When using the Custom AAI Programmable Vehicles, equipment grids revert to the default 4x2 or 6x2 (or disappear completely) instead of the larger 6x6 (or larger) grids K2 modifies them as. All such vehicles without AI work as expected and retain their K2-appropriate grids at all times. Car and Tank variations also work as expected at all times, both with and without AI (with one minor exception regarding AI vehicles with generators and disappearing fuel). However, the Custom vehicles, e.g. the Flame Tumbler, Chaingunner, Warden, and Miner, revert to their default vehicle grids when a remote move order is issued, and any equipment outside of that default grid (originating from the top-left) is deleted and not recovered when the vehicle reverts to an uncontrolled state.
1) Build any non-vanilla AI vehicle. An AI-enabled Chaingunner or Miner are fine test media.
2) Place by hand and/or deploy by deployer. Note proper K2 grid, 6x6 in both cases.
3) Enter and drive the vehicle manually. The grid remains intact and no changes occur therein.
4) Exit the vehicle or enable AI override (the Green AI state)
4a) Issue a move order via the vehicle remote (Y to activate the yellow remote, click to select the vehicle, shift-click on a tile or entity)
5) The grid on the Miner has now disappeared completely, and the Chaingunner has reverted to a 4x2.
6) This remains the case until the vehicle is changed to the Always Off AI state (a prerequisite for collecting them).
7) The K2-defined grid returns once reverted to the Always Off state (Red AI state), but any equipment outside of the interceding grid's dimensions, centered on the upper-left of the larger grid, is deleted.
8) Compare to Car or Tank using the above process and note how the grids do not change in size, that equipment is retained as expected, and exactly when loaded fuel disappears (each time a move order is issued, obnoxiously).
In a seemingly-related case, Car and Tank variations (and ostensibly all vehicles, I simply didn't test others in this case) lose all fuel loaded into fuel-based grid power providers when move orders are issued via remote as well even though they retain all other grid properties and equipment.
Vehicles not tested include the Hauler, Flame Tank, Laser Tank, and K2's Advanced Tank (not that I would cripple that beauty by turning it into a single-weapon AI vehicle).
K2 v 1.1.4 and Factorio 1.1.35
Relevant other mods appear to be:
AAI Prog. Vehicles 0.7.12
AAI Vehicles (various/all, latest)
Space Exploration 0.5.71 (SE's Post-Process mod is stated as modifying the AAI vehicles after K2)
Unlikely to be relevant, but also present, are the latest on:
AAI programmable structures
Vortik's Armor Plating
AAI Industry
Natural Evolution Enemies (fixed)
Combat Mechanics Overhaul
Alien Biomes
These AI-controlled vehicles appear to be copies made of the base ones once move orders are given and revert to "normal" vehicles once the AI is switched off. This is supported by a dust cloud appearing when the vehicle is switched off as if it was freshly-placed and losing its player-based color. It seems to be this copying script/process that is the basis for these discrepancies, with the script not catching the "contents" of fueled generators, and K2 modifying the "normal" vehicles appropriately and the AI-controlled "vanilla" vehicles while failing to modify the AI-controlled custom vehicles.
Minor Edit/Update: Updated listed mods to include all those that are listed as pertinent to the base vehicles as well as the AI-controlled Programmable Vehicles.