Nuclear Science

Adds nuclear science as Nauvis's science pack.

30 days ago
3 months ago
Latest Version:
0.3.3 (30 days ago)
Factorio version:
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Nuclear Science

Adds nuclear science as Nauvis's science pack.

When starting the game elsewhere, with Any Planet Start, Nauvis feels out of place as there is little reason to go there for game progression. This mod makes Nauvis more like the other planets, providing its own science pack that is required to get to Aquilo and beyond, technology progression analagous to the other planets and its own special building, the Atom forge.


Uranium mining
Trigger crafting sulfuric acid
Requires Electric mining drill, Sulfur processing
Effects Mining with fluids
Uranium processing
Trigger mining uranium ore
Requires Concrete, Uranium mining
Unlocks Centrifuge Uranium processing
Nuclear science pack
Trigger crafting uranium-235
Requires Uranium processing
Unlocks Nuclear science pack
Atom forge
Cost 45 s × 500
Requires Nuclear science pack, Processing unit
Unlocks Atom forge

These technologies are altered to require nuclear science packs to research:

Technology Notes
Atomic bomb Costs production science pack instead of space science pack
Captive biter spawner
Kovarex enrichment process See below
Legendary quality
Nuclear fuel reprocessing
Nuclear power
Physical projectile damage 7–∞
Planet discovery Aquilo
Portable fission reactor
Portable fusion reactor
Promethium science pack
Railgun shooting speed 1–∞
Research productivity
Uranium ammo

Kovarex enrichment process, by default, costs 50 nuclear science packs plus 1000 of each automation science pack, logistic science pack, chemical science pack and production science pack.

A setting is provided to instead make it a trigger technology, requiring crafting 40 uranium-235.



The centrifuge has a crafting speed of 1.5.

These recipes can now be crafted in a centrifuge, in addition to an assembling machine or by a player:

  • atomic bomb
  • explosive uranium cannon shell
  • portable fission reactor
  • portable fusion reactor
  • uranium cannon shell
  • uranium fuel cell
  • uranium rounds magazine

Atom forge

The atom forge is a 6 × 6 tile building with crafting speed 2, 4 module slots and 50% base productivity. It may only be crafted on Nauvis. It can craft all the recipes a centrifuge can, and:

  • atom forge
  • centrifuge
  • automation science pack
  • logistic science pack
  • military science pack
  • chemical science pack
  • production science pack
  • utility science pack


Nuclear science pack

20 s + 1 uranium-235 + 20 water barrel + 10 concrete → 2 nuclear science pack + 20 barrel

The barrel product is unaffected by productivity.

May only be crafted on Nauvis.

Atom forge

12 s + 1 centrifuge + 50 steel plate + 30 processing unit + 20 refined concrete → 1 atom forge

May only be crafted on Nauvis.

Other recipes

All recipes that can be crafted by a centrifuge have double the vanilla crafting time.


Any Planet Start

This mod is designed to be used with Any Planet Start, though it can be used stand alone.

When starting off Nauvis, Uranium mining requires Planet discovery Nauvis and Uranium processing doesn't require Concrete.

Plutonium Energy

Plutonium technologies require nuclear science packs to research. Recipes involving plutonium can be made in a centrifuge centrifuge or atom forge.

An alternative nuclear science pack recipe is also available:

20 s + 1 plutonium-239 + 20 water barrel + 10 concrete → 10 nuclear science pack + 20 barrel


Atom forge graphics from Factorio Buildings, by Hurricane046, released under the CC BY license.

Uranium science pack graphics from Space Age Science Packs, by ArchEzekiel, released under the MIT license.

Atom forge sounds from Pixabay, by xFromarge1 and Insu, released under the Pixabay Content License.