Tested in the most recent Krastorio and Factorio-Version.
The changes for the atomic bomb wave in the "damage-and-ammo".lua have the term "damage=" two times, and thus do only the radioactive damage.
This lowers the damage of atomic, heavy and antimatter-rockets significantly.
Line 517: data.raw["projectile"]["atomic-bomb-wave"].action =
type = "area",
radius = 3,
ignore_collision_condition = true,
action_delivery =
type = "instant",
target_effects =
type = "damage",
vaporize = false,
lower_distance_threshold = 0,
upper_distance_threshold = 35,
lower_damage_modifier = 1,
upper_damage_modifier = 0.1,
damage = {amount = 400, type = "explosion"},
damage = {amount = 100, type = "radioactive"} <--