Factorio HD Age Modpack (all optional)

Warning: The VRAM requirement is very high!!! Mod pack for the base game and DLC, which bundles all Factorio HD mods as optional dependencies. This mod itself does not contain any content.

Mod packs
a month ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage
This mod 17 From other mods 1
Dependency types:
Default 17 Required 3 Conflict 0 Optional 14 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 95.1K
base >= 2.0.23 -
space-age >= 2.0.23 -
factorio_hd_age_modpack_base_game_optional >= 1.0.0 1.11K
factorio_hd_age_elevated_rails >= 0.1.0 8.49K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_base >= 0.1.0 7.96K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_decorative >= 0.1.0 7.25K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_enemies_gleba >= 0.1.0 7.22K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_enemies_vulcanus >= 0.1.0 5.96K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_graphics_addon >= 1.0.0 949
factorio_hd_age_space_age_logistics >= 0.1.0 7.82K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_military >= 0.1.0 7.54K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_production >= 0.1.0 7.61K
factorio_hd_age_quality >= 0.1.0 7.68K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_terrain_aquilo >= 0.1.0 6.13K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_terrain_fulgora >= 0.1.0 7.10K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_terrain_gleba >= 0.1.0 6.10K
factorio_hd_age_space_age_terrain_vulcanus >= 0.1.0 6.20K
Last dependency data update: 10 hours ago (for v1.0.4)