WSEK: Warptorio + Space Exploration + Krastorio

by AivanF

Merges W2 with SE + K2: sometimes you will get teleported onto planets from Space Exploration universe! And many balance fixes to make it playable :) See optional dependencies for a list of recommended mods. By the way, Factorissimo buildings are cheaper here! WARNING: it's really early draft version, balance is not fully corrected yet, errors can be met – in case of problems or suggestions, reach me on Discord.

2 months ago
Transportation Logistics Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing

i Warping directions

2 months ago

Im 60h in the game, i have the first 3 space sciences and bases on 3 Planets.

1) I would suggest, that you scale the chance to land in the "SE-Universe" with the level of your "Warp Reactor".
For example start with 20% up to 100% at level 8.
2) Remove warping to Orbits. (Or make it a technology, or destination?)

At the beginning of the game i wanted to be on "Warptorio planets". - Lots of resources, biters to defend against and till blue science it makes the game far more thrilling. It felt very disappointing, when i landed on planets with no biters 2 times in a row (or 3 times into an orbit) and basically didnt play warptorio and could ignore all the mechanics that make your mod so great.
In the midgame, when you launch your first satelite and start to build up rocket- or cannonlogistics you dont want to be on Warptorio planets anymore. it feels like a waste of time when you land there. Its not worth gathering stuff, because you need to colonize the solarsystem, shoot rockets and resources from the platform and its not possible. Set it to 100% chance that you land in the "SE-Universe". If you want to go to the other panets, you can still set it as a goal, but honestly, why would you?
I cant say anything about the endgame yet, but i will be there in some weeks :D

Thank you very much!

2 months ago


It's nice to know there are players enjoying time with the mod 😊

I understand the reasons you explained! It sounds quite robust. Another player from nearby discussion told and suggested similar things: to separate Warptorio and Space Exploration ages, and make the Warp platform controllable similar to SE spaceships, what I plan to add soon. I also like your idea of smooth transition from W2 gameplay to SE, it looks quite a good addition.

And seems like different players receive similar experience, expectations and vision for this mod, so it brings me confidence about continuing developing the mod this way,

If you have any other thoughts or ideas, maybe after reading the linked thread, feel free to share!

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

So, i did go through JGAOs suggestions and here are my thoughts to it:

1) I totally agree with no warping to peacfull planets and orbits. It aligns with my experience and my suggestion of lowering the chance to go to SE planets in the early game. It can still be, that with that change the Warptorio stage is still too short, but it definitly prolongs it. So putting the reactor techs later is an option, or start at 0% SE-Universe chance and make a tech for +X%chance to land on SE plantes starting with blue science and ending it with 100% at prod+utility+optimization spacescience. or 1science later/earlier. I think that would also make a good transition between the mods. Im against a very hard change of phases, it always feels strange, but a transition is needed.

2) I also didnt add Factorissimo. I have enough space on the Platform and so far didnt even research gigafloors. I guess his experience is different, because he plays with friends and i do it alone. I guess with more people you need more space.

3) The platform mid- and lategame:
The way i would like to use it, is to make SE easier. I see myself in the midgame and i like the possibilities and restrictions i have if i set the successful warp chance to 100%. I have my manually set "homeworld" and Nauvis where i can go to with the platform and the 2 teleport items. So basically 3 planets where i can be in an istant if i want to. Thats good how it is with the "cheated" 100% chance. Maybe make that also an increaseable tech.
The next step would be, as you already mentioned, to set destination to a specific resource.
And the last one a combinator to go to all Layers except asteroid fields, because otherwise it would destroy the endgame of SE. but you could warp to a solar system closer to the asteroid field, wich reduces the rediculous flight time of spaceships. I would make this tech cost all 4 space sciences lvl4. So right before you need to get Nauquium.
That way you always have a use for the Platform.

4) In my oppinion not needed, but sure, why not.

Minor points:
2) Yep, i destroyed half my spaceship, but the pylon suvived, so i was happy 🤣 - but wouldnt happen when you dont land in Orbits, wich you souldnt.
4) Point Meteor defense?! what is this? 😏

i hope i could add something usefull and that i see some variants of my stuff in the game.


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