StarsWithSakura 星辉洒落处,飘落樱花瓣(alpha)

星辉洒落处,飘落樱花瓣 🌸 StarsWithSakura 🌸 这是一个中国人制作的大型模组 💻 This is a LARGE mod created by a Chinese developer. 💻

13 hours ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage

b [fixed]Issue no3

8 days ago

Failed to load mods: Error while loading technology prototype "electronics" (technology): Value must be a list in property tree at
Modifications: Base mod › Kuxynator's Slim-Inserters › StarsWithSakura 星辉洒落处,飘落樱花瓣(alpha) › Big Lab › Science Not Invited

8 days ago

Yeah, I have modified a lot of technology trees, including "electronics", because the previous gameplay has been COMPLETELY changed, so it is not compatible with the modules you use!

7 days ago

Mod updated, they're now compatible.
Cool mod of yours btw :)

7 days ago
(updated 7 days ago)

Mod updated, they're now compatible.
Cool mod of yours btw :)

Cool mod of yours too! Thank U

New response