icon partially from DjKolekson