Ask to the mod author to apply a compatibility script when krastorio is installed, is enough that he checked:
if mods["Krastorio2"] then
He can find what he need to adjust other spidetrons in:
Krastorio2\prototypes\vanilla-changes\mandatory\entities-changes.lua in the end of the files
In particular,
These are the fuel modification:
data.raw["spider-vehicle"]["spidertron"].energy_source =
type = "burner",
emissions_per_minute = 0,
effectivity = 1,
render_no_power_icon = true,
render_no_network_icon = false,
fuel_inventory_size = 1,
burnt_inventory_size = 1,
fuel_category = "fusion-fuel"
This is the energy movement_energy_consumption in K2:
data.raw["spider-vehicle"]["spidertron"].movement_energy_consumption = "3MW"
This is the equipment grid used by K2 for the standard spidertron, he can copy only the equipment categories if they have bigger grid size:
type = "equipment-grid",
name = "kr-spidertron-equipment-grid",
width = 10,
height = 6,
equipment_categories = {"universal-equipment", "robot-interaction-equipment", "vehicle-robot-interaction-equipment", "vehicle-equipment", "vehicle-motor"}
We will not produce new compatibily files, but I'm glad to give this necessary information for do it.