Production and consumption of dirty water is not showing up in the production window's fluids tab
Dirty water is being consumed by filtration plants:
Dirty water (the fluid itself) does not seem to be modified by other mods:
Mod list:
AtomicArtillery = "0.2.1",
Bluegistics = "0.1.5",
Booktorio = "1.5.2",
ClosestFirst = "0.18.2",
Construction_Drones = "0.6.11",
Dectorio = "0.10.9",
DoubleSpeedBelts = "0.4.4",
DragonIndustries = "1.18.18",
["Edit-Blueprints"] = "0.1.7",
FARL = "4.0.7",
FNEI = "0.3.4",
FluidMustFlow = "1.2.9",
Geothermal = "1.18.15",
Honk = "4.1.0",
Krastorio2 = "1.0.7",
LTN_screensaver = "0.18.6",
LandfillEverything = "0.18.1",
LogisticTrainNetwork = "1.14.6",
LtnManager = "0.3.8",
NightvisionToggles = "1.0.3",
Noxys_Extra_Settings_Info = "0.3.0",
Noxys_Trees = "0.3.1",
OSHA_BotRecaller = "0.1.3",
OpteraLib = "0.2.1",
Prospector = "1.0.26",
QueueToFrontNG = "0.18.2",
RenaiTransportation = "0.6.2",
Robot256Lib = "0.18.8",
["Rocket-Silo-Construction"] = "1.0.25",
SchallRecipeScaling = "0.18.3",
SchallVirtualSignal = "0.18.2",
SmartArtilleryWagons = "0.3.0",
Spider_Control = "0.3.5",
TacticalConstruction = "0.2.4",
TheFatController = "5.0.5",
TimeTools = "2.0.41",
TrainNetworkForPlayers = "0.11.2",
UI_Hotkeys = "0.3.3",
VehicleSnap = "1.18.3",
VehicleWagon2 = "3.0.7",
WaterTurret = "1.0.1",
WireShortcuts = "0.4.4",
["aai-industry"] = "0.4.23",
["aai-signal-transmission"] = "0.3.22",
["alien-biomes"] = "0.5.8",
["alien-biomes-hr-terrain"] = "0.5.1",
always_red_rail_signal = "0.18.1",
base = "1.0.0",
["bullet-trails"] = "0.5.1",
conman = "0.18.4",
factoryplanner = "1.0.11",
fcpu = "0.3.16",
flib = "0.5.0",
gvv = "0.3.6",
howfardiditgo = "0.18.0",
informatron = "0.1.14",
jetpack = "0.1.25",
["manual-inventory-sort"] = "2.2.4",
["nixie-tubes"] = "0.18.5",
["power-grid-comb"] = "0.18.1",
pushbutton = "0.18.2",
recipeid = "0.18.1",
robot_attrition = "0.4.4",
signalstrings = "0.18.1",
["space-exploration"] = "0.4.30",
["space-exploration-graphics"] = "0.4.3",
["space-exploration-hr-graphics"] = "0.4.1",
["space-exploration-postprocess"] = "0.4.8",
stdlib = "1.4.5",
["stringy-train-stop"] = "0.18.0",
["walls-block-spitters"] = "0.5.1"