Krastorio 2

An overhaul mod focusing on end-game technologies and moderately increased complexity.

10 days ago
0.18 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage

i One too many fluids?

3 years ago

Great mod. What a wonderful idea to take an already well-balanced game, and make it even better.

That said, I do think there is a bit of bloat here and there. Regarding fluids, I think there are too many. I like the idea of having another acid, a higher level one above Sulfuric that is used for more complex processes, but why have three? Hydrogen Chloride seems unnecessary. You could just use Nitric Acid to enrich Rare Metals, since you already need it to make Immersite Crystals. I am all for adding new things, but not of they have narrow use.
Biomethanol seems completely unneeded. Yes, you can burn it in the Gas Station, but why bother when you can just use Petroleum? Some of the other chemical recipes serve no purpose. Do we really need need a way to make water?
Water Separation also seems unneeded, since we can make both Hydrogen and Oxygen using the Condensers.

Don't take this the wrong way, the mod is incredible. The new buildings look absolutely amazing. I just dislike adding things that serve no purpose.


Linver β˜†
3 years ago

Hi Fuzzician, Hydrogen Chloride and Biomethanol have precise purpose, optional fluids for optional features, we add them like other of the mod content to add features, u need almost Chloride and Nitric Acid to end the game, the mod is a bit complex only if u want explore all of mod content... nothing different like the optional vanilla features: robot logistics, nuclear or circuit network.
Anyway, thank u for ur feedback.

3 years ago

Understood, but for an optional feature to be, well, a feature, it has to be at least comparable. Biomethanol has to be made, while Petroleum is already available, since you have to make it anyways.

But I understand the intend. So perhaps the solution is to make Biomethanol much more efficient? Maybe produce more of it, since it only has a single use anyways. By the way, having it use Steam seems very odd, since steam is something you already use to make power. If Gas Power is meant to be an alternative, then it should use different materials. Perhaps Coal + Oxygen and/or Nitrogen makes a generous amount of it, so the player has a real incentive to go that route, and could replace steam power completely?

3 years ago

I think it's pretty cool to have power generation methods that are fully renewable. Most of my power generation pre-nuclear was from wood fired boilers. The greenhouses took a lot of space but I thought it was funny making wood and then using that wood to spin turbines for net positive electricity = "solar" power.

I never did use biomethanol until making biter virus capsules but it is also a fully renewable resource that only requires electricity and water. If I did my math right, to satisfy 1 gas station with biomethanol requires 0.5 atmospheric condenser, 1 fuel refinery, 0.915 greenhouse (some wood for boiler), and 0.3 boiler = ~3.9MW net power generation. IMO it's cool that this setup will run indefinitely. Of course crude oil is very plentiful and is used a lot so the amount saved by this setup is negligible but that's beside the point.

Linver β˜†
3 years ago

Biomethanol haven't only one use, can be used in trains... anyway I will think about boost the biomethanol a bit (bit bit bit bit bit...)

3 years ago

Wait, in trains? You mean through biofuel?

Linver β˜†
3 years ago

Biomethanol can be used to produce bio-fuel, in situation of low resoruces for fuels this reduce a lot the consume