Krastorio 2

An overhaul mod focusing on end-game technologies and moderately increased complexity.

6 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage

i Wider Rocket Turret radius please

4 years ago

Rocket Turrets cannot fire into corners. They should be widened to about 90 degrees OR somehow allow a turret to point diagonally. They cannot protect your base corners unless you crossfire them about 28 spaces apart diagonally. This is too far apart to create a small walled outpost. A long diagonal wall is ok with a general base wall but small outposts shouldn't require such a large footprint. I don't think Artillery should be the solution here as Rocket Turrets range all enemies in the game when facing them. I should have the opportunity to choose to face one the precise direction I'd like but that option is not available. Perhaps a shift-M option to change to diagonal mode. If a diagonal turret is not possible then I think the radius should be wider.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

in general, you should not have 90 degree corners in your defenses to begin with as they'll always be glaring weak points. you should replace them with a section of diagonally placed walls - rounding out the perimeter instead of it being a rectangle.

or, even better, design your defenses so that the corners are made out of cliffs or water.

4 years ago

I totally agree when it comes to your normal base, but how can I defend a tiny radar outpost? The required footprint is just too huge.

4 years ago

I'd argue that this is a feature so you have to use a variety of defense structures/turrets and not just 1 type.. ie the rocket turrets only.

4 years ago

Unfortunately, we cannot make it diagonal due to game limitations. And if we increase the radius, then the turret begins to cause damage to friendly buildings...

4 years ago

@Krastor, there is some workaround for the game limitation since IR's photon cannons can be aimed diagonally. I think Deadlock got that code from another mod, so it might not even be under the restrictive license. IIRC they also have adjustable firing arc, so you can aim wide on corners and narrow on straight walls.

Not that it's high priority enough to figure out how IR did it. I know you've put in a ton of work on this mod already.