Up to Space Krastorio Modpack

Krastorio 2 + Space Exploration + Quality of life + Interfaces + Harder enemies

Mod packs
11 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage
This mod 181 From other mods 9
Dependency types:
Default 181 Required 103 Conflict 77 Optional 1 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 22.7M
AAI_Language_Pack >= 1.1.14 16.9K
aai-containers >= 0.2.11 501K
aai-industry >= 0.5.20 509K
aai-loaders >= 0.1.4 78.3K
aai-programmable-structures >= 0.7.4 122K
aai-programmable-vehicles >= 0.7.24 165K
aai-signal-transmission >= 0.4.9 501K
aai-signals >= 0.6.1 160K
aai-vehicles-chaingunner >= 0.6.1 138K
aai-vehicles-flame-tank >= 0.5.1 127K
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler >= 0.6.1 124K
aai-vehicles-hauler >= 0.6.1 135K
aai-vehicles-ironclad >= 0.6.8 194K
aai-vehicles-laser-tank >= 0.6.4 159K
aai-vehicles-miner >= 0.6.4 167K
aai-vehicles-warden >= 0.5.3 130K
aai-zones >= 0.6.4 121K
AbandonedRuins >= 1.1.6 60.8K
Aircraft >= 1.8.6 168K
AircraftRealism >= 1.5.5 51.6K
alien-biomes >= 0.6.8 593K
ArmouredBiters >= 1.1.9 155K
AutoDeconstruct >= 0.3.8 267K
belt-visualizer >= 1.3.2 54.6K
blueprint_flip_and_turn >= 101.8.6 51.4K
bullet-trails >= 0.6.2 392K
Cold_biters >= 1.2.1 55.9K
combat-mechanics-overhaul >= 0.6.24 290K
CustomCircuitColors >= 1.2.2 763
CustomColor >= 3.1.2 3.89K
DeadlockLargerLamp >= 1.5.1 67.9K
DeathMarkers >= 0.4.0 19.0K
EpicWeaponSounds >= 0.0.2 2.85K
equipment-gantry >= 0.1.5 252K
even-distribution >= 1.0.10 371K
EvoGUI >= 0.4.601 107K
Explosive_biters >= 2.0.5 60.0K
CanalBuilderWLK >= 1.1.9 8.03K
factorio-crash-site >= 1.0.2 26.1K
flib >= 0.13.0 788K
FluidMustFlow >= 1.3.5 164K
FluidWagonColorMask >= 1.1.0 60.9K
FNEI >= 0.4.1 299K
GDIW >= 1.1.0 47.4K
GhostOnWater >= 0.12.2 15.3K
grappling-gun >= 0.3.3 282K
GUI_Unifyer >= 1.12.0 49.9K
helmod >= 0.12.19 404K
infinitycorpeslive >= 0.1.4 2.62K
informatron >= 0.3.4 568K
InserterFuelLeech >= 0.2.7 65.8K
inventory-repair >= 19.1.1 66.8K
ironclad-gunboat-and-mortar-turret >= 0.1.4 9.70K
IslandStart >= 1.1.0 21.4K
jetpack >= 0.3.14 561K
K2SETweaks >= 0.0.8 14.6K
Krastorio2 >= 1.3.23 333K
Krastorio2Assets >= 1.2.1 334K
krastorio-aai-loaders-compact >= 1.1.0 6.70K
Kux-CoreLib >= 2.9.1 62.3K
Kux-OrbitalIonCannon >= 2.4.1 81.3K
LightCone >= 1.2.2 3.17K
Lightcycle >= 1.0.7 1.15K
map-tag-generator >= 1.2.5 11.8K
Milestones >= 1.3.20 245K
MIRV >= 1.0.1 22.5K
modmashsplinter >= 1.1.13 12.3K
modmashsplinterthem >= 1.1.37 5.59K
ModuleInserter >= 5.2.4 136K
more-minimap-autohide-017 >= 1.1.0 14.5K
MushroomCloud >= 1.0.17 27.3K
NightBrightness >= 1.1.8 6.20K
NightvisionToggles >= 1.0.8 2.53K
Noxys_Trees >= 0.4.5 13.3K
PavementDriveAssistContinued >= 4.1.1 14.5K
PipeVisualizer >= 2.0.1 86.0K
PlutoniumEnergy >= 1.5.5 59.1K
Rampant >= 3.3.4 122K
RampantArsenal >= 1.1.6 150K
RandFTModSound >= 1.0.1 119
RateCalculator >= 3.2.3 227K
robot_attrition >= 0.5.15 484K
Robot256Lib >= 1.1.4 25.1K
se-space-trains >= 0.1.12 52.6K
shield-projector >= 0.1.6 503K
Shortcuts-ick >= 1.1.28 43.4K
simhelper >= 1.1.5 425K
space-exploration >= 0.6.117 475K
space-exploration-graphics >= 0.6.15 472K
space-exploration-graphics-2 >= 0.6.1 465K
space-exploration-graphics-3 >= 0.6.2 461K
space-exploration-graphics-4 >= 0.6.2 462K
space-exploration-graphics-5 >= 0.6.1 460K
space-exploration-menu-simulations >= 0.6.8 423K
space-exploration-postprocess >= 0.6.26 470K
StatsGui >= 1.4.1 108K
stdlib >= 1.4.8 400K
Toxic_biters >= 1.1.5 26.8K
TrainSchedule >= 2.0.0 988
TurboBike >= 1.1.1 14.6K
vehicle-corpses >= 0.0.6 3.94K
vehicle-physics >= 1.1.0 1.81K
VehicleSnap >= 1.18.5 231K
TLBE >= 1.5.0 6.17K
AfraidOfTheDark 171K
Annotorio >= 0.3.0 179
brave-new-world >= 3.2.1 8.82K
CanalBuilder 59
CanalBuilder17 38
CanalBuilder18 8
CanalBuilder2 13
traintunnels <= 0.0.11 13.7K
Clowns-Nuclear >= 1.3.7 24.0K
HdProcessedMetal >= 0.0.1 87
KS_Power >= 0.3.0 106K
Krastorio >= 0.2.1 181
Krastorio-graphics >= 0.0.1 149
KS_Combat >= 0.1.11 62
ModularLife >= 0.2.11 2.62K
Power Armor MK3 >= 0.0.1 187K
PowerAndArmor >= 1.18.41 9.01K
SimpleSilicon >= 1.0.0 93
bobequipment >= 0.17.0 224K
bobvehicleequipment >= 0.17.0 181K
custom_power_armor_fix >= 0.10.0 4.92K
laborat >= 0.1.0 126
Orbital Ion Cannon 374
PavementDriveAssist 173
QueueToFrontNG 40.1K
angelsindustries 102K
angelspetrochem 198K
angelsrefining 202K
angelssmelting 194K
bobelectronics 241K
bobores 255K
bobplates 253K
bobpower 263K
bobrevamp 216K
bobtech 231K
bobvehicleequipment 181K
bobwarfare 260K
Yuoki 26.8K
pycoalprocessing 61.9K
pyindustry 61.5K
pyhightech 52.5K
PyBlock 3.82K
angelsinfiniteores 106K
BiggerStacksPlus 5.84K
BitersBegoneUpdated 8.13K
bobmodules 232K
bulkteleport 1.97K
Clockwork 30.5K
dangOreus 9.84K
Darkstar_utilities 3.31K
DeepMine 14.1K
Explosive Excavation 76.9K
FactorioExtended-Core 5.68K
FactorioExtended-Plus-Core 16.0K
IndustrialRevolution 34.5K
infinite-resources-depletion 6.14K
LandfillPainting 79.9K
Li-Quarry 5.60K
modmash 4.26K
MoreScience 1.69K
omnimatter 12.9K
PersonalTeleporter 6.70K
quarry-edit 761
rso-mod 142K
SeaBlock 95.5K
SchallMachineScaling 10.6K
SchallOreConversion 822
sonaxaton-infinite-resources 41.7K
Space-Exploration-Modpack 1.76K
SpaceMod 100K
TagToTeleport 2.50K
TeamCoop 1.16K
Teleportation_Redux 10.3K
traintunnels 13.7K
Unlimited-Resources 10.4K
UnlimitedProductivity 6.83K
vtk-deep-core-mining 35.6K
Last dependency data update: 21 hours ago (for v3.6.2)