mezzo's streaming modpack

The full list of mods used by mezzodrinker for their Factorio stream.

Mod packs
a month ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage
a month ago
Latest Version:
1.0.0 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
11 users

The list of mods used in my Factorio stream series.

For now, it's literally just a list of mods, but I might add the used settings in a future update.

The mod pack will automatically install the following mods for you:

  • Programmable Speaker Alerts List 2 (AlertsList2)
  • Alien Biomes (alien-biomes)
  • Xenos Oppression: ALMF (almf)
  • Xenos Oppression: ALR-AC (alr-ac)
  • Xenos Oppression: ALR-MG (alr-mg)
  • Xenos Oppression: AMT-AC (amt-ac)
  • Xenos Oppression: AMT-ART (amt-art)
  • Xenos Oppression: AMT-B (amt-b)
  • Angel's Infinite Ores (angelsinfiniteores)
  • Beautiful Bridge Railway (beautiful_bridge_railway)
  • Beautiful Bridge Railway Bob Fix(New) (beautiful_bridge_railway_bob_fix_updated_new)
  • Better Cliff Hitboxes (better-cliff-hitboxes)
  • Big Data String Library (big-data-string)
  • Bob's Assembling machines (bobassembly)
  • Bob's Adjustable Inserters (bobinserters)
  • Bob's Functions library mod (boblibrary)
  • Bob's Logistics mod (boblogistics)
  • Bob's Mining (bobmining)
  • Bob's Modules (bobmodules)
  • Bob's Power (bobpower)
  • Bob's Vehicle Equipment (bobvehicleequipment)
  • mezzocompat: Bob's Vehicle Equipment for Xenos Oppression (bobvehicleequipment-for-xenos-oppression)
  • Capacity Combinator (capacity-combinator)
  • Cleaned Concrete (CleanedConcrete)
  • Corpse Flare (CorpseFlare)
  • Deadlock's Research Notifications (DeadlockResearchNotification)
  • Dragon Industries - Nauvis Division (DragonIndustries)
  • Electric Train (ElectricTrain)
  • Factoripedia (factoripedia)
  • Factorissimo 2 - notnotmelon fork (factorissimo-2-notnotmelon)
  • Fully Automated Rail Layer (FARL)
  • Flamethrower Fluid (flamethrower-fluid)
  • Factorio Library (flib)
  • Flow Control
  • Flow Control for Bob's Logistics (flow-control-expanded-bob)
  • Geothermal
  • Geothermal Recipe Icons (Geothermal_Recipe_Icons)
  • Ghost Scanner2 (GhostScanner2)
  • Hatsune Enrichment Process (hatsune-enrichment-process)
  • Informatron (informatron)
  • Inlaid UV-lamp (InlaidUVLamp)
  • Inventory Repair (inventory-repair)
  • Landmine Gridlock (LandmineGridlock)
  • Light Overhaul (light-overhaul)
  • Lightorio (lightorio)
  • LTN - Logistic Train Network (LogisticTrainNetwork)
  • Xenos Oppression: Advanced Laser Tank (lt-2k)
  • LTN Cleanup (ltn-cleanup)
  • LTN Manager (LtnManager)
  • LTN Combinator Modernized (LTN_Combinator_Modernized)
  • LTN Content Reader (LTN_Content_Reader)
  • Missile Defense Systems (missile_defense_systems)
  • NiceFill (nicefill-scriptfix)
  • mezzocompat: No Wood For Bob for Vanilla Loaders (no-wood-for-bob-for-vanilla-loaders)
  • No Wood For Bob (No_Wood_For_Bob)
  • OSM Lib (osm-lib)
  • OSM-Lib PostProcess (osm-lib-postprocess)
  • Power Armor MK3
  • Power Combinator (power-combinator)
  • Rampant
  • Repair Turret (Repair_Turret)
  • Artisanal Reskins: Bob's Mods (reskins-bobs)
  • Artisanal Reskins: Compatibility (reskins-compatibility)
  • Artisanal Reskins: Burner/Gray Tier (reskins-gray)
  • Artisanal Reskins: Library (reskins-library)
  • Robot256's Library (Robot256Lib)
  • Resource Spawner Overhaul (rso-mod)
  • Safe Waterfill (safefill)
  • Modular Turrets (scattergun_turret)
  • Schall Circuit Group (SchallCircuitGroup)
  • Schall Lamp Contrast (SchallLampContrast)
  • Searchlight
  • Simulation Helper (simhelper)
  • Squeak Through
  • Factorio Standard Library (stdlib)
  • Treeees (Trees)
  • Underwater Pipes (underwater-pipes)
  • Vanilla Loaders (vanilla-loaders-hd)
  • Vehicle Wagon 2 (VehicleWagon2)
  • Water consumes pollution (water-consumes-pollution)
  • Merging Chests (WideChests)
  • Merging Chests All Types (WideChestsAllTypes)
  • Will-o'-the-Wisps updated (Will-o-the-Wisps_updated)
  • Wind Speed Changing (WindSpeedChanging)
  • Wind Turbines (Redux) (windturbines-redux)

The below mods will not be installed automatically, but are provided as optional dependencies:

  • Alien Biomes High-Res Terrain (alien-biomes-hr-terrain)
  • Dirt Path (Dirt_Path)
  • Factory Planner (factoryplanner)
  • GUI Unifyer - Forked (GUI_Unifyer_forked)
  • Nearby Ammo Count (Nearby-Ammo-Count)
  • Simple Notepad (notepad)
  • Realistic Ores (RealisticOres)
  • Realistic Reactor Glow (RealisticReactorGlow)
  • Realistic Heat Glow (Realistic_Heat_Glow)
  • Recipe Book (RecipeBook)
  • Science pack glow (Science_pack_glow)
  • Soundpack: Alerts and Sirens Updated for 1.1 (Soundpack-alerts-and-sirens-updated-v1-1)
  • Speaker Signals 2 (speaker-signals-2)
  • Speaker Signals Expansion Reloaded (speaker-signals-expansion-reloaded)
  • Todo List (Todo-List)