Galactic Pioneers deprecated

deprecated i don't have time to update this

Mod packs
1 year, 3 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage Blueprints
This mod 165 From other mods 1
Dependency types:
Default 165 Required 145 Conflict 9 Optional 11 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 22.7M
base >= 1.1.0 -
248k >= 1.0.29 52.1K
nach0_248k_k2_compat_patch 13.0K
nach0_library 13.6K
SE248kfix 12.1K
aai-industry >= 0.5.20 523K
aai-containers >= 0.2.11 521K
aai-programmable-structures >= 0.7.4 123K
aai-programmable-vehicles >= 0.7.24 167K
aai-signal-transmission >= 0.4.7 515K
aai-signals >= 0.6.1 164K
aai-vehicles-chaingunner >= 0.6.1 146K
aai-vehicles-flame-tank >= 0.5.1 135K
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler >= 0.6.1 130K
aai-vehicles-hauler >= 0.6.1 144K
aai-vehicles-laser-tank >= 0.6.4 166K
aai-vehicles-miner >= 0.6.4 172K
aai-vehicles-warden >= 0.5.3 138K
aai-zones >= 0.6.4 122K
Advanced-Electric-Revamped-v16 >= 0.6.11 75.8K
Aircraft >= 1.8.6 170K
AircraftRealism >= 1.5.5 53.1K
alien-biomes >= 0.6.8 613K
alien-biomes-hr-terrain >= 0.6.1 204K
Asteroid_Mining >= 0.9.14 17.8K
AutoDeconstruct >= 0.3.8 288K
Automatic_Train_Painter >= 1.2.0 98.3K
balanced-waterfill 6.68K
belt-balancer 50.3K
belt-balancer-performance 32.2K
BetterBots 159
BetterBotsWLK >= 1.3.11 10.6K
beautiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships 44.1K
Big_Brother >= 0.5.4 88.8K
Bio_Industries >= 1.1.17 54.4K
Bio_Industries_patch 426
bobinserters 345K
Bottleneck >= 0.11.7 261K
BottleneckLite 158K
blueprint-sandboxes 64.6K
car-finder >= 1.5.2 37.3K
cargo-ships >= 0.2.2 219K
cargo-ships-graphics >= 0.2.1 215K
Cold_biters >= 1.1.4 60.4K
ArmouredBiters 162K
Explosive_biters >= 2.0.5 64.3K
Companion_Drones >= 1.0.25 75.6K
companion-drones-rebalanced 4.16K
CleanFloor 74.9K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders >= 2.4.2 104K
deadlock-integrations >= 2.2.0 33.4K
DeadlockCrating >= 1.7.0 16.9K
DeadlockStackingForVanilla >= 1.1.3 17.1K
DeadlockStackingFor248k >= 1.1.9 3.00K
Deadlock-SE-bridge >= 0.6.4 28.6K
DeadlockStackingForKrastorio2 >= 1.1.1 11.9K
Kux-Deadlock-Stacking-Bio_Industries >= 2.4.0 8.12K
DeathMarkers >= 0.4.0 19.3K
dredgeworks 5.07K
Enhanced_Map_Colors >= 1.5.5 104K
even-distribution >= 1.0.10 412K
EvoGUI >= 0.4.601 109K
extended-descriptions 77.8K
flib >= 0.12.9 842K
stdlib >= 1.4.8 406K
factorissimo-2-QRD-2 954
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon >= 1.2.3 78.0K
far-reach >= 1.1.2 195K
FARL >= 4.1.2 47.7K
fireproof-bots 31.1K
Flow Control >= 3.1.4 189K
Flow Control 189K
FluidMustFlow 173K
FluidMustFlowSE 28.1K
FNEI >= 0.4.1 312K
FuelTrainStop 53.5K
grappling-gun >= 0.3.3 290K
ick-automatic-train-repair >= 1.1.4 13.9K
ImprovedCombinator >= 1.0.14 14.2K
informatron >= 0.3.4 590K
Inventory Sensor >= 1.10.6 32.6K
jetpack >= 0.3.13 582K
Krastorio2 >= 1.3.22 338K
Krastorio2Assets >= 1.2.1 340K
Krastorio2RFAC 17.7K
krastorio2_extended_endgame 24.6K
LogisticTrainNetwork >= 1.18.3 253K
LTN_Combinator_Modernized >= 2.1.1 89.5K
LTN_Content_Reader >= 1.0.3 46.6K
ltn-cleanup >= 1.0.17 34.2K
LogisticRequestManager 28.7K
LR_Turret 13.5K
map-tag-generator >= 1.2.5 12.8K
miniloader 192K
Milestones 261K
mining-patch-planner 101K
more-minimap-autohide-017 >= 1.1.0 18.6K
More_Ammo 25.2K
ModuleInserter 140K
ModuleInserterSimplified 131K
multi-product-recipe-details >= 1.1.1 13.2K
Natural_Evolution_Buildings 5.26K
Natural_Evolution_Enemies 15.5K
Nova-Natural_Evolution_Enemies >= 1.1.01 35.5K
Natural_Evolution_Buildings2 >= 1.1.0 7.30K
Natural_Evolution_Enemies_Redux >= 1.1.0 6.33K
Nightfall >= 1.1.1 60.1K
nixie-tubes >= 1.1.3 72.2K
PipeVisualizer 90.8K
qol_research >= 3.3.3 182K
RampantFixed >= 1.6.2 31.2K
RateCalculator >= 3.2.2 266K
RecipeBook 209K
RateCalculator >= 2.2.0 266K
ReStack 27.2K
robot_attrition >= 0.5.15 494K
Robot_Battery_Research >= 0.2.1 87.3K
rocket-log 47.9K
rusty-locale >= 1.0.16 73.8K
show-max-underground-distance 87.0K
simhelper >= 1.1.4 426K
simple-air-cleaner >= 1.1.0 23.9K
SchallCircuitGroup 12.7K
SchallTransportGroup 25.1K
steam-drones 8.16K
RPGsystem 121K
space-exploration >= 0.6.108 482K
space-exploration-graphics >= 0.6.15 479K
space-exploration-graphics-2 >= 0.6.1 472K
space-exploration-graphics-3 >= 0.6.2 468K
space-exploration-graphics-4 >= 0.6.2 468K
space-exploration-graphics-5 >= 0.6.1 467K
space-exploration-postprocess >= 0.6.16 477K
space-exploration-menu-simulations >= 0.6.8 430K
glutenfree-se-rocket-launch-pad-label 16.3K
se-ltn-glue 25.8K
spaceexplorationdatachipaugmenter 13.5K
se-cme-combinator 12.7K
space-exploration-pipes-n-belts 23.9K
se-flow-control-bridge 16.6K
se-space-trains 55.9K
se-flow-control-bridge 16.6K
se-recycling-extras 52.0K
se_k2_fluid_permutations 9.45K
se-landfill-le 13.2K
SE_smooth_ship_walls 20.0K
space-spidertron 23.8K
spidertron-dock 17.2K
shield-projector 518K
spidertron-logistics >= 2.0.2 16.3K
Squeak Through >= 1.8.2 474K
TanksSchallGroupsfixes 4.86K
TheFatController >= 5.1.2 19.3K
Todo-List >= 19.3.0 221K
Transport_Drones >= 1.0.14 77.4K
tree_collision >= 1.1.0 92.5K
Updated_Construction_Drones >= 1.0.6 43.7K
UltimateResearchQueue 45.2K
unbarrel 2.82K
VehicleGrid 16.7K
VehicleSnap 246K
WideChests >= 4.1.0 117K
WideChestsUnlimited 20.7K
YARM >= 0.9.13 142K
WireShortcuts 44.1K
Last dependency data update: 2 hours ago (for v0.0.3)