Krastorio 2

An overhaul mod focusing on end-game technologies and moderately increased complexity.

6 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage

g No wood on planet? You will die!

4 years ago

Hi here!

I started new game without any wood on map and seems like I will die.... :)

4 years ago

The ''greenhouse'' tech will save you ! ;)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

not really
when you set up new map with disabled trees in setting you start with 1 wood. It's enough for 2 poles and setup very compact energy&research for research Energy Distibution
In K2 you have to spend wood for basic science cards for greenhouse research(and some wood to build it)

4 years ago

Oh my bad, I taught you meant ''minimum wood [17%]''. I never taught about creating a game without any wood at all.

4 years ago

I had the same using quite cold biomes in Alien Biomes. No trees on the map, meant I never got enough wood to build a greenhouse.

4 years ago

I usually like to play with no trees, but this time I'm glad I set it to 17%.

You will need 150 tech cards (20 for automation core, 30 for crusher, 50 for stone processing, 40 for the greenhouse, and 10 for basic fluid handling for the offshore pump). With 5 wood per 5 cards, that is 150 wood.

You will also need power poles to connect the ship reactor to the ship lab, which on my map took 4 poles, so 2 wood. You will also need to power the offshore pump and greenhouse, my map took 20 poles, so another 10 wood, but might be different on a different map (in a pinch you can probably do that with a single wind turbine and suffer through a long first cycle).

TL;DR: The simplest solution to this seems to be providing the player with single stack of 200 wood, probably in one of the initial starting chests. This strikes me as pretty easy to code, and also not messing with the balance.

4 years ago

We have already added wood to the containers that are scattered during the start of the game. If you're lucky, then you can find over 200+