WSEK: Warptorio + Space Exploration + Krastorio

by AivanF

Merges W2 with SE + K2: sometimes you will get teleported onto planets from Space Exploration universe! And many balance fixes to make it playable :) See optional dependencies for a list of recommended mods. By the way, Factorissimo buildings are cheaper here! WARNING: it's really early draft version, balance is not fully corrected yet, errors can be met – in case of problems or suggestions, reach me on Discord.

2 months ago
Transportation Logistics Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing

g Respawn site

2 months ago

Hi, the player alway respawn on Nauvis instead of on the warp ship after killed by bugs or by the respawn shortcut.

The mod is cool. I also felt W2 is too short and tried to combine it with various other overhaul mods in my play. W2+SE is definitely my dream combo.

2 months ago

Hi! Thanks for your feedback, I've already got enough of critics about this mod, but I knew there should be similarly crazy fans 😁

Well, yes, I know about this issue, and this is what I'm hoping to solve soon. I'll write here for you about the updates. For now, you can try a mod like Editor Extensions to teleport to the Warp Platform, if you're ok with such cheaty ways.

2 months ago

Great to hear it is will be fixed soon. It is not a big problem as I can use teleport command. I may also put a teleporter on nauvis that ports other players to the ship on a multiplayer server in case I am not online.

BTW, it would be great if you can add Blueprint Sandbox compatiblity in the future. It is not urgent. The players inside the sandbox lab will be forced move out to the ship (while keeping their sandbox forces, inventory items and without body...) each time after the ship warp or rejoin the game. I have to fix their force, recreat their characters and remove the infinity chests they took out from the sandbox xD. This problem actually exists in vanilla Warptorio2 so often times I do not include Blurpeint Sandbox in my W2 play. However it is very useful in K2SE.

2 months ago

I just published WSEK v0.1.2 which sets spawn position for all the players after each teleportation to the Warp Platform – let me know if this works for you :)

You mean this Blueprint Sandboxes mod? Seems like the issue will require dive deep into how Warptorio and that mod handle characters, probably requiring changing the Warptorio source code 🤔 I'll try that mod and look over this problem when I'll have some time.

2 months ago

Yes, it is that mod. Looks like a big project. Thanks very much xD.

BTW, the prerequisites of "warp-factory-6" and "warp-harvester-floor-size 5" seems incorrect. They are just chemical card tech sciences but require space science technologies as prerequisites.

2 months ago

Hi, thanks for reporting!

I published v0.1.3 which fixes researched you mentioned and some other ones like Planet Teleporter and Warp Logistics. Though there are some other advanced tech researches to adjust, but early and midgame should be fine now. Also, I integrated with Space Factorissimo by Lizard Crazy Editor! See the changelog and share your experience :)

2 months ago

Sure I am very happy to share :) . I am currently at Production and Utility Science . Besides, I added Rampant + SE no more rocket man to my game + crafting combinator, and I did not add factorissimo.
- SE no more rocket man disables cargo rocket and delivery cannon, and makes logistic system, spaceship and space elevator cheaper and earlier
- crafting combinator is able to set recipe of crafting machiens based based on signal recived so I can build a supermarket with much fewer machines and less space

I planned to engage in a tough Warptorio stage and finally settle down and proceed the SE stage. After tens of rounds of warpping when we were at chemical tech card stage and we landed on a peaceful stone planet without bugs. All basic resources are abundant except that iron is a bit low(~15M on the whole planet) and waterless. The autowarp timer got removed when warp-reactor-6 researched. We simply stayed there and completed and rocket tech. Then we confirmed we are actually inside the Calidus system after laucning several rounds of satellites, so we then built our primary base on this planet and established cross-planetary logistics.

Now, since the ship is small and the warptorio stage is almost over so people are unwilling to build anything inside the ship. The funny thing is, initlaly we did not know if the planet is inside Calidus (not sure if fixed in the newer version. This would also require unlocking the universe brower at the beginning ) so people were also reluctant to build outisde of the platform. So we spent around 20 hours waiting there for science progression at very low SPM wich is a little bit tedious.

In short, the problem is, the warptorio stage in WSEK is too short. The warp platform is not very useful in later game. So people are unwilling to ultilize the platform and will simply focus on SE stage's planetory base and SE cross-planetary logistics

I feel the the key things is how the warptorio platform and SE play together. I feel either completely seperating them into two unrelated stage, or integrating the two more deeply.
- if seperating into to stages, then in early game the platform may simply not visit the SE universe so we enjoy a pure warptorio experience. We proceed to the SE stage after launching rockets or reach a certain tech. After then, the warp ship could be simply abandoned (still have some use as the warp beacon is powerful) .
- if we want warptorio integrated more in SE's mid and late game then the warp ship should be more powerful and useful.

For deep integration, here are some of my thoughts

  1. The warptorio stage in WSEK is too short and can be easily skipped as show above. Thats is mostly caused by landing on the peaceful SE planet. In the vanilla Warptorio peaceful planets generaly has no resource. So I feel it is better no warpping to SE peaceful planet or postpone the auto-warpping timer removing to later tech.

  2. factorissimo is not added in my game but now I feel it might be a mistake. I should add it. Without it the ship is small and useless. People will build planetary base round the ship and be unwilling to warp to another planet like us. Therefore with more space to build the facotry people may enjoy the ship and enjoy warpping. (still not sure if factorissimo recursion and space factorissimo is good. Also better not to build factorissmo outiside of the ship)

  3. warp ship logistic automation. Starting from mid game we may inevitably have to build planetary mega bases (assuming not to build all things inside the factorismo inside the ship). So what is the role of the warp ship in mid and late game? If the warpship platform floor can behave like SE spaceship(along with SE's spaceship signal automation) I guess things would be very interesting. Better it can bypass SE's Hull and container Stress check.

  4. from the mod page I finally realized you might want to build all the factories inside the ship. If so, Omega drill SE and some infinite storage mods e.g. Memory Storage and Fluid Storage might be strongly recommended as otherwise the resources inside the ship would be quickly running out of at mid or late game.

Here are some other minor points.

  1. players doing jobs on other planets get teleported forcely to the warp factory floor after warpping or rejoin.
  2. wap platform may destory the gift spaceship on the Calidus Asterioid Belt 1 if it warps there. Not sure if it may destory other things e.g. pyramids and nauvis orbit base after the future warp.
  3. save become super large as many over-pollutated SE surfaces cannot be deleted until they are shown in the universe browser. (I know planets warpped to are auto-detected in newer versions but not sure if the the universe browser is unlocked at the begining)
  4. SE's point meteor defense on the warp platform also become invisible obstacles that can't remove. Did not test other SE structures.
2 months ago

First of all, thank you for such a detailed and deep review! Seems like now you have thought about the WSEK even more than me 😁 So I'm glad to consider your vision :)

On your thoughts:

  • I like your description of two gameplay approaches: 1. separating Warptorio & Space Exploration into distinguished stages, or 2. merging them.

  • Yes, initially I planned the 2nd way, but naturally I came up to the 1st approach, because putting all the SE space production into Warptorio Platform doesn't seem feasible or robust, although I hope that Space Factorissimo can help to overcome this problem. But looks like I was too engaged into making the gameplay easier so that now Warptorio stuff too simple 😅

  • About quick settling on a peaceful planet: maybe your Warptorio stage was short not just because of landing on a peaceful planet, but because of too early Warp Reactor Stabilisation research? What do you think about if I make this a later research, so it will require more advanced scientific packs, causing players to manage space science on the Warp Platform? And probably I'll need to make platform & floors sizes researches be not that late.

  • Warp Platform automation: using of SE spaceships signals sounds great! I thought about adding a targeted teleportation of warp platform (similar to Targeted Zone Discovery SE research), so that players can choose primary resource they want to get, and make it opened by e.g. Warp Charting research, and probably it also can be done with signals – if you specify not a specific planet/zone, but a resource, there is a chance to appear on a random surface with desired resource.

  • Recommended mods: memory storages seem to be really well suiting Warptorio! I've seen these mods, but never tried and not recalled here, but I'll add them. About, Omega Drill SE, you mean this version? It seems very helpful preventing placement of too many drills and belts, but personally I prefer own fork of Mining Drones for same reason.

  • Do you think recommended mods should be required dependencies? I wasn't planning this mod as a pack, but Memory storages, Factorissimo seem to be really needed here to make a solid gameplay experience.

On secondary points

  1. I'll try to review this players teleportation behaviour. If this is caused by Warptorio, I'll disable it for WSEK, and if it's due to SE, it'll probably persist, as it 🤔

  2. Yes, unfortunately, the Platform destroys everything it get teleported onto :( I'm looking into fixing this either by A. shifting the platform (so that it will be not in the center of each surface, where most of SE structures get generated; but for now seems like it's hard to change in the Warptorio), or by B. teleporting only to surfaces without structures (e.g. teleport to the orbits instead of planets).

  3. Do you see a good solution for dealing with stored over-polluted planets? I can A. enable Universe browser earlier, so that players can remove unwanted planets manually; or C. remove them automatically, but not sure if it's an expected behaviour, or C. clean the pollution on planets after Platform teleportation, at least preventing their growth when players leave.

  4. To be teleported correctly, an entity's teleportation event should be handled by its mod code, so that fully correct teleportation of meteor Point Defence have to be done by SE... I could A. try making a pull request into their repository, or B. try to handle cloning of some entities by WSEK, although it's not a perfect solution as it will re-create objects instead of cloning, loosing their mod-specific properties like stored energy of meteor Point Defence guns.

2 months ago

Glad to see you came to seperating the two. I also feel repeating jumping to differerent planets and gathering resources along the whole SE process, even at very late stage, would make things annoying, especially considering bitters are no longer threats after early game. The following thoughts are all based on seperating the two unless explicitly mentioned.

The whole story become clear. After a tough journey of Warptorio, we finally settle down and enter the SE age. The old warp platform, as the reward the Warptorio age left, is way better than the SE's poor gift ship on Calidus Asteroid Belt 1 : )

In my view, the game into the following stages.

Warptorio age
- 1) very early start (basic, red science)
- 2) able to build temporary tiny factories outside of the ship before Warp Reactor Stabilization, (green, blue science)
- 3) able to build temporary big factories on peaceful planets (must be resourceless, consuming resources gathered from previous planets) after removing auto-warp timer (blue to rocket science)
- 4) Giga floors inside of the ship (Production+Utility)
SE age (Space science)

The critical borderline is at space science, since SE allows players to build cross-planet bases then. So, technically Warptorio ends there, and the warp ship should be subjected to SE since after then. Therefore, I feel the critical warp ship upgrades better be no later than space sciences. Also, after space science, the warp ship should quickly justify its value by shift its role from a base to a noval cross-planet tranportation tool and a high tech center (warp module on warp beacon productivity bonus).

For the peaceful planet problem, I recommend simply excluding peaceful SE planets from auto-warp target zones. Planets with resoucres must not be peace before SE age. Besides, I do not recommend make the removing auto-timer research later. Currently it is unlocked at blue science, and it can be used in building temp big factoreis supporting rocket science. BTW, the tech removing auto-warp timer is Warp Reactor Re-Assembly Project - 6.

Giga spaces might better be unlocked earlier. Currently it is at Production+Utility sciences, which is too late. Moving to space science would good. Might even considering moving it to rocket science so building temprary bases is no longer need, providng a smooth transition from Warptorio age 3 to 4 to SE age. The key idea is that ship space is important at Warptorio age, but not very important at SE age.

For other mods, if do decide seperating SE and Warptorio and making floor expension researches earlier, then Factorissimo, infinite storage mods and Omega Drill SE (yes, the version you linked.) might no longer be necessary. My personal preference is adding as less mod as possible, especially considering the previous two can greatly change the game experience at SE age. They can even on placed on SE's spaceships. Therefore, I recommend making them only optional, or publishing another official modpack mod including those mods. I can imagine that without this modpack, WSEK itself is the seperatibng the two age design. With the pack, player will be able stay on the ship along the whole game play. Mining Drones is very inteseting. I am only a bit afriaid of its impact on UPS at late stage as it generates many drone entities. Perphaps adding a "super drone" upgrade at a certain tech which gives much greater mining speed and cargo capacity would be great. For bitter mods, I tested Rampant and Rampant Fix. Ramdpant Fix bitters are too strong to beat without additional weaponary mod. Rampant is right at the place. The two both have cross-surfaces global evolution factors that syncs up evolution cross surfaces. If this is unwanted, then MFerrari's bitter mods might be a good choice.

Warp Platform automation is cool. Really looking forward to see it comes out in future's WSEK.

On secondary points:

  1. I recommend teleporting only to surfaces without structures. Technically this is can also be implemented together with not teleporting to peaceful planets. Teleporting only to moons and orbits, excluding Calidus Asteroid 1, would be a feasible solution as generally they dont have special structures(I am not sure if the two SE special ruins are on moons). Players may also edit a blocklist to exclude zones they built bases.

  2. For over-polluted planets, I recommmend simply enabling the Universe Browser at the begining. Better with a notification message showing the surface name they just left so players can quickly find it in the browser. This also helps players editing the blocklist. For deleting surfaces, it is hard to say if the players left some wanted things there, or if the zones have some special SE structures causing some compatibility problems. Cleaning pollution only and not deleting the surface wont the reduce save size.

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