Krastorio 2

An overhaul mod focusing on end-game technologies and moderately increased complexity.

6 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage

g No immersite spawned in huge area

3 years ago

So I'm like 30 hours into my map.
I have revealed an area of around 4x4 the advanced radar range
Found multiple fields of everything, but no immersite at all

When I start a game in sandbox mode and just scan the map, there is much more immersite (and one always near to starting area)
Probably a bug?

If I want to spawn an immersite source, what would be the console command for it?

3 years ago

here is link to map:

3 years ago

here list of the mods i have installed:

3 years ago

It's quite rare, I would suggest scouting a bit more before manually trying to spawn something. I'm also playing with RSO and have only found two Imersite deposits so far on my map:

I'm still looking for Uranium myself, but I trust it's out there somewhere

3 years ago

yeah I just found one, a 10 M patch, super far away from my starting position.
so it just seems to be super rare.

still strange, when I start a map in sandbox mode... it seems to be much more frequently.

on the other side, i have lots of uranium and rare metals

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

If you really have to spawn it in, this works fine with infinite resources but not much else as it only spawns 350 to a resource area. Changing the density only ads more resource nodes.

/c local surface=game.player.surface
local ore=nil
local size=1
local density=1
for y=-size, size do
for x=-size, size do
if a<b then
ore=math.random(adensity-a(density-8), adensity+a(density-8))
if b<a then
ore=math.random(bdensity-b(density-8), bdensity+b(density-8))
if surface.get_tile(game.player.position.x+x, game.player.position.y+y).collides_with("ground-tile") then
surface.create_entity({name="imersite", amount=ore, position={game.player.position.x+x, game.player.position.y+y}})