Planet Gerkizia

Gerkizia is a primitive archipelago planet that you start on that offers no reward; technology, or unique resource.

a month ago

g Any Planet Start Requirement?

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Is the forced requirement to Any Planet Start intentional? Or was it supposed to be an optional dependency?

Just making sure before I add it to my planet modpack (since I remember there being some load issues last time I tested with Any Planet Start, when any other planet apart from Nauvis was selected)

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Judging by the code, it seems that currently you must use Any Planet Start with this mod, as it seems to make an Any Planet Start call without checking if the mod is actually present.

Though I'm not sure if the mod in the current state is even worth including anywhere - judging by the description, there are no plans to actually develop it into something other than essentially a map preset?

2 months ago

Ah, I didn't actually look at the description until you mentioned it. This now seems highly unnecessary lol.

2 months ago

The plan is for about 20-30 different 'planets' or so that are more like map presets; some more involved than others or mixing exisiting scenarios. This is one of the least (new to writing mods).

This is in a bucket that I'm labeling as T0.. which would act as starter planets; without Uranium i.e. players still need to go to Nauvis to be the source of Uranium / for reactors. Then generate a random solar system with a random start, random inner planets, and random end planets.

I'm not sure if this planet would make sense to include if its not the actual start; but there might be a better way than using any planet start. Let me know if you'd like me to make changes.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

I think I understand now, that makes a lot of sense, and would pair really well with the Nuclear Science mod, that gives Nauvis its own planetary science pack and lines up perfectly with your vision.

Definitely no need to include it in my pack, but sounds like a pretty cool idea! I'll just mark it as incompatible whenever I have to make an update to the all planets pack, just so people know not to try to include it.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

(since I remember there being some load issues last time I tested with Any Planet Start, when any other planet apart from Nauvis was selected)

I happened to come across this thread by chance, just wanted to chime in: I had some code written that assumed all space connections I was dealing with were vanilla space connections, intending to write a better implementation later and then never got around to it (life got busy). I fixed that in a recent update though, just wanted to let you know in case that information is relevant.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

@_CodeGreen, if you come back to this, I wanted to move the conversation over to your discussion page, to avoid bloating the notifications on this one, but as of v1.1.5 of Any Planet Start, I'm still getting the error mentioned here when selecting Fulgora (which is the only modified starting planet setting I've tried testing with my All Planets pack.

No clue which mod specifically is causing the error, and it might be an issue with several different mods, considering the original poster didn't mention any additional planet mods of their own.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

With the Any Planet Start mod, I cannot choose a starting planet, which forces me to pick Gerkizia, a terrible starter planet. If I disable it, it goes to the next modded planet on the list.

My other issue is after adding the new planets, I no longer have any of the original planets: Navis, Gleba, Forgora, Volcanus.

Turns out you cannot use these planet mods with the other creators as they override the SE normal planets. Pick one or the other :(

a month ago

I've updated the mod to use the new any planet start API for setting default, instead of using fixed choice.

After I get the new mods ready for the next comfy server run, I'll work on finishing up the mod pack so the logic for removing planets is in the pack. Should be a few days.

a month ago


a month ago

Logic for removing planets has been removed as of 0.1.0 versions.

New response