Krastorio 2

An overhaul mod focusing on end-game technologies and moderately increased complexity.

a month ago
0.18 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage

g Dying because of uranium

4 years ago

1) Pick up an inserter/miniloader.
2) Start taking damage.
3) WTF die.
4) Realize I had gotten some uranium into my inventory.
5) Go reclaim my corpse.

Yeah, "realism", radioactivity, and all that. But it's a frustrating gameplay mechanic with no real value that I can see. So far the only times I've died it's because of not realizing what's going on before it's too late.

4 years ago

Radiation can be disabled with commands, aditionally radiation damage can be blocked by armour and shields.
Getting hurt or killed by radiation is annoying, but there ways to deal with it.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

It really seems peoples attension span is declining more and more. I dont know why this is happening, but it is happening.
Its really painful to watch that game creators cater to this development. First they implement a flavor feature, than they remove it, because some people cant deal with it.

Why is this uranium death even a thing? For me its unbelievalbe that this is even discussed as a problem
1. There are several factors which must apear simultainously (audio disabled, going afk in the wrong timewindow, visual disability etc)
2. very poor attention capabily

and even IF all of these things happen at once, then what? You died in a game where you cant lose anything and can reload.
You also have to assume this can happen only ONCE to a person whos IQ is above 70, after 1 death he has understood and learned it.

I really have to say that after Krastorio introduced an option to disable the uranium effect, I cant take this mod serious anymore... Its now trapped in a cycle of repairing mod compability(which I dont care) and catering to the most absurd change requests, instead of refining, balancing and adding content. (the last patches worsend the game imo)

Linver β˜†
4 years ago

Hi Sirblack, if u really really really can't enjoy radioactivity type /kr-disable-radioactivity in the console to disable it.

Hi Nasabot, I'm sorry that u will find our choices wrong, we try to make all enjoy the mod and we patch it on the community feedbacks. About the radioactivity command, is not an option, that command force a remote interface reserved to other modders for compatibility purpose, we simply add the command to make people that want remove radioactivity don't lose the possibility of unlock achivements using scripting code in console.

4 years ago

I think it's because it catches new players to the mod by surprise when you "accidently" pickup uranium (put splitter on a belt). Happened to me on first play and I thought it was due to being too close to uranium field, so I kept running away but still dying without realizing I was carrying some. Maybe the behavior should be different when you're radioactive due to having some in your inventory vs being close? Or put message on screen as "you are carrying radioactive material X".
(btw: I love that feature now that I know how it works)

4 years ago

It makes the game very realistic.. try walking into the blown reactor of Chernobyl.. it will be deadly to..

4 years ago

It's not realistic, but also this is a game where you can carry 1000 locomotives in a backpack. It's kind of cute, it's a game rule, just build some armor and set uranium to autotrash and you're safe.

Real U-235 and especially U-238 are only weakly radioactive. Also they're alpha emitters, so you can carry them around all day, especially in a protective suit. Just don't eat them, don't breathe the dust, don't breathe radon from the ore patches, and even then you would have chronic problems (cancer) and not acute ones. Only the spent fuel cells, or a critical mass of U-235 outside the reactor, would be acutely dangerous while wearing the engineer's suit.

4 years ago

"when you accidently pickup uranium ... I thought it was due to being too close to uranium field, so I kept running away but still dying without realizing I was carrying some" - This is exactly what's happened to me a couple times now. By the time I realize that it's not proximity to a uranium patch that's damaging me, it's too late. So part of the problem is recognizing the reason for the damage in time.

Shields would be nice if they stopped or significantly reduced the damage - at least to give some counter-play to this mechanic - but so far I've only seen them just slightly extend the time until death. And if I've already taken some damage due to placing miners, then it's still not all that much time from accident until dead.

I don't really want to debate whether it's realistic or not. That's not likely to be a useful discussion, especially when there are plenty of other unrealistic things in Factorio. So I'm looking at it purely from a gameplay perspective - in what it adds or changes about the gameplay. In this case I don't feel like it adds anything interesting. Compare with dying from being run over by a train - that influences how to I decide where to put train tracks and can be further interesting with trying to design safe crossings. But here uranium damage doesn't influence anything about how I go about laying out an outpost to mine it or anything else. It just means I have to be wary about my inventory and sometimes end up spending time running back to recover my corpse.

The command is nice to know about though.

4 years ago

I like it. It adds an additional challenge to the game to watch for.
Funny story - was playing this with a group of friends and forgot to turn my construction robots off. My buddy deconstructed a belt with uranium on it and my bots dropped it into my inventory. After not realizing why I was suddenly losing most of my health, I frantically searched through my inventory and dumped it on the ground.
My buddy saw the whole thing go down and was laughing hysterically. Shields negate it later on - please don't nerf this, I think it is perfect just the way it is.

3 years ago

I first ran into it when I installed the mod and forgot to disable it before I loaded up my vanilla save.
Get into the game, and I start dying :D

3 years ago

make the indicator "Radiation", it says that there is a radioactive object in your inventory.

3 years ago

Uranium is both a deadly poison and radioactive.. So, take precautions or turn it off with the command.